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Acred Poems - Poems about Acred

Acred Poems - Examples of all types of poems about acred to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for acred.
Premium Member Pets are Angels
..."God sends pets without wings so no one will suspect they are angels ..." Unkown Pets are Angels in disguise Endearing was my canine companion There was no other pet in ......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, animal, appreciation, friend, love,
Form: Acrostic
Immanent Yet Transcendent
...Immanent, at the heart of blood of the One who made Me, I am part of the great I am, the flesh and bone of His Magnificent creation. As concrete as the firmament of ear......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, appreciation, spiritual, strength,
Form: Acrostic

The Last Stag
...He ventured from the wooded square acred forest that remained in search of food and a companion or two, there was neither; down along the rows of $600, 000 homes, 5000 square foot monolith......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, animal, nature, prayer,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

No Roof For Reindeer
...No Roof For Reindeer The celebrated sailing frog from Montgomery County went a courtin, or so the tale iz toad to a grand ole mansion built around 1910, and e'en 'pon being razed ~2012 ah n......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, absence, adventure, animal, childhood,
Form: Rhyme
Dear Inner Child
... *I close my eyes and think of you and though the stars of night have silvered me with age they still unlock my mind, time after time * Inner child of mine don......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, appreciation, child,
Form: Acrostic

Bygone Recollected Reflections While Perched Atop Storied Roof Eave Uno
...Bygone recollected reflections while perched atop storied roof... years gone by now with a poof constituting one garden variety generic goof bolle yours truly sprawled himself aloof The celeb......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Sacred Institution
...B-eautiful E-xpression's R-ight N-ote I-n E-ssence & J-ust O-ffers S-acred I-nstitution's E-lements Topic: Anniversary of Bernie & Josie Fadriquela (January 30) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
In Sacred Marriage
...I-n S-acred M-arriage A-lmighty's E-ssential L-aws & L-iterally E-mploy I-mportant L-esson's A-dmonition Topic: Anniversary of Ismael & Leila Gumawid (January 17) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Jesus Is
...Jesus Is Written: by Miracle Man 1/14/2021` J-ustified E-minent S-acred U-nadulterated S-anctified N-ever failing E-dified V-irtuous E-ffulgent R-eachable F-aithful A-bsolute I......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, jesus, religious,
Form: Acrostic
Sacred Bond
...J-ust U-se L-ove I-n U-pholding S-acred & B-ond R-ightfully E-njoying N-uptial D-edication's A-crostic Topic: Anniversary of Julius & Brenda Apelo (January 05) Form: Vertical Mon......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Have You Seen the Light
...Have you seen the light of Him that shines brighter then the Aludra star of heaven's lair, and have you seen the rays that Veer towards you when you pray, my brothe......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, appreciation, father,
Form: Acrostic
Sacred Marriage
...D-edication E-mploys N-uptial N-ote I-n S-acred & M-arriage O-ccasion's N-ice T-heme E-ndorsing Z-eal Z-one A-nd D-evotion I-n A-nniversary Z-est Topic: Anniversary of Denn......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Christmas Acrostic-
...Cheering multitudes shanghai. Hearty thanksgivings sphere. Rainy seasons harbor. I ntroductory thanksgivings canvas. Spiritual nativities sail. Thanksgi......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, analogy, celebration, christmas, engagement,
Form: Acrostic
Divine Authority
...M-essage A-bout R-ighteous I-nstruction Z-ealously E-mploys S-acred T-ruth R-egarding A-lmighty's D-ivine A-uthority Topic: Birthday of Mariz Estrada (April 18) Form: Vertical Monoc......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Bequeathed Empowerment
...M-essage A-bout R-ighteousness I-s V-ery I-mportant C-learly E-xpressing S-acred M-andate A-nd B-equeathed E-mpowerment Topic: Birthday of Marivic R. Esmabe (April 07) Form: Vertic......Read the rest...
Categories: acred, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry