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You Must Love Your Mother In Law

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That meddling witch I just abhor With us it is out and out war Read advice from the pope There is simply no hope I do NOT love my mother in law She’s written down in her notebook My daughter in law cannot cook Well it just isn’t true All HER meals look like pooh I honestly don’t give a toss (insert rhyming word of your choice) The Pontiff’s words are a big blunder My visage has turned black as thunder HE has NOT got a wife Hence no Mum in law strife He’s celibate – it is no wonder! fictional write Inspired by a sky news item that the pope thinks Mother's in law get a bad press the irony of the pope not being married wasn't lost on my muse! 05/26/27

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 8/15/2022 4:24:00 PM
Thanks for chuckle. I loved my mother in law. I know some not so lucky
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Date: 7/18/2022 12:41:00 PM
ha ha, had a good laugh. Yep, the Pope's lucky - I was lucky too & never even met my M-I-L!
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Date: 6/22/2022 9:56:00 AM
Lol my mother-in-law and I are definitely not close. But she could be worse! Hey Jan
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Date: 6/3/2022 4:49:00 AM
This is so hilarious..... ! 'The pontiff's words are a blunder..... he hasn't a wife!' With your argument, I totally agree. Fortunately my mother in law was OK, though not very sweet....
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Date: 6/3/2022 1:26:00 AM
I am one of the lucky ones who had the most lovely, kind mother-in-law ever! I'm still chuckling at your poem, Jan :) Regards & Hugs // paul
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Date: 6/3/2022 1:15:00 AM
The Pope is glad he has no mother-in-law. Now mine was kind though she died young.
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:20:00 AM
thanks for dropping by Victor xx
Date: 6/2/2022 10:03:00 PM
Sure I will
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:20:00 AM
thanks curie x
Date: 6/2/2022 12:17:00 PM experience, no right/write counting two cents...enjoyed...never too late to say hello...hello dear poet ;)...have a great week...much love, james
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:21:00 AM
thanks James x
Date: 5/28/2022 6:48:00 PM
It took me about five years to learn to appreciate the gruff ways of my mother in law, but I ended up loving her. That is because my husband put me first. The big mistake of many men who have a domineering mother is they don’t. Excellent Limericks Jan. Blessings xxoo
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:21:00 AM
Thanks Connie xx
Date: 5/28/2022 4:26:00 AM
Yes, 'tis true dear Jan, to find the exception is difficult!! So glad your muse must be married as well in order to assist you, xxoo Happy Saturday
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:21:00 AM
thanks |Mike xx
Date: 5/27/2022 2:01:00 PM
Awesome Jan!! Our mothers were already gone when we got married but I have heard tales
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:21:00 AM
pure fiction poem of course lol
Date: 5/27/2022 10:51:00 AM
2,000-years of celibates giving marital advice earned Freud - and many, many Americans - a good living! Enjoyed, Jan! Aloha!
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:22:00 AM
just so ironic isnt it lol x
Date: 5/27/2022 10:04:00 AM
I'm glad I don't have one of that breed. Fun write, Jan.
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:23:00 AM
thanks Jenna xx
Date: 5/26/2022 8:17:00 PM
Hilarious!!!!!! True too!
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:23:00 AM
thanks Art mwah miss you my friend xx
Date: 5/26/2022 8:14:00 PM
The Vatican is a 'Glass House' in this instance. Pope is certainly unwise to offer marital advice. Nobody asked me (for sure), but the Papa is a sinner because he is celibate: No wife; no life--experience.,, And no way to tame a man's pawg (btw) !! (Did I write that? Tee-hee. I did).
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:23:00 AM
lol GW:-)
Date: 5/26/2022 4:48:00 PM
The 11th commandment says so.. very funny :)
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:22:00 AM
lol Kim x
Date: 5/26/2022 4:26:00 PM
It's like getting advice on a good steak restaurant from Gandhi. I got lucky with my MIL; she herself had a terrible time with her own mother-in-law, and vowed to never become that person. All these years, she has held true to her vow. Fun write, Jan. Hugs ~ John
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:22:00 AM
what a wonderful comment John xx
Date: 5/26/2022 3:56:00 PM
My brother always refers to his as the outlaw. I was perhaps the "chosen one" so my mother in law probably treated me kinder than her own children. She was a fairly difficult person, often ill tempered and moody. She had many health issues, which probably didn't help her disposition. Excellent write Jan.
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Jan Allison
Date: 6/3/2022 1:22:00 AM
thanks Kenneth x
Date: 5/26/2022 1:17:00 PM
this is absolutely wonderful, jan! when people who have no place giving advice do so, it boils my blood! you've used humor in your delightful way to make the point very well...
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Jan Allison
Date: 5/26/2022 1:18:00 PM
Thanks Ilene, it may upset some folk but it was such fun to write, the irony of the news item had me in hystericxs xx
Date: 5/26/2022 1:09:00 PM
After we married Deb's mom called every night at 11pm to ask how Deb's day went. Well, one night I answered. She said, "What are you doing?" So, I told her in explicit terms. After that she never called again late at night. She actually learned to respect me for I told her how it was!
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Jan Allison
Date: 5/26/2022 1:11:00 PM
lol thanks Milton that made me smile xx
Date: 5/26/2022 1:06:00 PM
Amazing how they know so much about love and marriage and family, isn't it? But, to pontificate on mothers-in-law? Hmmm...just stupid! Good one, Jan. I didn't like mine much either, but I put up with her for Deb's sake. Frankly, we were both glad when she was gone!
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Jan Allison
Date: 5/26/2022 1:10:00 PM
Thanks Milton and I'm so delighted you got POTD:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 5/26/2022 12:57:00 PM
Nothing like the clergy to give us advice on marriage Jan, strange how popes used to be infallible, but they’ve dropped that one now, (insert rhyming word of your choice) is genius, shows your great sense of humour, my silence on my mother-in-law, should not be read into too much, lol, cheers David
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Jan Allison
Date: 5/26/2022 2:34:00 PM
lol I used to be in the church choir, we used to see strange faces for about 6 weeks, they got married never sawthem again till the christening lol
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David Kavanagh
Date: 5/26/2022 1:49:00 PM
Before we were allowed to get married in our church we had to attend 4 two hour marriage guidance sessions with the parish priest, for the life of me I cannot remember a single thing, other than looking at the clock on the wall
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Jan Allison
Date: 5/26/2022 12:58:00 PM
I try not to swear in poems but this one begged for the rhyming word to be 'insinuated' lol:-) hugs jan xx as for advice on marriage from someone who isn't married - it beggars belief lol:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 5/26/2022 12:31:00 PM
an ex-mother-in-law of mine once tried to tell me how to raise my son, her words were I've raised 9 kids so I know what to do, my response was I've seen your 9 kids I'm not impressed...
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Jan Allison
Date: 5/26/2022 12:57:00 PM
your comment certainly made me smile, got to say the irony the pope isn't married inspired my poem lol xx
Date: 5/26/2022 12:18:00 PM
I've heard a few mother in law jokes in my time and thankfully mine isn't the dragon they're made out to be lol Tom
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Jan Allison
Date: 5/26/2022 12:56:00 PM
thanks Tom:-) hugs jan xx

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