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Heroic Crown of Sonnets - Part Two

(continued from A Year Of Months (January-June) A Year Of Months (July-December) 8. July July now follows summer's song of June; with sun ablaze, her days are humid, warm. Great time to languish in the afternoon, and later, watch an evening thunderstorm. More lush than ever is the summer grass, and deep and dense the forests all around. The energy of summer has amassed maturity in spring's rebirthing ground. The month, July may be the best one when most use this time for yearly get-aways; to take advantage of the warmth, and then, put out of mind the coming cooler days. And yet, we know that summer will adjourn; the next months show our seasons take a turn. 9. Volta or Turn Verse The next months show our seasons take a turn; the height of summer slowly winding down. The sun hangs low in skies, a cooler burn, and thoughts of crisper weather bring a frown. The prime of summer days behind us now as season cycles come and go on time. We must accept earth's changes with a bow and celebrate each season as sublime. August, September, heading to the fall; it won't be long to gather warmer clothes. Their passing harkens soon October's call and cool November and December shows. This turn in climates we cannot transcend; The month of August leads to summer's end. 10. August The month of August leads to summer's end; though warm, the grasses turn to yellow-green. Our sun hangs low in the late summer's trend to shorter days with cooler nights between. Still, time for beaches, laying by a pool, yet thoughts are turned to end-of-summer blues, as children must set sight on back to school, yet hang on to what's left of August views. By end of August, leaves curl on the trees; the hues of brown and yellow catch our eye. The deepened shades of green fade in degrees, and soon it's time that summer says goodbye. And now we must get ready for the turn, when cool September's bends to fall's concern. 11. September When cool September bends to fall's concern, though still, some summer warmth may overflow, the shortening of days signals the turn to think about our autumn's golden glow. The colored crispness of bright fallen leaves negates the loss of summer's carefree days. Progression's slow, but day by day fall weaves a special time of year that will amaze. September makes her mark with Labor Day, when then we know for sure that summer's done. Our thoughts turn to lifestyles another way, preparing for our wintertime's long run. September's beauty grows to soon portend October stirs her brilliant autumn blend. 12. October October stirs her brilliant autumn blend of colored leaves that fall and drift away. Her cold, crisp air we share and now befriend and are aware that autumn's here to stay. Progressing still, undressing of our trees, and days ahead with bouts of sleet or rain. The beauty of October's painted leaves now helps to heal the loss-of-summer pain. The orchards, filled with autumn's ripened gifts now beckon us to pick them and consume; aroma, from sweet, luscious pies uplifts – replaces missing scents of summer's bloom. October ends her stay to realize, November days will offer winter's prize. 13. November November days will offer winter's prize, and soon, when we awake on colder days, we'll know that fall is sending last goodbyes as snowy days ahead prepare displays. The trees, soon bare of red-gold-orange shawls, let rustic browns of branches rule the scene until the snow wraps them with ermine falls that cling and drape with whiteness so pristine. November brings the time we celebrate. with joyous feasts of food and drink, good cheer. With family and friends, stay close, relate; Thanksgiving Day, we honor and revere. November passes and with her demise, December comes with end-of-year goodbyes. 14. December December comes with end-of-year goodbyes. Full winter now will bloom as days proceed with snow-filled days...a time that soon implies we turn our minds to holidays full speed, when everyone is filled with Christmas joy and shopping days for loved ones fill each day; dear families and friends meet to enjoy this joyous time...our end of year bouquet. December is the last month of the twelve that makes up one year's measured time we spend; a final year to finish and soon shelve; last midnight brings December to its end. A brand new year of twelve will now appear; divided into months is our Earth year. 15. Master Sonnet - First Line of Each Sonnet Poem Divided into months is our Earth year, and January starts as a new page. Month two, cold February, will appear; next, comes our windy March to take her stage. When April comes on pussy-willow feet, and month of May unfolds her blossoms soon, our mid-year month of June brings summer heat. July now follows summer song of June. The next months show our seasons take a turn; the month of August leads to summer's end when cool September's bends to fall's concern, October stirs her brilliant autumn blend. November days will offer winter's prize. December comes with end-of-year goodbyes. Sandra M. Haight ~Honorable Mention~ Contest: Your Choice 5 Sponsor: Brian Strand Judged: 06/10/2019 ~6th Place~ Premiere Contest: Strength Thru Adversity Sponsor: Gregory R. Barden Judged: 04/02/2019 ~2nd Place~ Premiere Contest: Heroic Crown of Sonnets (Part Two) Sponsor: Craig Cornish Judged: 06/09/2016 For me, this was the most difficult poetic challenge to compose, having to meet the rigid Sonnet rules as well as the Heroic Crown of Sonnet rules, and it took many long, and at times, very stressful hours to do so. But, the reward was amazing! Definitely, strength thru adversity!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 4/6/2019 8:25:00 AM
Your incredible poetic talent shines brilliantly in your crown of sonnets (part two), Sandra. A collection of gems! You continue to inspire me with your creative skills and artistry. I can only imagine how intense this writing process must be. Congratulations on your excellent win, my friend. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
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Sandra Haight
Date: 4/17/2019 4:04:00 PM
Thank you so much, Susan, for all your lovely and most appreciated comments, and congratulations. Hugs, Sandra
Date: 4/3/2019 9:56:00 PM
Beautiful imagery on well written diary , Sandra, congratulations on your win. Hugs Eve ~`*
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Sandra Haight
Date: 4/17/2019 4:02:00 PM
Thank you so much, Eve! Much appreciated. Hugs, Sandra
Date: 6/10/2016 3:03:00 PM
Congratulations, Sandra! Favorite quatrain from April: "emerging crocus, budding branch and vine. Symbolic, too, the lily, pure and white; new chicks and bunnies, butterflies galore. The fading, icy sting of winter's night"
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Sandra Haight
Date: 6/10/2016 3:09:00 PM
Hi Tom, thank you so much for stopping by with your congratulations. I am so pleased that you enjoyed April as your favorite. I appreciate you reading my work! Thanks again, Sandra
Date: 6/10/2016 11:09:00 AM
You never cease to amaze me how talented and skillful you are in writing poetry particularly on this arduous form. A big congrats to you. You're such a gem, Sandra. :)
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Sandra Haight
Date: 6/10/2016 3:06:00 PM
Thank you so much, James, for your very supportive and uplifting comments on bot part one and two of my Sonnets. I am so honored to have placed and very pleased for you too with how wonderfully you met the challenge. I appreciate your visit and nice feedback. ;) Sandra
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Sandra Haight
Date: 6/10/2016 3:01:00 PM
Thank you, Moon. I so much appreciate your uplifting and supportive comments and congrats. For sure, I feel honored to have placed. So nice of you to read the Sonnets and visit me with your wonderful feedback. Hugs, Sandra
Date: 6/10/2016 9:42:00 AM
Hi again Sandra, to continue, your meter is excellent and rhyme exceptional. You also have some wonderful lines weaved in to your sonnets and the overall theme was well thought out and very clever. You should be proud!
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Date: 6/9/2016 3:06:00 PM
These are amazing sonnets, Sandra. I'm so impressed by anyone who is able to complete this task. Congratulations!
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Sandra Haight
Date: 6/9/2016 4:26:00 PM
Hi Becca, thank you so much. Just came home and read your comment and then found from the blog that the contest was judged. I feel quite honored! I appreciate your nice visit, uplifting comment, and congrats! Hugs, Sandra
Date: 5/29/2016 7:24:00 PM
This beautiful work of well tempered craftsmanship allows me to appreciate more fully how the seasons of Earth make an ideal metaphor for the cycle of human life Sandra. The theme was used perfectly for the Volta, great job Poetess! J.A.B.
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Sandra Haight
Date: 5/30/2016 8:43:00 AM
Justin, I want to thank you very much for taking the time to read my Crown of Sonnets, and for leaving such positive and uplifting comments for me. The Sonnet is my favorite form along with Blank Verse. I appreciate the encouraging feedback you offered for both part one and two, and I am so pleased you enjoyed the theme I chose and how I crafted my Sonnets. Thank you again, Justin. Sandra
Date: 3/30/2016 12:00:00 AM
Excellent. Very nicely done. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing it.
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Sandra Haight
Date: 4/1/2016 4:11:00 PM
Thank you, Ravi, for visiting my poem and for your supportive comments. Sandra
Date: 3/29/2016 6:08:00 PM
Naturally, this seems so natural to you, you should be very proud of your sonnet collection!
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Sandra Haight
Date: 3/29/2016 6:44:00 PM
Thank you, Casarah, for your supportive comment. I appreciate it so much. Hugs, Sandra
Date: 3/29/2016 2:10:00 PM
Sandra, perfect, I was interested to see how you did your voltra, excellent, you inspire me ~
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Sandra Haight
Date: 3/29/2016 6:43:00 PM
Thank you, Broken Wings, for stopping by and taking the time to read my Sonnets. I am looking forward to reading yours because I know it will be lovely! Thanks for the uplifting comment. Hugs, Sandra
Date: 3/29/2016 12:36:00 PM
Very nicely done!
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Sandra Haight
Date: 3/29/2016 12:49:00 PM
Thank you so much, Tom! Sandra
Date: 3/29/2016 10:17:00 AM
Well written good work x
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Sandra Haight
Date: 3/29/2016 12:49:00 PM
Thank you for visiting my poem, Wendy, and for your encouraging and supportive comment. Hugs, Sandra
Date: 3/29/2016 10:02:00 AM
I think Craig has his winner!!!! Absolutely outstanding Sandra - the theme flows perfectly and the 15th poem is the crowing glory - am in awe of your remarkably achievement:-) hugs jan xx7
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Sandra Haight
Date: 3/29/2016 12:48:00 PM
Oh, there will be many other good ones I'm sure! But thank you for the nice compliment, Jan. I love working with iambic meter and Sonnets in particular. It was challenging, but lots of fun. Thanks again! Hugs, Sandra

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