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Apparently Poems - Poems about Apparently

Apparently Poems - Examples of all types of poems about apparently to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for apparently.
Premium Member Apparently- agape
Sirius station 524 serious respiratory serious resposity abundant challenge philosophy profit prophecy men expounding-- on their selfish Glory not retaining council praises to themself instead of God's glory I shall not judge who am I...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, analogy, anxiety, humanity, love,
Form: Rhyme
Identity: An Effortless Masterpiece 'Apparently'
Identity is like that bead of a necklace Or a beautiful rose of a flower vase the prettiest smile on someone's face or even a kind act in the fast world pace Yet we don't know how...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, beautiful, character, creation, humanity,
Form: Free verse

Apparently We Are Still
You drain out of my mind regrets flutter, die are rebirthed as your face. Love annulled came to visit me last night. Now I have to redraw myself....Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Apparently Stopped
M-ysterious A-nd R-abid C-ontagion O-f O-nerous R-isk I-s A-pparently S-topped Topic: Birthday of Marco C. Orias (May 27) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Apparently Upbringing
i will never say i was ever beaten growing up but treated as in a way as an equal but with caution so to say that if i were so to say say something obscene or inappropriate then a slap was a given but this i...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, muse,
Form: I do not know?

Apparently a person is unique Unique differ's from how a certain person may carry themself Themself may be referred to as themselves plurally Plurally stated could in reference be singular Singular may be over stated as well if...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, change, for her, for
Form: I do not know?
Apparently This Is Necessary
I should clarify that it’s not all the time But the only way I know how to express is in rhyme I’m not always bleak, not always blue Just when the sunshine doesn’t filter through “Hormonal imbalance,” they...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, depression,
Form: Couplet
Apparently Appeared Provocative
Apparently Appeared Provocative Provocative An adjective meaning to causing annoyance, anger, or some other strong reaction, especially which was done deliberately. They Apparently Appeared Provocative, Which would be way they liked to live; That had survived all of their ingenuity; For church...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, allegory, analogy,
Form: Couplet
That Rudolph, Never Involved Apparently
They say Rudolph is left out but it's not how it appears, Rudolph has been at the front of that sleigh for years, a blatent cold unwell and ill but they don't care, so I have to ask,...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Had Been Apparently Abrupt
Had Been Apparently Abrupt Comments made were apparently abrupt, And eventually things would soon erupt; Break into, Like they do; When done by Trump had become corrupt. Jim Horn So what should I be telling the new priest about his parish?...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Deterrence Apparently
Nuclear bombs are stacked To use when an enemy needs to be whacked With one leader having eight hundred bombs ready And another matching them so very handy Scientists move their clock Closer to the midnight slot For mutual deterrence...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, war,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member 'heir' - Apparently Not
Prince William was so sick of being told He’s receding and is now going bald So he called in the royal hairdresser To see if he could ease the heir pressure He gave him a brand new hairstyle This ‘buzzcut’...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, england, hair, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Trump Apparently Is Provocative
Apparently Provocative Trump apparently is provocative Does only take and never any give Do things may be compelled Like against them has rebelled Who like that would want to live. Jim Horn the rest...
Categories: apparently, philosophy,
Form: Limerick
Apparently My Poetry Is a Pile of Bourgeois Crap
With a mag called POETRY, I spent time Hoping to find verses sublime and sage And for all I read, not two words that rhymed Just chopped up prose splayed all over the page. This left me just a...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, class, culture, judgement, poetry,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Apparently Apparel
Regard what you dispel as cause Relate to us what you claim to be yours We’ll ask you to denounce culture-driven associations Without lifting a claw. Verily in the presence of restrictions, Our words paint your walls But worlds within worlds...Read the rest...
Categories: apparently, adventure, allegory, death,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry