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The Glory of the Eastern Edge

In moments of twilight civility an exchange of gifts - darkness for light.. RISING from beyond the softening silhouette edge you brighten like a blushing damsel hazy haloed unabashed in the pleasure of ripening daydreamer ...a vivid blur of lemon drop... veiled by a wispy fanfare of mares’ tails windswept forth in pinkened pageantry heralding the maturing marmalade horizon - arousing a drowsing periwinkle sky your prosperous glow casts a molten net of gold slanting low across the ebb and flow igniting the imagination - agleam with peachy dreams - of just-waking waters while catching fire-tipped riffles; rubies gathered ride the tide to the coastline glamorizing the washed still-sleepy seaward sand saturated in the rose-colored nectar of your generous nature ~ Susan Ashley October 13, 2018 *Mare’s tail: a long narrow cirrus cloud whose flowing appearance somewhat resembles a horse’s tail, often indicating high winds in the upper troposphere.*

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 11/7/2018 8:23:00 PM
Hello Susan, i like the way you described the land and the sky. Have a nice evening my friend.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/7/2018 9:15:00 PM
Dear Darlene, thank you for your gracious visit and beautiful comments, both are truly appreciated. I'm so glad you enjoyed my poem. Warmest wishes my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 11/6/2018 2:49:00 AM
A magnificent masterpiece, my dear friend.. So breathtaking, it took my breath away.. The imagery is absolutely amazing!! Many blessings!!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/7/2018 9:14:00 PM
Dear Robertina, thank you for your gracious visit and beautiful comments, both are truly appreciated. That you enjoyed my poem and shared your lovely thoughts with me thrills me to no end. Warmest wishes my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 10/31/2018 9:48:00 AM
No one does imagery like you Susan, amazing word combinations "ripening dawn" drowsing periwinkle sky" "fire tipped riffles" don't think that has ever been written before, just wow!!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/2/2018 12:05:00 PM
John, your visit and awesome comments thrill me to no end. Your lovely appreciation of my poem is mirrored by my deep gratitude in receiving your esteemed and cherished thoughts. Thank you for your kind words my dear friend. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/31/2018 9:12:00 AM
Enjoyable and educational.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/31/2018 7:03:00 PM
I'm so glad you think so, Richard. Your wonderful comment and delightful visit is a joy to receive. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/31/2018 7:57:00 AM
Dazzling poetry with captivating imagery dearest, Susan!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/31/2018 6:57:00 PM
Dear Demetrios, thank you for your gracious visit and beautiful comment, both are truly appreciated. Warmest wishes my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 10/30/2018 3:56:00 PM
Nicely done Susan
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/31/2018 6:49:00 PM
Thank you, Jay for your wonderful visit and your lovely comment. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/29/2018 1:06:00 PM
So fruity...Could almost taste your words...You truly have the art of magical expressions...All the best Susan
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/31/2018 6:53:00 PM
Oh, I like that, Arturo. Thank you for such a sweet and lovely comment, I guess my imagery is kinda like a fruit! Your presence and your wonderful thoughts are cherished, mon ami. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/29/2018 6:47:00 AM
Another fabulous poem written from my very talented and gifted friend, Susan. I love the way you brilliantly crafted this poem that is so beautifully done. Sorry I haven't been very active lately. Always a pleasure to read your wonderful poems. Warmest wishes ~ Charlie
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/31/2018 6:48:00 PM
My dear friend, Charlieku, it's such a pleasure to read your vibrant and beautiful comments. I'm pleased you enjoyed my poem and your generous kindness uplifts and inspires me endlessly.. I understand about not being active lately, it's been the same for me as well - life sure does get busy.. Your time with my poetry is truly appreciated my charming friend. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/25/2018 9:27:00 AM
Your poem is so rich in exquisitely penned imagery, it is such a treat to read, Susan! Superb. :)
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/27/2018 8:54:00 PM
Thank you, Laura. The kindness of your visit and your lovely comments are truly appreciated. It is a pleasure to hear from you and I'm so pleased you enjoyed my poem. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 10/20/2018 6:16:00 PM
This poem is spectacular Susan! From the words you have used to paint the scene to imagination's flight, this poem excels in its elegant beauty. I loved it! : )
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/23/2018 8:58:00 AM
Thank you so much, Connie, I’m so pleased you enjoyed my poem and your lovely comments inspire me to reach ever higher. Your generous kindness is deeply appreciated. Warmest wishes my dear friend.. ~Susan
Date: 10/18/2018 9:59:00 PM
Nobody can curate beauty like you, Susan. Your words are as magnificent as the sunrise they describe. Gorgeous.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:24:00 PM
Thank you so much for your lovely comments, Bernard. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my poem, you are as generous as you are kind. Warmest wishes always my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 10/18/2018 8:46:00 AM
Absolutely beautiful poetry as seen from all angles, Susan! Great title, inspired imagery, mellow vocabulary, and unobtrusive alliteration which subtly adds to the overall musicality. Your talent and hard work are evident frim beginning to end. A fav! ~ warm regards & hugs my friend. // paul
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:53:00 PM
Your lovely comments are music to my heart and soul, my dear friend. I am humbled and inspired by the beauty of your treasured thoughts and your fav, Paul. Both are held in my truest appreciation right next to your cherished friendship. I'm so happy you enjoyed! Warmest wishes and hugs always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/17/2018 7:27:00 AM
Susan this is a jewel of a poem! "An exchange of gifts, darkness for light." I will never look at a sunrise the same again. a fav.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:39:00 PM
Thank you, Wren, for your inspiring kindness. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my poem and I hold your beautiful comments and your fav in my truest appreciation. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/17/2018 4:45:00 AM
you not only have a wonderful imaginative mind, but you know how to put it to good use through your penmanship and faith. I admire that greatly in a writer. I have enjoyed your poetry immensely. Have a great day dear Susan.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:34:00 PM
Thank you so much, Pixie, for your generously lovely comments. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my poem and I truly appreciate your inspiring and uplifting words. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/16/2018 4:31:00 PM
A magnificent word-painting; the imagery is fantastic; had to "Fav".
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:32:00 PM
Thank you, M.L., for your inspiring comments and for the fav, both are truly appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 10/16/2018 9:32:00 AM
Between you my insane sibalane, which I'm naming you 'Illuminatra'! and our other sib 'Dragon Fire'...I'll never need matches or a lighter again always illuminate my dear sissy...bro bro proud...+WW+
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/16/2018 4:39:00 PM
Lol! Tis me, Illuminatra, sister of Dragon Fire and Sir Wicked, and so named by our poetic bro bro in triplet madness, Sir Wicked the Warrior Sib! :)) I relish my new name as well as your awesomeness my crazy bro bro.. your comments crack me up!:0 BBQ tonight, East Wing, I'll grab Dragon Fire, so you can leave your matches and lighter fluid at home.. lol! Warmest wishes, love and illumination.. Illuminatra the Sane :))
Date: 10/15/2018 4:29:00 PM
the magnificence of new morn, its light and splendor are all mine for the taking with this glow of a poem, susan... huggs
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/17/2018 2:16:00 PM
The glowing riches of the new dawn are all yours to luxuriate in till your heart's content, Nette. I'm so pleased that your enjoyed my poem and I relish the beauty and spirit of your uplifting and inspiring comments.. thank you for your lovely thoughts. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/15/2018 4:05:00 PM
thanks for "getting" my poem from your last comment. The other perspective people are seeing is not possible because of one line that I had written!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/17/2018 2:01:00 PM
Indeed! I do not think it's possible to interpret your poem any other way than how you intended it to be.. that one line is crystal clear in its expression.. You're welcome, Andrea, your poem was most enchanting..
Date: 10/15/2018 12:48:00 PM
You "ignite our imagination" dear Susan by your rich and meticulous depiction of Nature in its glorious exhibition! A celestial enchantment while reading and rereading! You make "darkness and light" "exchange gifts"! the dawn "ripens", the horizon gets "mature" and the sky "drowsed"! A wealth of breathtaking imagery to learn from and get inspired! You rendered the "generous nature" in a fabulous generosity of poetic heart and a bountiful rainbow of diction! Into my heart and FAV. Love and hugs.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/17/2018 2:30:00 PM
Dearest Besma, your uplifting and joyous response to my poem ripens my heart with a glowing elation and appreciation for both your receptive poetic heart and the artistic imagination of your soul. The beauty of your comments bestow my poetry with the wondrous gifts of your insightful presence and poetic fellowship which I am so humbled and honored to share with you, an esteemed, talented and inspiring poetess of the highest order. Thank you for your valued thoughts and for the fav. You are so appreciated, my sweet friend. Love, hugs and warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/15/2018 11:54:00 AM
To unite the onlooker's nature with that of dawn is a task few would undertake. Only the brave, only the visionaries, only the Susan Ashleys of the poetry world can conceive of such joyous splendor. Bravo, poet! Best wishes always, Gershon
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:22:00 PM
Gershon, I am humbled and inspired by the uplifting beauty of your comments. I hold your very generous and touching words in my truest appreciation. Thank you, my friend. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/15/2018 11:05:00 AM
Stunning and brilliant, Susan! Even before your explanation of the "mare's tale" clouds, there was still a striking image. Never has a sunrise seemed more alive with color and flare. Hugs, Carolyn
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:15:00 PM
Thank you so much, Carolyn, for your generously lovely comments. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my poem and I truly appreciate your uplifting words. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/15/2018 10:26:00 AM
oh my... your description of this sunrise is so beautifully poetic!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:12:00 PM
Thank you so much, Becca, your lovely comments are joyfully received and truly appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend! ~Susan
Date: 10/14/2018 4:31:00 PM
You are the poetic queen of this poem, and many others, and I am bowing to you and blowing you giant kisses. Your imagery is blowing my muse and I out toward sea, and we are happy about it. Thank you dear Susan.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/19/2018 8:04:00 PM
Oh, thank you for the blown kisses, Caren, and I send kisses 'pon the breeze to you in return. I love the spirit of your comments and the smile they bring me :) I'm so happy you enjoyed my poem and I hope you and your muse weren't lost at sea for too long.. lol! I relish your beautiful and endearing thoughts my friend. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/14/2018 3:17:00 PM
wow, this is really amazing and colorful imagery here, Susan. Is it for a specific contest? I know one that it would fit! This really showcases your talent.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/17/2018 2:10:00 PM
I'm so pleased that you enjoyed this poem, Andrea. I did not write this for a contest but wrote it for the joy of writing :)) Which contest were you thinking of that this might fit..? I relish your uplifting comments and truly appreciate your time with my poetry. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 10/14/2018 2:09:00 PM
Great vocabulary as always Susan and a poem written in your own poetic brilliance..
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Susan Ashley
Date: 10/15/2018 1:34:00 PM
Silent One, I relish your wonderful visit and lovely comments that I hold in my truest appreciation. Thank you and warmest wishes my inspiring friend.. ~Susan

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