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Famous Blanche Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Blanche poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous blanche poems. These examples illustrate what a famous blanche poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Davidson, John
...right on.

'I may not pass the prison door;
Here must I rot from day to day,
Unless I wed whom I abhor,
My cousin, Blanche of Valencay.

'At midnight with my dagger keen,
I'll take my life; it must be so.
Meet me in hell to-night, my queen,
For weal and woe.'

She laughed although her face was wan,
She girded on her golden belt,
She took her jewelled ivory fan,
And at her glowing missal knelt.

Then rose, 'And am I mad?' she said:
She broke her fan, her b...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...ich will fill your hearts with delight. 

The fight was between the French Frigate "Pique" and the British Frigate "Blanche,"
But the British crew were bold and staunch;
And the battle was fought in West Indian waters in the year of 1795,
And for to gain the victory the French did nobly strive. 

And on the morning of the 4th of January while cruising off Gadulope,
The look-out man from the foretop loudly spoke,
And cried, "Sail ahoy!" "Where away ?"
"On the lee bow, ...Read more of this...

by Lindsay, Vachel

(After seeing the reel called "Oil and Water.")

Beauty has a throne-room
In our humorous town,
Spoiling its hob-goblins,
Laughing shadows down.
Rank musicians torture
Ragtime ballads vile,
But we walk serenely
Down the odorous aisle.
We forgive the squalor
And the boom and squeal
For the Great Queen flashes
From the mo...Read more of this...

by Sexton, Anne
...d then I delivered her.

The curtains flutter out
and slump against the bars.
They are my two thin ladies
named Blanche and Rose.
The grounds outside
are pruned like an estate at Newport.
Far off, in the field,
something yellow grows.

Was it last month or last year
that the ambulance ran like a hearse
with its siren blowing on suicide—
Dinn, dinn, dinn!—
a noon whistle that kept insisting on life
all the way through the traffic lights?

I have come back
b...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...A much-discerning Public hold
 The Singer generally sings
 And prints and sells his past for gold.

 Whatever I may here disclaim,
 The very clever folk I sing to
 Will most indubitably cling to
 Their pet delusion, just the same.

I had seen, as the dawn was breaking
 And I staggered to my rest,
Tari Devi softly shaking
 From the Cart Road to the...Read more of this...

by Apollinaire, Guillaume
...uler les yeux
Voilà une jolie jeune fille parmi les jeunes Turinaises
Le pauvre jeune homme se mouchait dans sa cravate blanche
Tu soulèveras le rideau
Et maintenant voilà que s'ouvre la fenêtre
Araignées quand les mains tissaient la lumière
Beauté pâleur insondables violets
Nous tenterons en vain de prendre du repos
On commencera à minuit
Quand on a le temps on a la liberté
Bignorneaux Lotte multiples Soleils et l'Oursin du couchant
Une vielle paire de chaussures jaunes deva...Read more of this...

by Seeger, Alan
...The belfry on Saint Severin strikes eight across the smoking eaves: 
Come out under the lights and leaves 
to the Reine Blanche on Saint Germain. . . . 

Now crowded diners fill the floor of brasserie and restaurant. 
Shrill voices cry "L'Intransigeant," and corners echo "Paris-Sport." 

Where rows of tables from the street are screened with shoots of box and bay, 
The ragged minstrels sing and play and gather sous from those that eat. 

And old...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...ove and lilac nights,
Of wit, of wisdom and of wine;
Of Folly whirling on the Heights,
Of hunger and of hope divine;
Of Blanche, Suzette and Celestine,
And all that gay and tender band
Who shared with us the fat, the lean,
The hazard of Illusion-land;
When scores of Philistines we slew
As mightily with brush and pen
We sought to make the world anew,
And scorned the gods of other men;
When we were fools divinely wise,
Who held it rapturous to strive;
When Art was sacred in our...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor
 ("Devant la blanche ferme.") 
 {XV., May, 1837.} 

 Before the farm where, o'er the porch, festoon 
 Wild creepers red, and gaffer sits at noon, 
 Whilst strutting fowl display their varied crests, 
 And the old watchdog slumberously rests, 
 They half-attentive to the clarion of their king, 
 Resplendent in the sunshine op'ning wing— 
 There stood a c...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...hearted father never ate of the world's bread. 

And by his kindness he spoiled his only child,
His pretty daughter Blanche, which made him wild;
For some time he thought her an angel, she was so very civil,
But she dishonoured herself, and proved herself a devil. 

Her father idolised her, and on her spared no expense,
And the kind-hearted father gave her too much indulgence,
Because evening parties and receptions were got up for her sake,
Besides, he bought her a st...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...wide her mantle gray,
     As the lone heron spreads his wing,
     By twilight, o'er a haunted spring.'
     ''Tis Blanche of Devan,' Murdoch said,
     'A crazed and captive Lowland maid,
     Ta'en on the morn she was a bride,
     When Roderick forayed Devan-side.
     The gay bridegroom resistance made,
     And felt our Chief's unconquered blade.
     I marvel she is now at large,
     But oft she 'scapes from Maudlin's charge.—
     Hence, brain-sick fool!'...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...haucer treats of these in the introduction
to the poem called "The Book of the Duchess." It relates to the
death of Blanche, wife of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, the
poet's patron, and afterwards his connexion by marriage.

5. The Saintes Legend of Cupid: Now called "The Legend of
Good Women". The names of eight ladies mentioned here are
not in the "Legend" as it has come down to us; while those of
two ladies in the "legend" -- Cleopatra and Philomela -- ...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord had her, Prince, with all my heart, 
With my full heart: but there were widows here, 
Two widows, Lady Psyche, Lady Blanche; 
They fed her theories, in and out of place 
Maintaining that with equal husbandry 
The woman were an equal to the man. 
They harped on this; with this our banquets rang; 
Our dances broke and buzzed in knots of talk; 
Nothing but this; my very ears were hot 
To hear them: knowledge, so my daughter held, 
Was all in all: they had but been, she t...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...n to glisten and to fall: and while 
They stood, so rapt, we gazing, came a voice, 
'I brought a message here from Lady Blanche.' 
Back started she, and turning round we saw 
The Lady Blanche's daughter where she stood, 
Melissa, with her hand upon the lock, 
A rosy blonde, and in a college gown, 
That clad her like an April daffodilly 
(Her mother's colour) with her lips apart, 
And all her thoughts as fair within her eyes, 
As bottom agates seen to wave and float 
In cr...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...r> She sent 
For Psyche, but she was not there; she called 
For Psyche's child to cast it from the doors; 
She sent for Blanche to accuse her face to face; 
And I slipt out: but whither will you now? 
And where are Psyche, Cyril? both are fled: 
What, if together? that were not so well. 
Would rather we had never come! I dread 
His wildness, and the chances of the dark.' 

'And yet,' I said, 'you wrong him more than I 
That struck him: this is proper to the clown, 
Th...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...r laws broken: fear we not 
To break them more in their behoof, whose arms 
Championed our cause and won it with a day 
Blanched in our annals, and perpetual feast, 
When dames and heroines of the golden year 
Shall strip a hundred hollows bare of Spring, 
To rain an April of ovation round 
Their statues, borne aloft, the three: but come, 
We will be liberal, since our rights are won. 
Let them not lie in the tents with coarse mankind, 
Ill nurses; but descend, and proffe...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
That nursed me, more than infants in their sleep. 

But Psyche tended Florian: with her oft, 
Melissa came; for Blanche had gone, but left 
Her child among us, willing she should keep 
Court-favour: here and there the small bright head, 
A light of healing, glanced about the couch, 
Or through the parted silks the tender face 
Peeped, shining in upon the wounded man 
With blush and smile, a medicine in themselves 
To wile the length from languorous hours, and draw 
Th...Read more of this...

by Merrill, James
...g of outer space, too black, too near--
But he was taught as a puppy not to flinch,
Much less to imitate his bête noire Blanche
Who barked, fat foolish creature, at King Lear.

Still others fought in the road's filth over Jezebel,
Slavered on hearths of horned and pelted barons.
His forebears lacked, to say the least, forebearance.
Can nature change in him?Nothing's impossible.

The last chord fades.The night is cold and fine.
His master's voice rasps ...Read more of this...

by Brautigan, Richard
...jeune femme ne pouvait être vue d'eux que mal et de biais
Avais-je affaire à l'ambassadrice du salpêtre
Ou de la courbe blanche sur fond noir que nous appelons pensée
Les lampions prenaient feu lentement dans les marronniers
La dame sans ombre s'agenouilla sur le Pont-au-Change
Rue Git-le-Coeur les timbres n'étaient plus les mêmes
Les promesses de nuits étaient enfin tenues
Les pigeons voyageurs les baisers de secours
Se joignaient aux seins de la belle inconnue
Dardés sous l...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Blanche poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things