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Atonement Poems - Poems about Atonement

Atonement Poems - Examples of all types of poems about atonement to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for atonement.
Chucky's Atonement
Chucky's atonement 1. Used to be scared of the rain. He would drag me out of the shelter and make me dance. It always drives him insane. Dressed me...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, break up, child abuse,
Form: Free verse
And who are we, ignoble birthed, knowing as we must, all elements of earth laid down in divine trust berthed in perfect form- stupendous souls made from dust. Finger of God made so much of it Divine capsule of...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, creation, forgiveness, humanity, meaningful,
Form: Free verse

He Could Have
He could have come to rule the world, he should have been a king. He could have had all that he want, but then what would it bring? For he knew who he was and also what the world...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, god, jesus, religion, religious,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Drifted Dreams
The long-drawn-out throb of my core, Mounting up my red lane, It is so cold, my eyes are all sore My atonements have been in bane, One swell of solecism Exonerating mine deeds unfeasible to deem, My soul cries to death My...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, beautiful, black love, lost
Form: Free verse
There Is No Atonement
In support of human rights everywhere. The truth is not discovered quickly enough for justice to prevail and reparations to be made. But in time, all is revealed. And those who commit atrocities take their...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, anxiety, courage, discrimination, humanity,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Pursuit of Contentment
Whatever the offerings of time may bring Whatever song my heart chooses to sing On life’s small pursuit I shall meditate Elysian splendor around me, I appreciate The simplicities of pastoral living unfurl I’m graced in your stellar light, a...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, change, deep, endurance, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Atonement By Michelle Morris 23/11/2022 Atonement seems to be this very heavy memory Of this cross you carried for so many years We both know that you crossed the line Destroyed my trust and burned my smile It took me decades to...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, anger, anxiety, forgiveness, heartbreak,
Form: Free verse
Atonement Applied
THE ATONEMENT APPLIED A "Man" stands in the Heavenly courts-- His death for sin will now atone. There are scars on head, side, and hands. He raises these hands and pleads for His own. On earth, a Lamb, His blood...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, appreciation, bible, christian, death,
Form: Rhyme
Atonement of those words that left from your mouth, Which broke my heart beyond any bound. Those gut-wrenching actions that I have seen from your eyes, Are more painful than your lies. That love you claimed was never mine, For...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, friendship, life, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Postponement Means Atonement
Soon mend your ways Before it is too late A way to win, trace Meekly obey not fate Start your duty now Don't easily postpone Contact with love Over the phone Make a visit with no delay Please destroy your ego Try to find out...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, career, confusion, life, success,
Form: Rhyme
In a land where ignorance is courage, The politics of faith is raging to hush the sage, For if the moth will fly to dig the truth, The dragons and tigers will ply in cahoot. I was...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, political,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Atonement
It will happen naturally to me: I will be lucky. I'm supposed to be watching all mild night. Multilingual worship and prayer plucky. That seems to be harps and is a slashed sight. We would be on obedient terms...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, analogy, appreciation, forgiveness, love,
Form: Sonnet
Magic of One
I All have experienced being One Both Number1 & be-ing, becoming - Sometimes we don't wish to remember The loneliness of having reached Number1 "Pyrhic victory," its called, one and ALONE II Another way to become ... Number One is: first to show...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, encouraging, environment, international, irony,
Form: Rhyme
The Search For Atonement
The search for atonement is real ...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, feelings, forgiveness, humanity, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
Guilt and Shame
This complex mixture sticks like a repeated song in my brain, a nuisance There are times of repose but as Mama birds to her babies always a prompt return They zing in like invisible torture devices, medieval...Read the rest...
Categories: atonement, courage, happiness, how i
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry