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This Spring the Poppies Bloomed Premiere Contest Winner

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Grow with pride: The reason we remember WWI with poppies | WWI | News |

A field afire papery petals glow like ruby votive candles a collection of cupped solar flames vowed to shine despite the dew before dawn evaporating any doubt the sun would rise the mist would lift consoling one in darkness Rising up where wildflowers past have fallen victim to soil fallow and shallow your Spring growth resurrects my hope as your resurgent blooms stretch toward the heavens I awaken thawed from the frost of loss regenerated by dreams of undying love sacrifice and pleasure O poppy blood red vast your bed a symbol of life and death and imagination.. you inspire me with your irony your roots belie a feathery foliage anchored though airy light and looking like you might take flight but spirited blossoms stand an army of angels earthbound and blushing My breath stops when I gaze upon you — yet when I walk among your thronging whorls grazed by your grace my chest rises and falls my bloodstream set ablaze by the grandeur of your inner light my heart rejoices with the voices of breezes aswirl with a swish through your scarlet banners of peace We share a savor for new-day chardonnay skies tender the warm tinge before summer’s singe rhythmic air moves us with singsong sighs a swaying dance of celebrants with nary a fresh bud trod upon crimson and sunrise spirit and flesh raising palms and psalms in thanks and praise festive in rebirth and remembrance where tears fall not as rain but as c o n f e t t i as my soul carries the bouquet of your immortal beauty like a bride on her May wedding day Susan Ashley March 11, 2022 *Dedicated to my father who gently passed on June 10, 2021. You are loved and missed dearly, dad <3 <3 <3 ~ First Place ~ Premiere Contest: Spring Showers or Spring Flowers Sponsor: Regina McIntosh *nary: not, or not any (Image: Glow with pride:

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 8/2/2022 9:30:00 PM
Oh Susan, I’m sorry for the loss of your father, that you have to go through this. I lost mine when I was sixteen. He would be so proud of this poignant, uplifting poem by you. It’s so full of hope. I especially like the line “where tears fall not as rain but confetti”.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/5/2022 8:02:00 AM
My dear friend and poetry sister, your precious thoughts are received with gratitude. Thank you for your kindness, Jennifer, I am sorry for the loss of your father too and at such an early age for you. From where they are, I like to think they are both looking proudly upon us. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the 'confetti' line.. I especially like that one too. Warmest wishes sent to you on Zephyr's singsong sighs.. ~Susan
Date: 7/5/2022 3:23:00 PM
Can't believe I missed this one, Susan, Such a delight to read and enjoy. Your poetry is so good it leaves me speechless. A belated congratulations on the win my friend. Smiles ~ Blessings Bill
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/9/2022 6:05:00 PM
Dear Bill, it is both an honor and a pleasure to receive your inspiring comments. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and for your heartwarming congrats. Both are truly appreciated, as is your friendship. Warmest wishes, my friend.. ~ Susan
Date: 6/19/2022 11:07:00 AM
And this one is a winner... Congratulations susan
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/19/2022 11:17:00 AM
Dear Paghunda, your return visit is a delight. Thank you for your heartwarming congratulations. You and your kind words are truly appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~ Susan
Date: 6/14/2022 1:13:00 PM
I see you are collecting a great number of trophy wins, and this is another exceptional beauty. Wow and Congratulations.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/15/2022 5:47:00 PM
Dear Andrea, yes, I have been fortunate in the contests I’ve entered lately.. I’m always happy to place anywhere on the win lists since I have many N/A’s as well.. lol! Thank you for your lovely thoughts and heartwarming congrats. Warmest wishes, my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 6/14/2022 12:28:00 PM
Susan my wonderful awesome friend, a true loyal friend, a friend who has been graceful and loving even in the absence of my answering her unique friendship, who I think about so often, who even in the absence of my answering her masterful poems still remembers me. You humble me Susan, you are a rare and beautiful friend to have and I treasure the beautiful friendship we have had, have and will do so forever. God bless you Susan, my heartfelt and heart warming poetry sis. Love Jennifer.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/15/2022 5:39:00 PM
My dearest Jennifer, my wholehearted poetry sister, I am humbled by your genuine outpouring of affection and I am so very honored to be your friend. I will always embrace your precious friendship no matter how much time passes between us. I know life keeps us both very busy, but that will never dim the light of our sistership. You are a wonderful, loving friend whose heart radiates kindness, and you are a poetess whose pen spills with the beauty of empathy, humor and love. Thank you, sweet lady, for sharing your shining heart with me in both friendship and poetry. Warmest wishes, love and hugs sent to you across the many miles.. your poetry sis, Susan
Date: 6/13/2022 10:33:00 PM
Wow... This is a masterpiece... So many wonderful imagery throughout... Enjoyed reading this pleasant poetry...
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/14/2022 7:07:00 PM
Dear Supraja, it’s so wonderful to see you! Your gracious visit is a delight and I am truly honored by your inspiring comments. You are an amazing poet and I enjoy your beautiful as well. Thank you, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 6/6/2022 12:01:00 PM
What a "Beautiful" write and picture. I wish you would write more. I love your writes. Have a great/blessed day writing away............................
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/8/2022 7:40:00 PM
Dearest Paula, your presence and your comments are both so lovely and encouraging. Thank you truly for your heartwarming words. I wish I had more time to dedicate to writing, but both family and work are keeping me very busy these days. I should be posting something soon though. Warmest wishes, my sweet friend.. ~Susan
Date: 6/6/2022 5:17:00 AM
Susan, as always, you have impressed me with the quality of your work. When I have the hankering to read some exquisite poetry, I am well aware of where to search. Dear friend, you have done a wonderful job with this. Metaphors of the highest caliber, and wonderful clarity! Congratulations on your win, which was certainly deserved! Hope you doing well.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/8/2022 7:34:00 PM
Thank you, Lasaad, what a lovely comment. I am truly honored by your heartwarming words and kind congrats. It is so wonderful to see you here and to know you enjoyed this poem, my friend. All is well with me and I hope all is well with you too. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 5/31/2022 11:40:00 PM
I was hoping you would win the Trophy, and you did! Congratulations! I am back to give you kudos on your magnificent win! Blessings xxoo
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Susan Ashley
Date: 6/8/2022 7:27:00 PM
Dear Connie, it’s so wonderful to see you! Thank you for the honor of your return visit and for your congrats. Your heartwarming words are encouraging and your lovely presence is inspiring. I hold your precious friendship in my truest appreciation, sweet lady. Warmest wishes and hugs.. ~Susan
Date: 5/23/2022 8:58:00 AM
Haven't seen any new poem from you Susan. Hope you are well... Stay safe... Blessings
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/30/2022 6:22:00 PM
My dear friend, Paghunda, you are so wonderfully kind.. thank you for your considerate note. I am well but just very busy keeping up with family, work and life’s demands. I hope to be posting some new poems soon and have time to share in your beautiful poetry too. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 5/22/2022 4:34:00 AM
Whenever I want to read beautiful poetry, I know exactly where to look. So well written my dear friend, Susan. Superb imagery and detailed exquisite! Congratulations on your well deserved win! Hope you are well. My warmest wishes always, Chariie
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/30/2022 6:37:00 PM
Dear Charlie, your lovely comments are both heartwarming and appreciated. It’s wonderful to see you and know that you enjoyed this poem. Thank you for your kind congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 5/10/2022 11:35:00 AM
Super cool, congratulations on another win. Well deserved Susan
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/11/2022 7:30:00 AM
Thank you for your wonderful visit, it's always a pleasure to see you, Paghunda. Your kind words of heartwarming congrats are received with gratitude, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 5/9/2022 10:58:00 AM
This is a beautiful read, something fluidly beautiful in every line. Congratulations. Thanks for your kind visit a few weeks ago; I have been out of PS commission for a few weeks.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/10/2022 9:33:00 AM
Dear Faye, your beautiful comments are truly appreciated. Thank you for your gracious visit and heartwarming congrats. You’re welcome for my visit to your enchanting poem, “Evening Sky”, your poetry is a pleasure to indulge in. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/27/2022 6:31:00 AM
so pleased this enchanting write placed first in the contest - a beautiful & amazing write, as ever, my friend - just love the line where tears fall like confetti
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/3/2022 11:18:00 AM
Dear Jack, thank you for your heartwarming words. I'm pleased you were enchanted by the spirit of this poem.. confetti tears are simply the best! Warmest wishes my friend .. ~Susan
Date: 4/23/2022 8:55:00 AM
Dear Susan, Your poems always enchant. This one so alive with the beauty of poppies. Years ago, we had wild poppies that grew at the foot of the mountains. So looked forward to. Now, houses grow there instead... I love how your tears have become confetti.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/4/2022 12:02:00 PM
Dear Ann, I relish your gracious spirit. Your beautiful comments are touching and received with gratitude. How lovely the poppies must have been, I'm so glad you had the chance to enjoy their beauty. Thank you for sharing in the emotions of this poem with me, especially the confetti tears. Warmest wishes, my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 4/19/2022 10:02:00 AM
Dearest Rhyme Time friend congratulations on your win with this exquisite poem. Have read it several times before sending you this message letting its fiery beauty seep into every inch of my heart. Line after line blooms with images - "ruby votive candles," "cupped solar flames," "bloodstream set ablaze!" I could go on and on as your amazing lines inspire me to reach higher and go deeper sweet friend! Love the Easter reference - a fav - a classic work. Blessings on breezes of light.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/4/2022 11:53:00 AM
My dearest Rhyme Time friend, your return visit and deeply touching comments are such a joy to receive. "To reach higher and go deeper" is to capture the very essence of writing poetry and relishing its influences and responses.. the beauty of your friendship, your rich textured poetry and your heartful comments spur me to strive in reaching out in all directions. The inspirational flame you ignite burns brightly within and without, my sweet poetry sis. Thank you, Sam, you are a grand poetess! Your precious friendship, poetry and insights are cherished, as is the honor of your fav. Warmest wishes on singsong sighs.. ~Susan
Date: 4/12/2022 9:27:00 PM
Hi sis, if you haven't already done so, check out Sam Kauffman's poem, "Friendship Garden Opera". For one thing, it's wonderful, and for another, she gives you a shout out for being such an inspiration. I second that emotion! Keep being wonderful you... hugs ~ John
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John Watt
Date: 4/20/2022 1:25:00 PM
I nominate myself president-for-life of the Susam fan club... as long as you two are writing, you will always have at least one appreciative and admiring reader. Double play hugs ~ John
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 4/19/2022 9:48:00 AM
Thank you dear friend! I am so honored by your message and your note to Susan who is, and has been, such an inspiration! Your notes are such a gift that I treasure like hitting two grand slams in one game! Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Sending you all the blessings of the empty tomb!
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John Watt
Date: 4/16/2022 8:42:00 PM
Amen to all you said my dear sister, and a happy Easter to you ~ PoBro
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/16/2022 7:59:00 AM
My dear bro, thank you for alerting me to Sam's beautiful poem "Friendship Garden Opera". Not only does is reflect her immense love for flowers, Nature and music, it also reflects her beautiful heart full of love for friendship, expression and creativity. We inspire each other, my wonderful PS-PB.. The gift of inspiration shared amongst poets friends, like you and Sam, is lovely when it blooms from the heart and sings from our pens. By the way.. a nice tip of the hat to Smokey Robinson and the Miracles.. love that song! Warmest wishes and hugs.. ~Susan
Date: 4/11/2022 4:59:00 AM
Hi sweet lady... I sent you a soupmail. Love and prayers, Gina
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/12/2022 10:42:00 AM
My dear friend, thank you for your return visit to my poem. Your shining presence inspires me so. Thank you, sweet lady! Warmest wishes, love and hugs.. ~Susan
Date: 4/10/2022 4:01:00 AM
My dear friend, your beautiful heart and poetic soul has gifted us yet another masterpiece! Congratulations on your POTD honors and your first-place win with this image filled feast of treasures! A true pleasure to read such poetry this morn. To have your truly wonderful and very inspiring creation so brighten my day... A fav... God bless,,,
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/12/2022 11:00:00 AM
Dear Robert, it is so wonderful to see you! Your beautiful comments and heartwarming congrats brightens my day, as does the honor of your fav. Thank you, Robert, for your poetic fellowship. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/8/2022 10:31:00 PM
Back to read this poem time and again! Still mermerising as ever!!!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/12/2022 10:40:00 AM
JCB, my wonderful friend, thank you for your return visit to my poem. It is so pleasing and heartwarming to know how much you enjoy this piece. Your precious thoughts are held in my deepest appreciation, sweet lady. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/6/2022 12:13:00 PM
ah reminiscent of the great Romantics...nature splashed across the page and a celebration to the renewal...nice job
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/12/2022 10:37:00 AM
Dear Timothy, your gracious visit is surely appreciated as are your heartwarming comments. Thank you, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/5/2022 9:36:00 PM
Dearest PS-PS, how do I love thy poetry? Let me count the ways... your alliterative artistry is astonishing, your illuminating imagery is incomparable, your versatile vocabulary is voluminous, and your fondness for flora and fauna is fabulous. Among dozens of admirable lines and phrases, these words whisper to my spirit: "your Spring growth resurrects my hope", "thawed from the frost of loss", "raising palms and psalms in thanks and praise", "my bloodstream set ablaze by the grandeur of your inner light". Your heart has endured and survived deep waters and emerged as a profound poetess of substance and soul. If I could preserve this breathtaking poem in my faves 2 times, 5 times, 10 times, I surely would. I do not exaggerate when I say your poetry is a gift from heaven, and I thank God for you every time I partake of the feast of your talents and friendship. God bless you my friend with his grace and peace ~ John
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/12/2022 10:35:00 AM
Dear PS-PB, I am so pleased to know how much you appreciate this poem. Your comments are as filled with insight, beauty and clever use of poetic devices as your brilliant poetry is. Indeed, your words here reflect the ability to join effortlessly in my poetic journey. Your poetic friendship is appreciated. Thank you my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/4/2022 12:27:00 PM
You etched this poetry a brightly as a crimson sunrise Susan. Congrats on your win :)
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/12/2022 10:24:00 AM
Dear Rose, thank you for your heartwarming visit and beautiful comments. Both your kind words and warm congrats are held in my truest appreciation. Warmest wishes, my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 4/4/2022 8:08:00 AM
You write enchanting poetry, Susan, well deserved win, congratulations, loved the final two lines, brilliant thoughts:)
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/12/2022 10:22:00 AM
Dear Jo, I am humbled by your beautifully expressed thoughts and your kindhearted congrats. Thank you for your gracious visit, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/3/2022 10:37:00 PM
This is so lovely it brings tears, dear Susan. I have never seen a better portrayal of poppy fields, Such imagery! This is in my Faves. Have a wonderful week, my friend, Evelyn
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/4/2022 9:00:00 AM
My dear friend, Evelyn, thank you for sharing in the emotions of this poem with me. Your precious thoughts and the honor of your fave are cherished. Warmest wishes and have a wonderful week too.. ~Susan

Book: Reflection on the Important Things