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Tech Time With Tim Collab

Poet's Notes

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This is a collaboration between myself and Darren White, I was telling him that Tim helped fix my iPhone and we came up with this hopefully humorous poem. The moral of this poem, is don't get an iPhone!!! LOL

.It was a pleasure to do this because Tim is such a fine poet, whose poetry often delves deeper in the human psyche than it seems on first read, and of Course to Darren who bleeds poetry faster than I can drink wine!

Do you have: a broken phone? faulty drone? apple with worms? broken windows? Call for Tim and in a whim he delivers tech support at its best you drink while he tests He delivers version 2.2 And all he asks is that YOU are happy when all is brandnew! Happy hour drinks two for one cheers for Tim Repairs all but done More tequila and gin!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 12/3/2017 8:23:00 AM
Perfect collab! You guys found the best way to deal with tech problems. And you all made me chuckle this morning thanks for that.
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Date: 12/2/2017 10:14:00 PM
Lol. Great collab!
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Date: 12/2/2017 12:16:00 PM
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Date: 12/2/2017 11:10:00 AM
Your poem made me smile. tech can sometimes be a headache - hurray for fixers.
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Date: 12/2/2017 8:52:00 AM
Hello Arthur, Darren and Tim!! Well gentlemen, this one's quite a collaboration. LOL!! for sure. I always knew that Tim is a very talented poet, as Arthur and Darren are too, but I was completely unaware that he's also "The Master of Tech Support." I say -- "More tequila and gin" -- please!! Cheers, Gary
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Date: 12/1/2017 10:08:00 PM
Hi. Well well Tim can I send over an Apple Air for you to massacre oops silly keyboard I typed mend......Seren
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Date: 12/1/2017 8:29:00 PM
VERY nice, Arthur. you guys are a very merry trio! and talented all!
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Date: 12/1/2017 5:20:00 PM
Ha! Now that’s a fun one and yes Tim has the answers! :)
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Date: 12/1/2017 12:40:00 PM
Great one, well done! I bet many can relate to this :)
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Date: 12/1/2017 12:07:00 PM
What a lovely collaboration and great tribute to Tim... and I don't have an i-phone for him to fix :-) hugs Jan xx
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Date: 12/1/2017 11:36:00 AM
Giggles of appreciation :) xomo!
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Date: 12/1/2017 8:39:00 AM
Haha...can I get mine in a to go cup : )) ...great you two
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Darren White
Date: 12/1/2017 8:42:00 AM
<3 :)
Date: 12/1/2017 4:14:00 AM
- An "all possible man" ... :))) - hugs // and happy weekend :)
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Darren White
Date: 12/1/2017 8:42:00 AM
thanks :)

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