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Famous Dream For Quotations

Best famous Dream For quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Dream For. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Dream For.

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Quote Left People ask who will take care of these women if abortion is banned. This Fleet for Little Feet has been a dream for several years. Now is the time to finally make it a reality. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. Quote Right
Quote Left There are too many mediocre things in life that we have to deal with. Love shouldn't be one of them. Quote Right
Quote Left Anything less than mad, passionate, extrodinary love is a waste of your time. There are to many ordinary things in life, love shouldn't be one of them. Quote Right
Quote Left I dream for a living. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Dream For

Quote Left If you dream for a mind at peace and a heart tranquil . . . find the old rusty gate that opens wide into a magical place. Quote Right
Quote Left In present people live in the past, in present people dream for the future, but in present few live. Quote Right
Quote Left Forget yesterday Dream for the better Follow your heart And smile again. Quote Right
Quote Left I am increasingly sensitized by the inability of the human majority. The dreams dreamed of by this majority are immensely poorer than reality. When we dream for the future, we always see it develop under a monotonous and weak system, not innovative. So it is not surprising that in the next hundred years, with a sequence of at least three destructive moments per se: at first the human spirit, successful, live on the street, in prison and in the newspapers. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things