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Absurd Poems - Poems about Absurd

Absurd Poems - Examples of all types of poems about absurd to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for absurd.
Premium Member Sometimes a poem turns on the absurd
Sometimes a poem turns on the absurd, like that one there, with that pink elephant flying on the back of that lime-green bird. It's like a scene painted by Marc Chagall who, as we know, was the grandmaster of...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member she will not give up her absurd ideas
She will not give up her absurd ideas No matter how strange, bizarre or unplausible they are Holding them in her wheel well, ready to toss them out to everyone Defending them up, down and sideways She learned this...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, humor,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Premonition
Who’s not a victim of absurd Lend me some rationality To see the best side of the world I need your bright reality Won’t you show me how it works That I'm charged for the actions of those I didn't...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, dream, mystery, political, world,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member In the absurd theater of our world, where the curtain of reason has long been torn
In the absurd theater of our world, where the curtain of reason has long been torn, The puppeteers of madness move their marionettes with strings woven from illusions and empty promises. The crowd,...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
So not funny
No so funny, man, Feeding me spam, Morbidly yours, all right, More verbs, how blight, Don't waste your words, You're beyond absurd, Negative chaff and chatter, Really does not matter, Get over yourself, Get off that shelf, Go get a life, Signed, your only wife! No...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, angst, divorce, fate, husband,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Simply Beyond Help
Zounds! longing for a merciful descent into the terminal ground where smoky eyes semi-watch streams of semi-(dis)information exhaled from smoking brains on a mission to search & deconstruct ticking clocks taunt timely bombs lost in purple blobs of orange haze awaiting purging deluges sprinkled with white bolts of blinding hell the raving raven's feathers flicker while flippant tentacles grope...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, dark, nonsense, surreal, word
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Risking the absurd and death in every verse
Risking the absurd and death in every verse, The poet, like an acrobat, swings over the heads of The crowd, in a world where writing is a tightrope act And rhyme is the ladder to the lofty heavens...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lyin' Tamer
She was called the Lyin’ Tamer. Absurdity would enflame her. She could spot a line way back from foot nine. She’d decline and who could blame her?...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, emotions, feelings, funny, giggle,
Form: Limerick
Just A Little Absurd
Spending our time in life’s wondrous rut hoarding the good times like a squirrel his nut hope sagely nourished by ideas not yet born the endless dilemma of the truly forlorn the heartbreak and anguish of unlived dreams deeply buried...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cosmic Stoicism: a Carnival of Absurd Wisdom
In stoic carnival, emotions juggle, laughter somersaults on a tightrope of reason. Epictetus, ringmaster, dons a clown's nose, philosophy as whimsical sideshow. Stoicism, circus tent of paradox, where the lion tamer wrestles inner beasts. The trapeze of fate swings on absurdity, as...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, fate, philosophy, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Love Is Love and Other Absurd Truisms
("Untitled - The Eye of Jihad", 2019, original encaustic) Love is Love - and other absurd truisms “Love is love” is like “Follow your bliss” a way to deflect the moral agency and subsequent consequence of our desires with...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, extended metaphor, society, today,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Patently Absurd
My people and I are threatened all over the world For me to write of 'flowers and fragrance,' patently absurd...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, emotions, flower, perspective, writing,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Fragments Landed Here
fRaGmEnTs landed HERE in time for the twilight of life …where percussive villains perform on a global stage as glowing slime slithers through one mendacious midpoint at a time & earth's spectacles observe obscene pentacles grind down ...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, dark, death, humorous, society,
Form: Free verse
I'M a Pudding Royal of the Robinhood Tree
I can live twice, oh what a delight, In the day, I'm a bat, taking flight, With cheese for my wings, I soar so high, To the moon and back, where cows graze the sky. In the night, I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, fun, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Brain Is Storming
riding on superluminal rafts the supernatural rapscallions descend with delirious determination into deceptive diversion observing too many indeterminists doing nothing with too much time on their antennae ...Read the rest...
Categories: absurd, dark, humorous, society, space,
Form: Free verse

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