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Why Do People Love To Dream, Anyway

I don’t know about you but my dreams are always all mixed up like sometimes I’m half my current age and I can run like a gazelle, and then I’m right back in my current prison of a body limping through an airport, sweat pouring off of my chin and down the back of my knees exhausting myself trying to keep up with the crowd rushing over to book a new flight ‘cos ours has been canceled for no good reason at all and me without a smartphone, O, what am i doing in a vast indoor mall in skokie, illinois, with my daughter and estranged son from my previous marriage when we live five miles away in west rogers park, chicago and now we’re all lost and these little green men seize my son, abducting him into a disc with flashing lights while my daughter and I we both speak Russian ok are in a Russian restaurant somewhere in Italy, lost sampling the pizza and Putin's men are trying to find us because my current wife is from Ukraine omg how are we ever going to get back to WRP now we're on the south side of chicago and everyone is staring at my poor daughter and me and oops she's gone…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 9/1/2022 1:16:00 AM
This feels exactly like a dream! Well done! Bravo to this poem!
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Date: 8/31/2022 12:00:00 PM
Dreams are always strange, its like living in a psychedelic world like Alice in Wonderland, that story never made sense to me that is why i had to try to perceive what other people interpreted as normal. i know those dreams well Gershon, have a generous whiskey on the rocks and go to bed, sleep tight, night night. Hugs and blessings, Jennifer Hugs and blessings Jennifer.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/31/2022 7:11:00 PM
Hmm. How about an ice-cold drink of water? Alcohol and I never have gone well together. ~ T. Total R.
Date: 8/31/2022 6:19:00 AM
Weird how dreams work, jumping from one off the wall thing to another. They can be inspiring though, I've written, and I suppose many of us have...wrote of many. Hope all is well, Gersh! Charlie
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/31/2022 7:21:00 PM
Hey, Charlie! I've been missin ya, Messina! Stay cool, gw
Date: 8/30/2022 5:58:00 PM
Wow! Gershon After reading that relatable dream I had to go and have a cup of tea and a lay down! Take care, Shirley.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/30/2022 9:24:00 PM
Are you dreaming... Are you dreaming... Sister Shirley? Sister Shirley? lol. Rest up; there's more to come, I'm sure. :) gw
Date: 8/30/2022 10:05:00 AM
LOL. I think you wrote this while dreaming gw. Most of my dreams are very bizarre, some occasionally disjointed or weird, like you pen. laf
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/30/2022 9:18:00 PM
Since I am always dreaming -- just ask my wife -- I imagine that I did, indeed, write this poem while dreaming... Here's to weird dreams, I guess. Actually, Yuk! I do not like them one little bit. lol. ~ Insomniac Mack
Date: 8/30/2022 5:30:00 AM
Gershon, you have really captured most of my dreams, no rhyme or reason!! I'm not sure I love to dream!! I do love to ready your poems though and this one is no exception!!! Happy Tuesday !!!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/30/2022 9:15:00 PM
I am connecting the dots now, Mike: You are not sure you love to dream, but you love to read my poems --- which put you to sleep, induce dreams, and OK OK, blame it all on me, why don't you?! lol. Thanks, buddy. Happiness and Joy, gw
Date: 8/29/2022 3:33:00 PM
Great write and description Gershon. I have very detailed dreams when I dream that I remember, but have been plagued with nightmares all my life. Well done :)
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/30/2022 9:11:00 PM
Sorry to hear about the nightmares, Heidi. Me, too, sadly. Mine last into the day now as well. Wishing you better visions.
Date: 8/29/2022 1:05:00 PM
I try not to eat after 6pm. I look forward to my dreams, good or bad. Enjoyed your dreams, Gershon. Sleep well!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/30/2022 9:07:00 PM
Let's see. If I eat after 6 p.m., I shall dream of... Just kidding. Your discipline is admirable, Anaya. (Mine is non-existent). lol. Thanks, gw
Date: 8/28/2022 11:33:00 PM
You have indeed escorted us to the dream world- half factual, half crazy and fictitious ! Dreams have no logical sequence. Sometimes we feel so relieved once the dream is over. Sometimes we feel so sad that we woke up before the dream ended. Feel sad that your family got so hopelessly divided beyond the prospect of ever coming together.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/30/2022 9:03:00 PM
Yes. It seemed very real all the way until noon the next day, when I finally let go of this particular dream, Valsa. ~ gw
Date: 8/28/2022 9:24:00 PM
Haha when having a great imagination you will succumb to wild dreams my friend. If we were to analyze our dreams we would be even more perplexed then when in the dream itself. I have had dreams of trying to find my way or trying to achieve something and never being able to do it. Have you ever noticed that when you can't take it anymore in your dream you wake up. The brain has a protective side to bring your out of it pronto. Loved your adventurous dream Gershon hope the next one has less drama
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/30/2022 8:58:00 PM
Yes, I have noticed that the brain has that 'protective side' you noted, Michael... The psychologists say that 67% of dreams are 'negative,' involving scary, never-ending chases and such... But we wake up alive -- so we can do it again the next night. ~ Eternal torment

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