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Some Thoughts

God believes in term limits – no surprise, Congress does not; The soul responds immediately to truth – while policy requires endless debating... Good needs no rehearsing – unlike evil, always heavily scripted and eternally contracted....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/16/2021 3:08:00 PM
Perfect for the time we are living in.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 8/16/2021 6:07:00 PM
Hi Madelyn; ain't that the truth! Thank you my friend.
Date: 8/16/2021 9:12:00 AM
PRINCE DE MINO You kill me....a Fav...that first line. awesome, dude! Love, Panagiota
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Joe Dimino
Date: 8/16/2021 9:21:00 AM
Thank you, Pangie; lately finding it difficult to even laugh at my own humor...situations too serious in this country. Blessings my friend.
Date: 8/13/2021 10:49:00 AM
Great thoughts, truly, Joe. They sure work for me! Truth needs no lies to cover it up. Lies require row after row after row... ~ gw
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Joe Dimino
Date: 8/13/2021 11:47:00 AM
Absolutely!! Well put! I often tell myself, when it comes to making decisions: if I have to spend a lot of time convincing myself as to why I should do is generally wrong. As with love, Truth needs no affirmation but its presence.
Date: 8/13/2021 10:47:00 AM
I love your opening thought. God believes in term limits and so do I.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 8/13/2021 11:50:00 AM
If only from our lips to congresses ears -- really their hearts...though one would be hard-pressed to find an honest beater amongst the lot of them. Thank you, Ken. Blessings my friend.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things