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Address Poems - Poems about Address

Address Poems - Examples of all types of poems about address to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for address.
Lyceum Address
In Springfield’s hall, a young man stood, And spoke of threats that none withstood— Not foreign armies, but seeds within, A nation’s ruin born of sin. Today, his warning feels alive, As fear and doubt among us thrive. The law bends...Read the rest...
Categories: address, america, anxiety, conflict, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Yet another awkward thing about being human to address
On the one hand we are told not to blow our own trumpet and be humble, One the other hand we we must express Love for ourselves, And through the worlds not stumble, Or...Read the rest...
Categories: address, age, allusion, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Grook

You know, I am a restless woman from ages past, Who does not know the address of her home. I am searching For the address of my home. The house where I...Read the rest...
Categories: address, girl, home, house, mother
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

When Will Florida Address The Fact That Some Prisoners Never Received Fair Trials
In courts where lies weave their tails, And justice seems a distant dream, There lies the fate of souls confined, By trials flawed and justice blind. Florida, hear their muted cries, Beneath the endless, azure skies, Restore the truth, make wrongs...Read the rest...
Categories: address, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
You said your life was boring so I have just released your address to every spider I know
You have time still, to escape with your essentials. I only know one spider. It will crawl to you slowly, as a million-dollar snail might. He has made an apartment where the ceiling and wall meld like oceans. His place is...Read the rest...
Categories: address, love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Apo address somewhere in Rome 1942
It was a crisp day October 27th 1942 that's when my pop set out for WW11 right after my grandmother Nona gave birth to my dad orders arrived his job assignment was to protect the priest arch...Read the rest...
Categories: address, allah,
Form: Nazm
Premium Member Apo address Unknown
Today i had to leave my home I awakened to break ins again a raging ex husband his girl friend my fatal attraction thee arsonist stalking me sending terrorist threats by Telly unexpected calls for...Read the rest...
Categories: address, allah,
Form: Englyn
An address to pebbles that protest
I am the maker of your fear, says the silver ocean. like the dessert sun to a scotched frog, I strike the sand and bury you deep with each beat, Too when the night is calm, and moon...Read the rest...
Categories: address, abuse, analogy, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Things I Need To Address Unless
Jealousy Ego Envy Green Eyed Monster All of these Insecurities And human malaise Are and reside Deep way down Inside my Black Tar Soul Heart Unless I choose To address them With the exact same Jealousy Ego Envy & Green Eyed Monster I have come to expect and count on...Read the rest...
Categories: address, character,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Poetry Avalanche
** A Poetry Avalanche ** Goodness! Lord! I’m on a roll this morning! The poetry keeps coming — nearly torturing! My keypad arm and fingers are alrady so tired… It’s as if The address of poetry were On fire! —...Read the rest...
Categories: address, fun, humorous, light, poems,
Form: Alliteration
An Address To Miss Barker
Miss Barker, let me say a word, though this to many seem absurd. Your attitude I find pragmatic, not judgmental, not dogmatic. So poetry is not your strength though some will go to any length to immortalize themselves in verse, writing dogerell,...Read the rest...
Categories: address, poetry,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Address Unknown
Still searching for my permanent address, seeking where I really live, fit in. Suspended between life’s already-happened and soon-to-be-memories moments. Longing for a white-picket-fenced home, landscaped in self-trust, self-respect, with room for a full-of-love heart. Instead, I discover a crumbling castle, mossy, dank...Read the rest...
Categories: address, change, conflict, longing, mental
Form: Free verse
Process Process and Process
For one to a thing access There is often a process, Its full name: Laid-Down Process... In schools The bell for Recess, Accounts auditors assess: We all wait for Due Process... And nurses have craved process While treating patient's abscess. Nothing is done...Read the rest...
Categories: address, allusion, analogy, change, depression,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Do Not Have To Give You the Address
I don’t have to give you the address to my house Just the explanation Wait! I said. Is it red? She nodded. On Elmbrook Lane? She verified it. You live in the underground house! Head nod. Can I come in and see it? Why...Read the rest...
Categories: address, house,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ill Fated Address
AN ILL-FATED ADDRESS Being on holiday in Athens was truly the best 21st present my parents could have given me, stayed with my granddad, felt great, I traveled on my own, no more an adolescent. Sad that I...Read the rest...
Categories: address, birthday,
Form: Free verse

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