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Gt Quotations

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Quote Left f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgmmng. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Gt

Quote Left You thought you were a source of pressure, when I said you were a source of strength. You didn’t believe me so you made yourself a source of pain. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't muddy somebody elses river from where they drink, where they are nurtured in their faith, nourished in Spirit, and are strengthened in the things of God. Quote Right
Quote Left In tough times, remember that every storm eventually passes, and we emerge stronger than before. Let's keep holding onto hope, for it's the light that guides us through the darkest of nights. Remember, even if you find yourself alone, know that within you lies the strength to endure. You're not alone in your journey, and brighter days are still ahead. Stay strong and keep believing in yourself. By: Innantia Magcanya Quote Right
Quote Left Waiting is the daughter of patience, but she is also the cousin of quitting. During moments in which you are idle, you must think of what you're waiting for. If you find a loophole where your waiting has no end, gather your strength, and push forward! Quote Right
Quote Left Love, a divine gift from God, unites hearts and reveals His grace. It transcends words, offering solace in hardship and strength in weakness. Let's embody love's virtues, for in its embrace, we find purpose and connection to the divine. Quote Right
Quote Left "The poetry of cancer lies not in the disease itself, but in the resilience of the human spirit it unveils. Amidst the shadows of struggle, every heartbeat writes a verse of courage, every breath composes a stanza of hope, transforming pain into a testament of survival and strength." Don Iannone, Cancer caregiver, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio Quote Right
Quote Left The strength to immerse in the power of unknown grants indomitable will to make the swim most adventurous and treasurable. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is a paradox, finding strength in its vulnerability and resilience in its fragility. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left The strength/power of love lies in its vulnerability. - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left The strength of a family lies not just in blood ties, but in the shared nexus of compassion and support. - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Perfection isn't the gist of family's strength; it's found in the resilience despite imperfections. - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left To Strengthen The Attributes Of Human Physiology, ... A Reference To Citizenship Builds Achievements, ....Fun! ___________________ And Defining Broadens The Pathways Of God's .... Might! Quote Right
Quote Left The true strength of a government lies not in dominance, but in cultivating an environment where diverse ideas peacefully coexist. ~Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left O Moon! You are the fire in my character, you are the water carrying depth and intensity, you are the air in my strength to surrender, you inside my earth grant me patience and devotion. Allow my tatva to embrace wisdom n be righteous in every situation. For you have never taught me to fall, hence I shall always rise! Quote Right
Quote Left O Moon! The creator of my character, the treasure of my emotions; here I come along with the Supreme Charioteer in form of coiled life force in the spine, to surrender to you and provide me strength and wisdom. Lord Krishna, my dearest companion hold me strong; you are the only one upon whom I can count. Quote Right
Quote Left "The Sage who has attained a certain height will find peace in all things that happen and the event which saddens him, as other men, tarries but an instant ere it goes to Strengthen his deep Perception of Life" -Maeterlinck Quote Right
Quote Left I mostly ask questions...not to sow doubt, but to strengthen convictions. Quote Right
Quote Left It takes great strength and a continuous search, to find the truth behind a veil of lies. But if you fail to pierce that drape of deception, your ignorance becomes fantasy that's unwise. Quote Right
Quote Left Strength can win battles, but patience wins wars. Quote Right
Quote Left The Light and the Dark of it. Some people will go to extraordinary measures for redemption. Some people go to extraordinary lengths for Love. Some will call it courage. Others will denigrate the truth of the fall in delivery as foolish. There are benefits to falling, to the breaking: beginning, middle, end. If not the whole, you cannot see but a part of yourself in others, then there is something vitally humane missing in you. You are "Godless".No matter how clean and worthy you deem yourself. Quote Right
Quote Left The vast majority of us were raised to believe in some type of a greater good ; whether that being God, or any other faith to follow. Yet it seems the differences would ultimately lead to conflict, where the strength of fellowship would reach out with an overpowering embrace. This consolidation then leads to eventual dilation, where outlying extremes ferment towards a secular brew. Quote Right
Quote Left "The Light and the Dark of it. Some people will go to extraordinary measures for redemption. Some people go to extraordinary lengths for Love. Some will call it courage. Others will denigrate the truth of the fall in delivery as foolish. There are benefits to falling, to the breaking: beginning, middle, end. If not the whole, you cannot see but a part of yourself in others, then there is something vitally humane missing in you. You are "Godless". No matter how clean and worthy you deem yourself. Quote Right
Quote Left We must let go: of pain, sorry -- even joys and strengths. Life was never about gathering...but all about letting go. Everything we recognize as physical, is a superficial substitute, the construct of fallen will. To become like Christ is not to abandon oneself in favor of a greater ego...but to see one's offspring reflection in the loving eyes of God bidding us to take rightful dominion -- Welcome home my beloved. Quote Right
Quote Left Tum logon ko sachai karwi kyun lagti hai? Quote Right
Quote Left When salty tears don't drip down. They carry the strength of the waves. . Quote Right
Quote Left When you find that you stepped back from ever chaotic crowd. When the anger sheds off and you gaze it all calmly... That's the first step. When you disengage with the wordly bonds and gather the courage to move on.... That's the second step. As we step up, the ladder unveils. Carry along determination, carry along the strength... The one who is calling is surely walking by your side. Quote Right
Quote Left For the one who forgives, finds strength untold, In choosing kindness, a heart unfolds, And as forgiveness spreads its wings, A symphony of healing it sings. Quote Right
Quote Left "Within the echoes of resilience, we discover the untapped strength that empowers us to rise above life's storms and the unwavering loyalty that anchors us in the face of adversity." Quote Right
Quote Left Microbiology teaches us that size is no measure of significance; even the smallest microbe can wield immense power. Microbes are the silent warriors; these tiniest beings possess the strength to spark a revolution that can have monumental impacts in the world of science. ~ Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left We all have a purpose, a purpose to fulfill. A journey to finish. A life to celebrate. Never let fear, obstacles and storms bring you down. We were all born for a purpose. We are Warriors, Kings and Queens. We are more than conquers. Let's begin now and worry about tomorrow later. Bible verse Isaih 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs