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Awarded:  Certificate of poetry excellence (SECOND PLACE) Poetry Soup International poetry contest.  2007.


The following poem has been used as a teaching tool for classes on the following poetry web sites.


Critical Appreciation of the Poem Violin by Elaine George | Beautiful ...

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Apr 20, 2015 - Violin. She sleeps in her rose wood bed, under a blanket of velvet red; old and alone and forgotten, she dreams of the love she once had. Once again she recalls his caress on the curve of her hips and her breast as he moved his bow on the strings of her soul, playing her sound 'til his passion was spent.


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Jul 28, 2015 - VIOLIN BY ELAINE GEORGE The Purpose of Personification Personification connects readers with the object that is personified. Personification can make descriptions of non-human entities more vivid, or can help readers understand, sympathize with, or react emotionally to non-human characters. VIOLIN

Analysis of Poem | chacha maricha -

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Those are “LOYAL” by William Matthews, “VIOLINby Elaine George, “FALLING IN LOVE” by Dorian Petersen Potter, “IF MY LOVE FOR YOU WAS GREATER” by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders, and “I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU” by Kendal Palmer. 1 2 LOYAL it's no wonder we confuse love with longing. Oh I was thick They ...


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Once again she recalls his caress on the curve of her hips and her breast as he moved his bow on the strings of her soul, playing her sound 'til his passion was spent. “VIOLINby Elaine George. STANZA 1: What object is being personified? The violin is reflecting on the love it once felt by its maestro. She is remembering ...

The Other Side of Reality - Page 142 - Google Books Result

Michael Jordan - 2008 - ‎Poetry

Elaine George wrote the most beautiful poem I have ever read. It's titled “Violin” and it is a true masterpiece. There are many others who have touched my heart to many to list them all individually and I apologize to them for that but on the poetry soup site just about any and all have held me in their prayers and hearts.


She sleeps in her rose wood bed, under a blanket of velvet red; old and alone and forgotten, she dreams of the love she once had. Once again she recalls his caress on the curve of her hips and her breast as he moved his bow on the strings of her soul, playing her sound 'til his passion was spent. ~~~ They traveled the whole world over, to every city and town; the maestro, his bow and violin, bringing each curtain down. ~~~ He died in a cry of sweet refrain, clutching her strings to his heart; as he fell to the floor in a final encore, tearing her world apart. ~~~ So she sleeps in her rose wood bed, under a blanket of velvet red; her strings still filled with the song of her soul, etched by the maestro that loved her so long ago! ~~~~~ Author: Elaine Cecelia George of Canada

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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Date: 8/21/2023 7:08:00 AM
and who am I to disturb it?This sentence is the ultimate love and affection
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Date: 8/15/2023 1:29:00 AM
Your use of colors and musical terms make this a very mellifluous read truly. I love the way this flows and the imagery and depth of your lines. Violin does evoke some deep emotions. And that is exactly what you’ve depicted here too. In such eloquence. Soulful and heartfelt write that i truly loved. Especially “ song of her soul” and the way you’ve written about the love that once you had… so poignant and touching. Impeccable!
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Elaine George
Date: 8/16/2023 5:02:00 AM
Thank you for your much appreciated comments.
Date: 1/7/2022 11:03:00 AM
Such a superb poem! I have read it many times and feel the emotion embodied within each line. The mark of a true Poem. Bravo!
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Elaine George
Date: 1/9/2022 4:43:00 AM
Thank you so much for your kind comments, Paul.
Date: 9/8/2021 8:19:00 AM
Outstanding poem and worthy of great recognition, Elaine! Violin deserved to be the #1 poem in PS:It’s Poetry Anthology of poems book. A big fave! :)
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Elaine George
Date: 9/17/2021 4:36:00 AM
Thank you so much for your very kind comments, dear Laura.
Date: 8/18/2021 10:34:00 AM
What a beautiful heart touching poem. Love it! Deb x
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Date: 6/9/2021 12:46:00 PM
Hello Elaine George, a very sad poem. Enjoy your day my frind.
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Date: 2/23/2021 9:12:00 PM
Congrats on making the top 100! I remembered this poem as the first one in the anthology. I can see why it was. I love the personification of the violin. Anyone who is into music will love this.
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Elaine George
Date: 3/1/2021 3:31:00 AM
Thank you for your much appreciated comments, Jennifer.
Date: 2/1/2021 6:04:00 AM
I love it
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Elaine George
Date: 2/4/2021 2:01:00 AM
Thank you, Patrick. ~ Elaine
Date: 1/13/2021 7:10:00 AM
Wow! What a zinger of a poem, Elaine ~ No wonder this was selected to start off the 2020 anthology off with a bang. Bravo ~ awesome penning. A FAVE for me. Very best wishes to you for 2021 !
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Elaine George
Date: 1/15/2021 3:32:00 AM
Thank you for your much appreciated comments, Line. ~ Elaine
Date: 10/3/2020 3:19:00 PM
A masterful write Elaine, I can't believe I've never seen this one before, I guess because I only joined in 2015 and this is from 2006, well I must say this write has held up quite well considering the years on it, much like the violin it lives on and on!
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Elaine George
Date: 10/4/2020 4:04:00 AM
Thank you for you comments, John. Much appreciated. ~ Elaine
Date: 8/5/2020 4:25:00 AM
What a beautiful poem! Hats off..
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Elaine George
Date: 8/6/2020 4:19:00 PM
Thank you so much for your very kind comment, Sara...much appreciated.
Date: 5/11/2020 5:26:00 PM
Beautiful poetry on so many levels. A fav for me ~ John
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Elaine George
Date: 5/11/2020 6:31:00 PM
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my poem, Violin, and for your very kind comments. Sincerely, Elaine
Date: 4/24/2020 6:18:00 PM
How lovely! This is a joy to read, Elaine.
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Elaine George
Date: 5/11/2020 6:32:00 PM
Thank you so much for your kind comments, Franci. Sincerely, Elaine
Date: 4/18/2020 6:42:00 PM
Wat a wonder ,its architectural, natural
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Elaine George
Date: 4/18/2020 8:02:00 PM
Thank you so much for reading my poem, 'Violin', and for your much appreciated comments. Sincerely, Elaine George
Date: 3/4/2020 3:07:00 PM
That is the most beautiful poem I have ever read. well written! God bless, David
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:24:00 AM
Thank you so much for your very kind comments David. Very much appreciated. Sincerely, Elaine
Date: 2/26/2020 6:28:00 AM
Such a beautiful write. I love it so... many blessings on you, dear friend. Love, Gina
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:24:00 AM
thank you for your kind comments, Regina. Elaine
Date: 2/25/2020 12:08:00 PM
An exceptional write Elaine.
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:25:00 AM
Thank you for reading my poem and for your kind comments, James. Sincerely, Elaine
Date: 2/25/2020 11:42:00 AM
Beautiful, yet sad. Excellent poem. Congrats! Susan Maree
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:25:00 AM
Thank you for reading my poem, Susan...and for your kind comments. sincerely, Elaine
Date: 1/27/2020 4:46:00 PM
How perfectly lovely.
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:26:00 AM
Thank you Jean, for reading my poem and for your comments. Sincerely, Elaine
Date: 1/1/2020 5:52:00 PM
Very enjoyable and so well written
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:27:00 AM
Thank you for reading my poem, Edmund... and for your kind comments. Sincerely, Elaine
Date: 12/25/2019 8:35:00 AM
Read again! Gorgeous!
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:27:00 AM
Thank you Kim for reading my poem again, and for your kind comments. sincerely, Elaine
Date: 7/15/2019 12:20:00 AM
Lived a lovely life, then so sad. Wonderfully written. Ann
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:28:00 AM
Dear Ann, It has been some time since I have visited this site. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my poem, Violin. sincerely, Elaine
Date: 6/26/2019 7:18:00 AM
This is so very beautiful. Congratulations and kind wishes, Kai
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:29:00 AM
Dear Kai. It has been some time since I have visited this site. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my poem, Violin. sincerely, Elaine
Date: 6/7/2019 6:05:00 PM
Elaine, this moved me to tears. So lovely and perfect. Good luck with all your writing and thanks for sharing with all of us. Jeanne
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Elaine George
Date: 3/29/2020 10:30:00 AM
Dear Jeanne, It has been some time since I have visited this site. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my poem, Violin. sincerely, Elaine
Date: 2/19/2019 11:03:00 AM
Elaine this beautiful poem never gets old. I have read this many times and its perfect. Thank you for your writing. Hope you are well. Love Lee
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things