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Swim Quotations

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Quote Left A little Jewish Grandma is at the Florida coast with her little Jewish Grandson. The grandson is playing on the beach when a big wave comes and washes the kid out to sea. The lifeguards swim out, bring him back to shore, the paramedics work on him for a l Quote Right
Quote Left In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. Quote Right
Quote Left If The Beatles or the 60's had a message, it was ' Learn to swim. And once you've learned - swim! ' Quote Right
Quote Left Now, if the principle of toleration were once admitted into classical education --if it were admitted that the great object is to read and enjoy a language, and the stress of the teaching were placed on the few things absolutely essential to this result, if the tortoise were allowed time to creep, and the bird permitted to fly, and the fish to swim, towards the enchanted and divine sources of Helicon --all might in their own way arrive there, and rejoice in its flowers, its beauty, and its coolness. Quote Right
Quote Left Crazy people who are productive are geniuses. Crazy people who are rich are eccentric. Crazy people who are neither productive nor rich are just plain crazy. Geniuses and crazy people are both out in the middle of a deep ocean geniuses swim, crazy people drown. Most of us are sitting safely on the shore. Take a chance and get your feet wet. Quote Right
Quote Left Translation is entirely mysterious. Increasingly I have felt that the art of writing is itself translating, or more like translating than it is like anything else. What is the other text, the original? I have no answer. I suppose it is the source, the deep sea where ideas swim, and one catches them in nets of words and swings them shining into the boat... where in this metaphor they die and get canned and eaten in sandwiches. Quote Right
Quote Left Men are afraid to rock the boat in which they hope to drift safely through life's currents, when, actually, the boat is stuck on a sandbar. They would be better off to rock the boat and try to shake it loose, or, better still, jump in the water and swim for the shore. Quote Right
Quote Left As a dad, he thinks that his philosophy is morally correct. He has no conscience whatsoever about letting his kids put a penny in a light socket to find out electricity is not so good for you, and if you want to learn how to swim, you have to be thrown into the deep end. Quote Right
Quote Left The white youth of today have begun to react to the fact that the American Way of Life is a fossil of history. What do they care if their old baldheaded and crew-cut elders don't dig their caveman mops? They couldn't care less about the old, stiff-assed honkies who don't like their new dances: Frog, Monkey, Jerk, Swim, Watusi. All they know is that it feels good to swing to way-out body-rhythms instead of dragging across the dance floor like zombies to the dead beat of mind-smothered Mickey Mouse music. Quote Right
Quote Left If one yearns to see the face of the Divine, one must break out of the aquarium, escape the fish farm, to go swim up wild cataracts, dive in deep fjords. One must explore the labyrinth of the reef, the shadows of the lily pads. How limiting, how insulting to think of God as a benevolent warden, an absentee hatchery manager who imprisons us in the 'comfort' of artificial pools, where intermediaries sprinkle our restrictive waters with sanitized flakes of processed nutriment. Quote Right
Quote Left A conservative sees a man drowning 50 feet from shore, throws him a 25 foot long rope, and tells him to swim to it. A liberal throws him a rope 50 feet long, then drops his end and goes off to perform another good deed. Quote Right
Quote Left A person has three choices in life. You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can tread water and let the tide sweep you away, or you can swim with the tide, and let it take you where it wants you to go. Quote Right
Quote Left It's relaxing to swim in front of your family and friends. You couldn't ask for a better meet as far as competition goes and the crowd. Quote Right
Quote Left Oh see, now that pisses me off. First of all, we have over 400 plaintiffs here, and, let's be honset, we all know there are more out there. They may not be the most sophistcated people but they do know how to divide and 20 million dollars isn't shit when you split it between them. Second of all, these people don't dream about being rich. They dream about being able to let their kids swim in a pool without worrying that they'll have to have a historectomy by the age of 20, like Rosa Fields, a client of ours. Or have their spine deteriorate, like Stan Bloom, another client of ours. So before you come back here with another lame-ass offer, I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth Mr. Walker. Or how much you'd expect somebody to pay you for your uteris Ms. Sanchez. Then you take out your calculator, and you multiply that number by a hundred. Anything less than that is a waste of our time. By the way, we had that water brought in special for you folks. Came from a well in Hinkley. Quote Right
Quote Left Never offer to teach a fish to swim. Quote Right
Quote Left Fish, to taste good, must swim three times in water, in butter, and in wine. Quote Right
Quote Left She, too, would now swim down the river of matrimony with a beautiful name, and a handle to it, as the owner of a fine family property. Women'... Quote Right
Quote Left Poverty is uncomfortable; but 9 times out of 10 the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and be compelled to sink or swim. Quote Right
Quote Left It is true from early habit, one must make love mechanically as one swims; I was once very fond of both, but now as I never swim unless I tumble into the water, I don't make love till almost obliged. Quote Right
Quote Left The fathers of the field had been pretty confusing: John von Neumann speculated about computers and the human brain in analogies sufficiently wild to be worthy of a medieval thinker, and Alan Turing thought about criteria to settle the question of whether machines can think, a question of which we now know that it is about as relevant as the question of whether submarines can swim. Quote Right
Quote Left How did Biot arrive at the partial differential equation? [the heat conduction equation] . . . Perhaps Laplace gave Biot the equation and left him to sink or swim for a few years in trying to derive it. That would have been merely an instance of the way great mathematicians since the very beginnings of mathematical research have effortlessly maintained their superiority over ordinary mortals. Quote Right
Quote Left If a walker is indeed an individualist there is nowhere he can't go at dawn and not many places he can't go at noon. But just as it demeans life to live alongside a great river you can no longer swim in or drink from, to be crowded into safer areas and hours takes much of the gloss off walking -- one sport you shouldn't have to reserve a time and a court for. Quote Right
Quote Left The illuminable, silent, never-resting thing called Time, rolling, rushing on, swift, silent, like an all-embracing oceantide, on which we and all the universe swim like exhalations, like apparitions which are, and then are not: this is forever very literally a miracle; a thing to strike us dumb, for we have no word to speak about it. Quote Right
Quote Left Many politicians lay it down as a self-evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim. Quote Right
Quote Left Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow. Quote Right
Quote Left People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim. Quote Right
Quote Left Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream. Quote Right
Quote Left If my critics saw me walking over the Thames they would say it was because I couldn't swim. Quote Right
Quote Left I don't swim in your toilet, so don't pee in my pool! Quote Right
Quote Left Poverty is uncomfortable; but nine times out of ten the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and compelled to sink or swim. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Swim

Quote Left The strength to immerse in the power of unknown grants indomitable will to make the swim most adventurous and treasurable. Quote Right
Quote Left If you don't like flies don't swim in shit. Quote Right
Quote Left I demand more meat in my poetry, gravy but not swimming in it. A heaping salad but not so much garnish and dressing to overpower the healthful greens. Quote Right
Quote Left "Are you drowning in a pool of letters? Keep swimming and the words will come." Quote Right
Quote Left The sands of time wash in and out, the drag pulls the shoreline out from under our feet. And there we are in the swim of it all again...surfing, dumped, yet we get back up again, and again. Our choice. This freedom. Quote Right
Quote Left I can burn bridges because I know how to fucking swim Quote Right
Quote Left If you are the one you will swim against the tide. Quote Right
Quote Left I carried that notion, lost sight of the shore and my sailing ship had no wind, my sincere apologies I couldn't swim in that ocean. Quote Right
Quote Left Love can either be a man who can’t swim surviving the ocean or it can be a great swimmer drowning in a pool. Quote Right
Quote Left 4. Poetry is an ever expanding ocean, begging ever more creatures to swim in its swirling depths. Robert J. Lindley Quote Right
Quote Left Dreams can be made whole, but wishes are fishes that swim away. Quote Right
Quote Left If you wish to learn to fly, ask the eagle for help, if you wish to learn to swim, ask the fish for help. Most people fail in life because they have the right ideas but they seek guidance from the wrong people #Poetic_Ra*_Quotes???? Quote Right
Quote Left sittin on the porch pickin ideas like fleas swimmin' in the space between words crushed suddenly by the slammin of opportunities door. Quote Right
Quote Left Swim against the current, be "weird". Be the butterfly in the midst of caterpillars. I've asked a question many times but have never gotten the correct answer, "What is weird?" Weird is befriending the friendless. Standing up to the worst jeers from the worst bullies. "Weird is unique". It's doing what no one else will because they are afraid to be seen by others as something different. "Normal" is just ununiqueness disguised as something beautiful. Be the star that lights the path for millions. Quote Right
Quote Left The writers,the women that interest me, that make me alert to the fact that there is more to “IT” than just vacuous moonbeams & miraculous waters of ambrosia swimming with castrated unicorns,are the ones that inspire me by their strength,courage & raw honesty & they are the ones who usually arrive to light through tumultuous dark days & haggard life experience, not by sitting in a green field threading daisy chains singing,"he loves me,he loves me not"- they are the ones that always win with me. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not one of these "was a fat kid" now addicted to the gym, with no talent for sport and never learnt to swim Quote Right
Quote Left With my luck .....I'd be a fish that couldn't swim Quote Right
Quote Left Overcoming your emotions and fears by switching yourself from a dark path to a lighted one ,will always make you swim through the streams of happiness .... Quote Right
Quote Left Superficiality today is like easily treading in a shallow lagoon since some are just too afraid or too preoccupied to learn to swim in the aquatic deep. Quote Right
Quote Left When you burn all your bridges, you will have to swim across the river below to get home Quote Right
Quote Left P.S. my heart sunk to the bottom of your lies before I learned to swim... Quote Right
Quote Left In the ocean of worldly wisdom we are swimming with the fins of knowledge consciously to have better lives but unconsciously ego paddles the boat of lives and leads to the mouth of shark of death. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is like an ocean. For a soul that cannot swim, that's dedication Quote Right
Quote Left "Swimming in the sea of dreams to stand firm in reality" Quote Right
Quote Left I am a good swimmer. But even the best swimmer can drown in the insults of the words people speak. Quote Right
Quote Left ''Love is a deep sea, no swimmer has ever crossed nor found the pearl of peace or inner tranquility and contentment'' Quote Right
Quote Left Monkeys wearing swimsuits and smoking bananas Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs