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Best Enclosed Rhyme Poems

Below are the all-time best Enclosed Rhyme poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of enclosed rhyme poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Our Love Language
Our Love Language

We have our own love language we both share
A squeeze of the hand, a half smile, a glance,
It’s the unspoken passion within our...

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Categories: death, heaven, loss, love,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme

Premium Member The Perfect Christmas Tree
We ventured out into the woods one day
Trying to find the perfect Christmas tree
A beautiful fir all will want to come and see
Planning to cut...

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Categories: beauty, bird, christmas,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member My Waning Years
My Waning Years

As my waning years return me to reverie
I dream about the days we spent with sylvan trees
As sunset casts its golden glow on...

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Categories: autumn, romantic love,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member In Scarlet Dawn
If I have the time, I’ll wait eons, to greet you in scarlet dawn
As you marvel its vermillion garb embossing marigold arc
Emanating golden sparks, piercing...

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Categories: imagery, love, nature,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Alana Dulcita
Once in a forest, a long time ago,
there dwelt a young maiden, bright, sweet and fair.
Flowers she wore in her long wavy hair,
and each day...

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Categories: fantasygirl, old, sweet, water,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme

Premium Member A Tree Is Like a Blank Book
A Tree is Like a Blank Book

A tree is like a blank book
that nature writes her seasons on 
In Winter black branches woebegone
With snow and...

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Categories: change, nature, simile,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member What Causes Me To Love a Poem
What causes me to love a poem 
Is one that lingers in my mind, 
A poem of a kindred spirit kind,
The kind that makes me...

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Categories: love, poetry,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member These Arms Long To Hold You
Sensuous allures float in pulchritude of white swan
Upon your lotus pond, arousing visions of romance
As I see you there where pink blossoms dance
And kiss your...

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Categories: love,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Upon the Sand
An old man wrote upon the sand,
          Sea foam sweeping to the shore,

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Categories: age, beach, loss, ocean,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Where Lilacs Bloomed
Where lilacs bloomed, I spied a brown-haired child.
She, riveted by what was in her book,
did not see me! She wore a wistful look.
I guessed her...

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Categories: child,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Heart of a Poet
It jumps not to the thought of riches or the prospect of gold
For common treasures are not what it seeks
But rather it responds to that...

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Categories: imagination, passion, people, social,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Her Belly Dance
(Inspired by dance steps from a belly dancing class I once took!)

She rolls her pretty head from side to side
while, raised above her face, are...

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Categories: art
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Watan - Homeland
I never saw my home land,
when I see it on TV,
a strange ache is inside me,
I do not understand.

I was born in (censored),
a country far...

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Categories: beautiful, home, longing,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Mama Dog's Gratitude
Oh, fireman, by your saving grace,
my babies remain now with me,
so I give kisses thankfully
all over your sweet dearest face.

And please do not think that...

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Categories: animals, love
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Bye Yesterday, Hello Today
Bring a cup and fetch my Tears,
Because tomorrow has been for Years.
Life challenges, my favorite Seat,
As my fear dances to my Heartbeat.

Day and night, I...

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Categories: deep, freedom, how i
Form: Enclosed Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs