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Acappella Poems - Poems about Acappella

Acappella Poems - Examples of all types of poems about acappella to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for acappella.

Premium Member Disassociating Dissonance
...Lost - Through an Eagle's eye Over Fields of plenty Where rivers and creeks Never run dry But I can't feel it Mountains rising up Touching the pink, blue, And rustic orange skies. I just d......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, depression, lost, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Oh Black Americans
...Oh! Black Americans,  Africa is your motherland And most Africans love you Not because you are called African Americans And lost your African mother tongues And cultures. Being called Amer......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, africa, america, black african
Form: Free verse

Un-Cheesy Poem
...I stopped myself from writing a cheesy poem, I stopped myself and held still like a stone. Thoughts of lost love and distant memories I stopped myself before I wasted my mind's calories It sick......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, emotions, heartbreak, universe,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Someone Call Up Wang Chang and His Brother Tang
...Houston, We've Got A Thang.... Bang Bang, Rush It Through The House Where's My Butt Hole Mouse ? How Mow Brown Cow Black Cinderella, With Her Tic Track Fella Singing Acappella Do We Have An Accord Ta......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, art, love,
Form: I do not know?
If Your Going To, San Francisco
...Thinking of Whitney Houston for some reason ? Her beautiful voice like flowers in your hair rising.... Acappella and such a strange vibration; people in motion Spirits, love's potion ? Nay these alta......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, angel, baby,
Form: I do not know?

Premium Member The Song of Life
...The song of Life One begins life, sing it’s compositions in acappella. During youth, throughout growth, hopes, to be a good fella, singing in harmony with family, loved one’s, friends and Lovers, as......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, journey, universe,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Space
...Kermit went into space one day aboard that illustrious rocket X. Miss Piggy wasn’t far behind, so as to be there with her man. Those W.I.E.R.D. frogs of mine, came along, hitching, for the ride. C......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, adventure, fantasy, funny, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Fish and Open Mic Night
...Poached, steamed, broiled, boiled, dried, fried in soups and saucers, piled high, their eyes bright, silver bodies shimmer in the harsh light of the hall. Fish and open mic night at Der Schn......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, angst, introspection, life, people,
Form: Free verse
Armano Armano
...Crooner one on one aloft the cupola Accolade acappella acappella Mr. chicken echoes a road......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, funnyhouse, dog, blue, dog,
Form: Free verse
Lost Art
...Tuning out everything Except the sounds Of burning candles And the flow of black ink Above a notebook page Distinct sizzles As the flames consume wicks And letters converge upon the blue lines......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, artblue,
Form: Free verse
My Kind of Fella'
...I remember in my heart the first time we met, I thought, “He’s just not my kind of fella’”. But I knew I was wrong, when on our third date, he sang to me, “The Rest Of Mine” acappella. I knew r......Read the rest...
Categories: acappella, death, love, sad, sad,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry