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Spanish Quotations

Spanish quotations. Find, read, and share Spanish quotations. These are the best examples of Spanish quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left How can I, that girl standing there, My attention fix On Roman or on Russian Or on Spanish politics? Quote Right
Quote Left There is no happiness; there are only moments of happiness. Quote Right
Quote Left Dios tarda pero no olvida -- God delays but doesn't forget. Quote Right
Quote Left I have known a German Prince with more titles than subjects, and a Spanish nobleman with more names than shirts. Quote Right
Quote Left As far as film goes, I enjoy all Hollywood films and all Horror films like The Bride of Frankenstein, which also might be my favorite. I like 60's and 70's Italian and Spanish Horror films. Quote Right
Quote Left For all the gold and silver stolen and shipped to Spain did not make the Spanish people richer. It gave their kings an edge in the balance of power for a time, a chance to hire more mercenary soldiers for their wars. They ended up losing those wars anyway, and all that was left was a deadly inflation, a starving population, the rich richer, the poor poorer, and a ruined peasant class. Quote Right
Quote Left With grief and outrage, I have heard of the terrible attacks in Madrid this morning. I am horrified at the high number of deaths and injured. I ask you to convey our sympathy to the victims' families and the Spanish nation. Those who were injured, I wish a speedy and complete recovery. Quote Right
Quote Left Germans are flummoxed by humor, the Swiss have no concept of fun, the Spanish think there is nothing at all ridiculous about eating dinner at midnight, and the Italians should never, ever have been let in on the invention of the motor car. Quote Right
Quote Left I have been a gigantic Rolling Stones fan since approximately the Spanish-American War. Quote Right
Quote Left Drink nothing without seeing it; sign nothing without reading it. Quote Right
Quote Left Experience is not always the kindest of teachers, but it is surely the best. Quote Right
Quote Left 'In the words of the Spanish philosopher, Miguel de Unamuno, 'Sometimes to be silent is to lie.' Our movement hasn't been silent but whispering at a barely audible level... it hardly represents the brutal truth!' Quote Right
Quote Left How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward. Quote Right
Quote Left America, meaning mostly the United States, is not an easy concept to comprehend. It may be appropriate that it was discovered by a Genoese sailor, in the service of the Spanish crown, looking for some place else and that, for the next half-century, it was treated as a geological impediment to be gotten through or around in order to reach some far more profitable other side. Quote Right
Quote Left Had the King of Spain employed the hands of his people, and his Spanish iron so, he had brought to light but little of that treasure that lay so long hid in the dark entrails of America. Quote Right
Quote Left When a fool has made up his mind the market has gone by Quote Right
Quote Left A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. Quote Right
Quote Left Take hold lightly let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love. Quote Right
Quote Left Discretion is knowing how to hide that which we cannot remedy. Quote Right
Quote Left Where one door shuts, another opens. Quote Right
Quote Left The lazy man always does twice the work.
(El bago siempre pasa double trabajo)
Quote Right
Quote Left Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. Quote Right
Quote Left Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love. Quote Right
Quote Left First of all, the music that people call Latin or Spanish is really African. So Black people need to get the credit for that. Quote Right
Quote Left Books are hindrances to persisting stupidity. Quote Right
Quote Left Tomorrow is often the busiest time of the year. Quote Right
Quote Left He who is caught in a lie is not believed when he tells the truth. Quote Right
Quote Left If you want to be respected, you must respect yourself. Quote Right
Quote Left Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry. Quote Right
Quote Left You win. I never climbed Kilimanjaro. Never studied a primitive culture. Never got my pilot's license or built my own telescope. Never played with a band, or published a poem, or learned to speak Spanish. Never put away a million dollars. I didn't spend enough time with the kids (but who does?) and I never watched the sun come up from the top of Ayers Rock. I married too early. Never saw Machu Picchu. Never had enough time. And I took too many God damn orders. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Spanish

Quote Left The reign in a chauvinist’s brain falls mainly as mansplain. ("Apologies to España" by Michael R. Burch, Keywords/Tags: men, women, Spain, Spanish) Quote Right
Quote Left If you don't love Muslims or Hindus, it is useless to send missionaries to them. Fear of other religions never made real converts. Ask historians of British and Spanish empires why Hinduism and other religions outlasted those Europeans and missionaries until now Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs