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Myth Quotations

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Quote Left I have to say that the traditional role is kind of a myth. I think the traditional Mexican woman is a fierce woman. Quote Right
Quote Left I'd never met a woman I considered as intelligent as me. That sounds bigheaded, but every woman I met was either a dolly-chick, or a sort of screwed-up intellectual chick. And of course, in the field I was in, I didn't meet many intellectual people anyway. I always had this dream of meeting an artist, an artist girl who would be like me. And I thought it was a myth, but then I met Yoko and that was it. Quote Right
Quote Left 'A medical myth is an aggressive defensive device used by orthodox medicine to retain the status quo and impede progress in the introduction of new and valuable therapies. ....The myth originates in some inadequate sloppy in vitro or animal experimental work from which unwarranted broad conclusions are drawn as to possible effects on man. There is never any hard human evidence involved, just pure speculation. The second step is that the news media pick it up and being more interested in sensationalism than in facts, magnify these speculations and terrify a gullible public. Further repetition of these unwarranted conclusions by the medical press gives them the status of medical dogma to be quoted and requoted.'-- Quote Right
Quote Left Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as the swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits. And when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children's children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land. Quote Right
Quote Left Wherever a story comes from, whether it is a familiar myth or a private memory, the retelling exemplifies the making of a connection from one pattern to another: a potential translation in which narrative becomes parable and the once upon a time comes to stand for some renascent truth. This approach applies to all the incidents of everyday life: the phrase in the newspaper, the endearing or infuriating game of a toddler, the misunderstanding at the office. Our species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories. Quote Right
Quote Left Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and myth frame our response. Expelled from individual consciousness by the rush of change, history finds its revenge by stamping the collective unconsciousness with habits, values, expectations, dreams. The dialectic between past and future will continue to form our lives. Quote Right
Quote Left The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a storm. Quote Right
Quote Left Although every organized patriarchal religion works overtime to contribute its own brand of misogyny to the myth of woman-hate, woman-fear, and woman-evil, the Roman Catholic Church also carries the immense power of very directly affecting women's lives everywhere by its stand against birth control and abortion, and by its use of skillful and wealthy lobbies to prevent legislative change. It is an obscenity -- an all-male hierarchy, celibate or not, that presumes to rule on the lives and bodies of millions of women. Quote Right
Quote Left Familiarity, the first myth of reality: What you know the best, you observe the least. Devotion, the second myth of reality: The faithful are most hurt by the objects of their faith. Conviction, the third myth of reality: Only those who seek the truth can be deceived. Fellowship, the fourth myth of reality: As the tides of war shift, so do loyalties. Trust, the fifth myth of reality: Every truth holds the seed of betrayal. Quote Right
Quote Left Man seeks to escape himself in myth, and does so by any means at his disposal. Drugs, alcohol, or lies. Unable to withdraw into himself, he disguises himself. Lies and inaccuracy give him a few moments of comfort. Quote Right
Quote Left The beauty myth moves for men as a mirage; its power lies in its ever-receding nature. When the gap is closed, the lover embraces only his own disillusion. Quote Right
Quote Left Myth is an attempt to narrate a whole human experience, of which the purpose is too deep, going too deep in the blood and soul, for mental explanation or description. Quote Right
Quote Left The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. Quote Right
Quote Left Knowledge is not a series of self-consistent theories that converges toward an ideal view; it is rather an ever increasing ocean of mutually incompatible (and perhaps even incommensurable) alternatives, each single theory, each fairy tale, each myth that is part of the collection forcing the others into greater articulation and all of them contributing, via this process of competition, to the development of our consciousness. Quote Right
Quote Left The primary function of myth is to validate an existing social order. Myth enshrines conservative social values, raising tradition on a pedestal. It expresses and confirms, rather than explains or questions, the sources of cultural attitudes and values. Because myth anchors the present in the past it is a sociological charter for a future society which is an exact replica of the present one. Quote Right
Quote Left The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That's nonsense in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born. Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led. Quote Right
Quote Left The essential, but often well-disguised, purpose of intelligent design, is to preserve the myth of a separate, divine creation for humans in the belief that only that can explain who we are. But there is a destructive hubris, a fearful arrogance, in that myth. It sets us apart from nature, except to dominate it. It misses both the grace and the moral depth of knowing that humans have only the same stake, the same right, in the Earth as every other creature that has ever lived here. There is a righteousness - a responsibility - in the deep, ancestral origins we share with all of life. Quote Right
Quote Left The myth holds us, therefore, not through its romantic flavor, not the remembrance of beauty of some bygone age, not through the possibilities of fantasy, but because it expresses to us something real and existing in ourselves, as it was to those who first stumbled upon the symbols to give them life. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- that myth is more potent than history. I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts -- That hope always triumphs over experience -- That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death. Quote Right
Quote Left It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, and symbol rather than a reason by which men are moved. Quote Right
Quote Left The stereotypical belief that large numbers of employees are 'going postal' is a bit of a myth. Interestingly, workers pinpoint the general public as the most significant source of this aggression, as opposed to other co-workers or supervisors. Quote Right
Quote Left Myth is neither a lie nor a confession: it is an inflexion. Quote Right
Quote Left The role of the artist I now understood as that of revealing through the world-surfaces the implicit forms of the soul, and the great agent to assist the artist was the myth. Quote Right
Quote Left Somebody said to me, But the Beatles were anti-materialistic. That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, Now, let's write a swimming pool. Quote Right
Quote Left Myth is the hidden part of every story, the buried part, the region that is still unexplored because there are as yet no words to enable us to get there. Myth is nourished by silence as well as by words. Quote Right
Quote Left History is the present. That's why every generation writes it anew. But what most people think of as history is its end product, myth. Quote Right
Quote Left Without a doubt the greatest injury of all was done by basing morals on myth. For, sooner or later, myth is recognized for what it is, and disappears. Then morality loses the foundation on which it has been built. Quote Right
Quote Left To be an American (unlike being English or French or whatever) is precisely to imagine a destiny rather than to inherit one; since we have always been, insofar as we are Americans at all, inhabitants of myth rather than history. Quote Right
Quote Left There is nothing truer than myth: history, in its attempt to realize myth, distorts it, stops halfway; when history claims to have succeeded, this is nothing but humbug and mystification. Everything we dream is realizable. Reality does not have to be: it is simply what it is. Quote Right
Quote Left Each religion, by the help of more or less myth which it takes more or less seriously, proposes some method of fortifying the human soul and enabling it to make its peace with its destiny. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Myth

Quote Left Nothing ever comes entirely to rest, the decay of death into memory into myth a prime example. Whatever only true for the moment of successful application. Absolute Truth is Faith~ Omnipotent. Quote Right
Quote Left Myths starts from humans but, ends with gods. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is the mythology of the last 300 years. Scientific stories have replaced those handed down through generations. Quote Right
Quote Left God is not a myth but the very existence of you and I. Quote Right
Quote Left Normal is a myth perpetuated by advertising media and misguided mental health professionals. Quote Right
Quote Left Beauty is a myth that lies only in the minds, Not in face but within where no one finds. Quote Right
Quote Left Writers Block Is A Myth: If one cannot write then, simply, one has nothing to say. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is like a song composed by someone else and imposed on another to sing. Though a myth to the understanding of many, you can always be a master of your own game. Quote Right
Quote Left "In the old Greek mythodology, writers are accorded the status of gods! It is not the pen and paper that make a writer. It is sacrifice,the price, one has to pay to belong" Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs