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Apex Poems - Poems about Apex

Apex Poems - Examples of all types of poems about apex to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for apex.
Apex Superior
Poem Apex superior Indeed the creator is perfect Making men and women to be the heads Making children...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, appreciation, beautiful, bible, blessing,
Form: I do not know?
Atop all things is the apex of life. Perceive all impossible dreams are there not to break us. Enduring all aches and pains may cause us along the way Xylem of life will always be...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, dream, endurance, growth,
Form: Acrostic

With My Black Cap I Become the Apex
Reaching for the stars My enemies were tired of me winning Now they can’t smile at me so They try to keep me a mile away They want to spin my life in another direction But this is hilarious Because...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, life,
Form: Free verse
Apex Predator
To run from today or hide from tomorrow, the ultimate hunter, time waiting downwind Each day is a stalking, your tracks to betray you, escape out of season —the wolf closing in (Sacandaga Lake, New York: January, 2022)...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, time,
Form: Rhyme
Opal Apex
Sun strike horizon white triangle Erases deep turquoise in thin ice Steady spiral turn winds triumph Explores sea bed, drilled precise Turned ground pleads for mercy Surrenders dug out cry of agony Tumble gems an ancient mason Sought to swap...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, allusion, betrayal, desire, lust,
Form: Rhyme

Dear Woman
Young and old, kindly recall All humans are equal, Only differentiated by gender Let's all on this ponder. Dream with all courage, Think beyond the horizon of marriage. No man rules with a pest And freedom befriends not a parasite. Marriage is not...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, 11th grade,
Form: Imagism
Climb Highest Apex
C-limb H-ighest A-pex I-f I-t K-eeps I-tself A-t T-op Topic: Birthday of Chaii Kiat (August 18) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
We live on an orb in the vastness of the void. Here, we are the apex predator. Humanity has risen to the top of the heap. We’ve organized the place as we see fit. Our intellect is unmatched. We thought we were the center of it all. We, are the top dog on a speck. Perspective, humility, understanding of...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, art,
Form: Prose Poetry
Apex Glow
S-un A-scends N-icely I-nto Y-our A-pex G-low A-s L-ight E-ndorses Y-our E-xcellent V-iew A-gain Topic: Poetess (Saniya Galeyeva) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, poetess,
Form: Acrostic
Apex of Beauty
Wet, calm, lush green stretch- Is this some heart soaked in love? Apex of beauty....Read the rest...
Categories: apex, beauty, love, nature, rain,
Form: Haiku
Apex of Zenith
L-ight I-s Z-enith's A-pex C-learly O-bliterating D-ark E-vening S-hadows Topic: Birthday of Liza Codes (May 3) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member When You Appear Clouds Disappear Cotton Lining Apex
Silver dewdrops sparkle deeply under a footprint held salted remains forever and always loving dearest Through the living waters of life's rainbows kiss sweetly love every colour shines uniquely precious under the mist Golden beautiful your...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, angel, beautiful, color, love,
Form: Couplet
Your Love Is Apex Epic
being loved by you is THE epic moment of my life everyday i hold a camera....without even taking a picture the natural way you love me alone is photogenic all by itself thoughts of you make everyday wonderful....even...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, appreciation, beautiful, blessing, dedication,
Form: Free verse
Apex of a Genius Demystified
A little over five feet tall of a man, carrying a genius denied of many even with demand. Lionel Messi is his name. With words i can't even explain. But a little perseverance will push...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, allusion,
Form: I do not know?
At the Apex
And then it dawned on the attendant crowds That having climbed to the top of the spire For he had seen the way to climb up The challenge was to climb down But the way to...Read the rest...
Categories: apex, celebrity, imagery,
Form: Etheree

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