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Ablest Poems - Poems about Ablest

Ablest Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ablest to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ablest.

The Eagle
...You're the ablest creature That can fly high without blinking The wonders of nature Are always yours for the seeing You stare directly at the sun Daring to challenge its shine With your ......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, sun,
Form: Rhyme
Wordsmith's Veneration
...Wordsmith's Veneration... Methinks, I post literary endeavors inxs but tis with blood, sweat and tears in case ye did not guess, who struggles to craft reasonable rhyme ideally read by a pleas......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, 12th grade, america, books,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Our Dreams For the New Year
...We traverse the annuals since our youth, from a trek out the door and home to some floor, ere twilight dethrones from its crown, and bequeath it to the dominating dawn, my will-o-the-wisp does admit ......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, america, dream, happiness,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Mo' Fun Than Three Ringed Circuits
...Poof issued from invisible magic dragon, which nobody dead sea immediately disrupting electricity whereat mice elf (Stuart Little), i.e. me, no particular rhyme nor reason called Mickey, plus th......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Consanguinity Begets Anomalies
...Offspring between close family members not biologically fit nor ablest even if direct immediate relations consider themselves best buddies, emotionally intimate, and offload heavy matters weighi......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, baby, body, conflict, confusion,
Form: Free verse

Wordsmith's Veneration
...Wordsmith's Veneration... Aye willy nilly understate (trying 2) tantalize, hypnotize, galvanize... with "FAKE" trumpeting spellbinding, rambling, quivering... intoxicating, hallucinating, gyra......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, angel, appreciation, crush, education,
Form: Free verse
Not Another Again
...Again the sun will rise and the moon will shine, Again the night will shudder,again the night will whine. Again the darkness will beseech, the sky will remorse for its stalemate, Again her wail wi......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, abuse, emotions, evil, lust,
Form: Lyric
Elusive But Near
...Elusive But Near Searched for since the beginning of mankind. And desired as oxygen for panting lungs. Pursued by poor, rich and ablest minds It quenches the restless soul as water a parched to......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, peace,
Form: Rhyme
A Prayer For a Life To Live
...A Prayer for A LIFE to Live I dedicate myself to thee, 0 Lord, my God, this work I undertake Alone in thy great name, and for thy sake. In ministering to suffering I would learn The sympathy t......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, courage, desire, endurance, faith,
Form: Free verse
...Ableism, in the streets in day . People tell me how to walk, when to walk, how to live. ? because I'm blind I'm obviously incompetent; even if not this impression they give. The other night ......Read the rest...
Categories: ablest, abuse, anger, bereavement, culture,
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry