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Conscious Quotations

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Quote Left If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society. Its art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world. It neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, nor creates heroes or inspires genius on the other. Works indeed of genius fall under no art; heroic minds come under no rule; a University is not a birthplace of poets or of immortal authors, of founders of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of nations. It does not promise a generation of Aristotles or Newtons, of Napoleons or Washingtons, of Raphaels or Shakespeares, though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts. Nor is it content on the other hand with forming the critic or the experimentalist, the economist or the engineer, though such too it includes within its scope. But a University training is the great ordinary means to an great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste, at supplying true principles to popular enthusiasm and fixed aims to popular aspiration, at giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideas of the age, at facilitating the exercise of political power, and refining the intercourse of private life. It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. Quote Right
Quote Left Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend... when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present -- love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure -- the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth. Quote Right
Quote Left Five senses; an incurably abstract intellect; a haphazardly selective memory; a set of preconceptions and assumptions so numerous that I can never examine more than minority of them - never become conscious of them all. How much of total reality can such an apparatus let through? Quote Right
Quote Left Well I am certainly wiser than this man. It is only too likely that neither of us has any knowledge to boast of; but he thinks that he knows something which he does not know, whereas I am quite conscious of my ignorance. At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not know. Quote Right
Quote Left One could sit still and look at life from the air; that was it. And I was conscious again of the fundamental magic of flying, a miracle that has nothing to do with any of its practical purposes - speed, accessibility, and convenience - and will not change as they change. Looking down from the air that morning, I felt that stillness rested like a light over the earth. What motion there was took on a slow grace, like slow-motion pictures which catch the moment of outstretched beauty that one cannot see in life itself, so swiftly does it move. And if flying, like a glass-bottomed bucket, can give you that vision, that seeing eye, which peers down to the still world below the choppy waves - it will always remain magic. Quote Right
Quote Left Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as the swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits. And when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children's children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land. Quote Right
Quote Left Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend. Friendship Quote Right
Quote Left Change is the end result of all true learning. Change involves three things First, a dissatisfaction with self-a felt void or need second, a decision to change-to fill the void or need and third, a conscious dedication to the process of growth and change-the willful act of making the change Doing Something. Quote Right
Quote Left The city is a fact in nature, like a cave, a run of mackerel or an ant-heap. But it is also a conscious work of art, and it holds within its communal framework many simpler and more personal forms of art. Mind takes form in the city; and in turn, urban forms condition mind. Quote Right
Quote Left I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. Quote Right
Quote Left 'I'm 23 now, and I've grown into this woman. I feel sexy and more mature. I wanted these inside changes to be reflected in both my look and music. I am a vegan now, and it was a conscious decision. I studied a lot about African culture and health and the best way to take care of the body. I really wanted to be healthy. At first I was just trying to challenge myself; I thought it was a phase and that I would grow out of it, but it wasn't. I found out a lot about the body and what [hormones] they put in meat. My taste buds started changing, and I didn't crave [meat and dairy products] anymore.' Quote Right
Quote Left She was conscious that the things she did were the things she had always wanted to do. Quote Right
Quote Left There are various orders of beauty, causing men to make fools of themselves in various styles... but there is one order of beauty which seems made to turn the heads not only of men, but of all intelligent mammals, even of women. It is a beauty like that of kittens, or very small downy ducks making gentle rippling noises with their soft bills, or babies just beginning to toddle and to engage in conscious mischief --a beauty with which you can never be angry, but that you feel ready to crush for inability to comprehend the state of mind into which it throws you. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing’s changed my life more. I feel better about myself as a person, being conscious and responsible for my actions and I lost weight and my skin cleared up and I got bright eyes and I just became stronger and healthier and happier. Can’t think of anything better in the world to be but be vegan. Quote Right
Quote Left As long as there is conscious life on Earth, there will be suffering. The question becomes what to do with the existence each of us is given. We can choose to add our own fury and misery to the rest, or we can set an example by simultaneously working constructively to alleviate suffering while leading joyous, meaningful, fulfilled lives. Being a vegan isn't about deprivation or anger. It's about being fully aware so as to be fully alive. Quote Right
Quote Left We are conscious of an animal in us, which awakens in proportion as our higher nature slumbers. It is reptile and sensual, and perhaps cannot ... Quote Right
Quote Left When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual. Quote Right
Quote Left We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake . . . by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. Quote Right
Quote Left The great decisions of human life usually have far more to do with the instincts and other mysterious unconscious factors than with conscious will and well-meaning reasonableness. The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no universal recipe for living. Each of us carries his own life-form within him--an irrational form which no other can outbid. Quote Right
Quote Left I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. Quote Right
Quote Left To speak of God, to think of God, is in every respect to show what one is made of. I have always wagered against God and I regard the little that I have won in this world as simply the outcome of this bet. However paltry may have been the stake (my life) I am conscious of having won to the full. Everything that is doddering, squint-eyed, vile, polluted and grotesque is summoned up for me in that one word: God! Quote Right
Quote Left It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return. Quote Right
Quote Left Ours is an excessively conscious age. We know so much, we feel so little. Quote Right
Quote Left Why are we never quite at ease in the presence of a schoolmaster? Because we are conscious that he is not quite at his ease in ours. He is awkward, and out of place in the society of his equals. He comes like Gulliver from among his little people, and he cannot fit the stature of his understanding to yours. Quote Right
Quote Left The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated. Quote Right
Quote Left To be too conscious is an illness. A real thorough going illness. Quote Right
Quote Left [And how did he recover the patience that allowed him to await the arrival of songs for his 21st century trio of brilliant, contemplative, philosophical and socially conscious albums?] I just walked away from [the commercial career] and let it dismantle itself, ... I bit the bullet and crossed over that threshold to the realization that I may not be a big star in this thing. Maybe my path is something else. So I just started driving my kids to school and looking out after them. I stumbled onto a fantastic woman and built a relationship and became more solid inside myself and went back to work with a different mind-set, which is to please myself, because it's the only way I can be original. Quote Right
Quote Left O the joy of the strong-brawn'd fighter, towering in the arena in perfect condition, conscious of power, thirsting to meet his opponent. Quote Right
Quote Left The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach Quote Right
Quote Left Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious database outweighs the conscious on an order exceeding ten million to one. This database is the source of your hidden, natural genius. In other words, a part of you is much smarter than you are. The wise people regularly consult that smarter part. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Conscious

Quote Left I believe God has a plan...and all will work-out in His way and time. I don't believe that He wants animals to destroy one another in order to survive. We are missing something in our understanding of creation and Divine Purpose. Free Will is not interpreted correctly, speaking of man's profound relationship to his social and physical environments. We have far more control over things, than mankind sees, and when he does, is willing to consciously admit to his soul. Quote Right
Quote Left Integrity is a conscious weighing of recompense by time and the determination to do right regardless. Quote Right
Quote Left On The Subject Of Consciousness: am I forethought or an afterthought or what you see in the mirror Consciousness Quote Right
Quote Left Intelligence is extremely emotional coz emotions analyse and rise. The chariot of emotions move in right directions isn't always destined. Righteousness alone qualifies to be the ideal charioteer. Lord Krishna... The subconscious charioteer in form of coiled life force in the spine, always resides..... It's just that inspite of being focused upon gazing the world, we got to look with in n shine. Quote Right
Quote Left Time is a game of Hide-n-Seek. Life may not be the only conscious player…. Quote Right
Quote Left We are made of God substance, the light of His Will our spiritual star and navigation. We travel from and back to God, but never separate of God, the only imagined dim of nurturing relationship, is man's conscious denial -- the anarchy of dark delusion. Quote Right
Quote Left “Evil is a side effect of consciousness”... By Emile Pinet. Quote Right
Quote Left To acknowledge your mistakes is admit a truth not easily revealed for the fear of being judged and punished. Stir clear of all plots and jealousies and all the worries, all the sleepless nights will drift away as they never had existed, and you'll be transformed by the concept of consciousness. Quote Right
Quote Left True blessings born of foresight, Streams consciousness Cleared of debris. Quote Right
Quote Left Being one's unique self even if one chooses consciousness and spirituality isn't a fashion show. Quote Right
Quote Left Until we become one blended humanity, one devoid of all social/racial/religious/cultural injustices, one that universally shares a collective consciousness all for one, one for all that finally becomes the Human Race, we shall wander aimless in the waste of all millinea. Quote Right
Quote Left Misery is the price we pay for self-consciousness. Quote Right
Quote Left Though we think of ourselves as singular, we are also communal, drawing from communal consciousness. The flip-side, we are also distracted by the hustling, the strife of a working day. At night they dream...we write!~ their sleeping dreams, fantasies our dawns for inspiration, tuneful-receptors-firing-poetic-alive. Quote Right
Quote Left The less we seek perfection, the easier is to accept ourselves; having flairs is part of our humanness, but without consciousness, we won't recognize the purpose of our existence. Quote Right
Quote Left Should I listen to a drunk man who's still thirsty for another bottle, or listen to someone who never got drunk and lost consciousness? Quote Right
Quote Left “We Are All One. When we allow ourselves to become aware of this statement in its purest form, we open the doors to reveal the oneness of being. Using the process of conscious evolution we begin to recognize our true underlying identity, for once we have glimpsed the existence of this realm, we then begin to reveal what it is . . . . our true natural state.” Quote Right
Quote Left “The Heart of what you are is not your body or your thoughts but pure consciousness itself.” Quote Right
Quote Left To be good to do good is a conscious decision coz human is made up of errors and foibles. Sailing with the flow is quite enjoyable and easy. May be what is considered as attitude of the righteous, is the effort which goes in standing strong... A kind of rebel. What is seen as attitude and proud of a righteous is some where the defeat of those whose attempt in humiliating and every attempt in proving themselves superior goes in vain. The righteous is generally non reactive. Quote Right
Quote Left We are the only creatures with miraculous mind. We are bound up until we use it consciously, positively for good of self and collective growth of those around. Quote Right
Quote Left "It's dangerous to gamble with feelings. When the debt collectors come, your conscious will pay the price." Quote Right
Quote Left "Once polluted thoughts were sought, a corrupted conscious was bought." Quote Right
Quote Left "It's your fundamental human right to identify as what you please, not to violate my conscious and push that shit onto me." Quote Right
Quote Left Our traits display our values and the way we have been brought up...our carelessness and distorts should not put down every thing we have been taught. Be wise, only conscious efforts can make us grow and change, if at all we want. Quote Right
Quote Left Every thing looks good when we are happy. Every thing appears wrong and drastic when we are sad. This simply reminds us to maintain balance consciously. Quote Right
Quote Left OPEN VERSE imagery,assonance,rhythm,sound symbolism of an intuitive of the self conscious in a crystallised convergence of the moment ,with punctuation implied by the form, interpretation by the reader changing according to mood, thus essentially fluid and inherently variable. Quote Right
Quote Left Mistakes made consciously are not mistakes but dishonesty Bint__abdolrahman Quote Right
Quote Left vestiges, vestibule refuge, vegetable refugees, venerable refuse, vermeer recluse, varnish reclined, tarnish declined, tender decimals, cinder decibles, kindergarten disciples life is a condensation of consciousness that dissipates too quickly. Quote Right
Quote Left When someone tries to impose their superiority, class, beliefs and rules. And you subconsciously start proving your worth.... The relationship is fake! Such attempts display lack of confidence. Trust your self, you will find you are even better, it is just that you aren't imposing yourself upon others and that's the grace. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm conscious now; so I know I will be consciously aware In the next phase. After Life.... Peace, Love, Prayer, Faith.... Remember the Righteous Creator.... Quote Right
Quote Left On one's path to wisdom and higher levels of consciousness, one should learn to ignore indoctrinated thinking and flow with natural law of the universe. Let not the sword of war divide us into pieces, the east, west, north, and south are man's illusions ... Life just is, step by step move forward, become fearless. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things