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Bandicoot Poems - Poems about Bandicoot

Bandicoot Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bandicoot to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bandicoot.

Premium Member deadly rough skinned newt warning
...Stay away from a rough-skinned newt Their poison skin is deadly, it will make you toot. Better to linger near an angry bandicoot. Or go to Sam’s house and watch him play his flute. If the newt co......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Eye Floaters
... The tiny specks grow titanic tension. They’re often harmless, Google consoles her. Yet a rare chance burns beyond solace. Is it a harbinger of retinopathy? Will her eye-LEDs illuminat......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, inspirational,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Prophecy of the Gnarled Root Tree
...Ancient oak mythology predicted rainforest would have a large gnarled root. She'll show up on a Sunday and have a loopy-loop fit for a bandicoot. Bandicoot will curl up in the root and show the wor......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Mr Electric Blue Spider
...Who is he? They were asking in Montana, Bandicoot. It was Mr. Electric Blue spider, and he was a beaut. He kept creeping along, pretending he did not understand. Besides, he was on his way to hea......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Critterature: Fabulous Faraway Places
...A beaver and a bandicoot, After playing squash one day, Were sipping cappuccinos At a quaint outdoor café. "Ah, thish ish sho like Parish", Lisped the beaver with a sigh. "And I," remarked the......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, animal, humor,
Form: Light Verse

One Square Mile
...In one square mile, northeast of Noojee, there are seven birds that I often get to see as I walk on the tracks in pristine forestry, in one square mile, northeast of Noojee. A Whipbird crack th......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dance of the Frogs and Banditweets
...The dance of the light frogs and the banditweets went on forever I listened to their croaks and watched the robins flock and feather. The night owl had something wise to say but it sounded like a h......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Bunyip Forest Revisited
...Along the road called forestry, the silver ash weeps over me as I meander 'round the dell and glade. Pass scars of sand pits long disused, where gullies, washes speak ‘abused!’ Reclamation offers ......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Friends of Wattle Creek
...For many years, the creek, ran passed as a drain, Polluted and unloved; a poisoned murky vein. A favoured dumping place, for household unwanted things - out of sight, out of mind; and no good what......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, environment, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Somewhere, Somehow
...Somewhere in Madagascar a baobab yields its fruit Somewhere in Australia a thylacine chases a bandicoot Somewhere in Timbuktu a man is speaking in Urdu Somewhere in the Blue Ridge Mountains an ol......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, allegory, analogy, image, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Lonely Addict - Cinema
...A broad day light went dark with his own conscience.. He locked himself into a cubic space.. he searched for his cellphone shut its voice.. after the last call... curtain was up before he rec......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, confusion, deep, dream, film,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Outback Christmas
...Excitement filled the bushland as December was near Every creature had been waiting for Christmas time - all year. Wallabies hung their stockings on a gumtree branch with care Just as all nice ch......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, children, christmas, december, kids,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We Are Endangered As Well!
...I researched the earth's endangered species list and this is what I found. There's everything on the list from A to Z - rare species just abound! I'll highlight some of the more interesting varieti......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, funny
Form: Rhyme
The Battling Little Bilby
...A cry came out of Charleville ... "Please help our bilby mate! Extinction is now on the cards, let's save him from this fate." This little Aussie battler, folks, is disappearing fast. Five othe......Read the rest...
Categories: bandicoot, animals, nature, , cute,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry