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Famous Cher Quotations

Best famous Cher quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Cher. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Cher.

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Quote Left Cher: I think, no, no I am certain that you are the most unattractive man I have met in my entire life. In the short time that I have known you, you have demonstrated all of the loathsome characteristics of the male personality, AND even discovered a few new ones. You are physically repulsive, morally reprehensible, selfish, stupid, you have no taste, a lousy sense of humor, and you smell. You know, you're not even interesting enough to make me sick. Jack Nicholson: Uh, do you want to be on the top or the bottom? Quote Right
Quote Left And in conclusion, may I please remind you that it does NOT say RSVP on the Statue of Liberty! Quote Right
Quote Left I'm insecure about everything, because... I'm never going to look in the mirror and see this blond, blue-eyed girl. That is my idea of what I'd like to look like. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing lifts me out of a bad mood better than a hard workout on my treadmill. It never fails. To us, exercise is nothing short of a miracle. Quote Right
Quote Left Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful. Quote Right
Quote Left If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life. Quote Right
Quote Left The trouble with some women is they get all excited about nothing --- and then they marry him. Quote Right
Quote Left The trouble with some women is that they get all excited over nothing, and then they go and marry him. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Cher

Quote Left Pain is the greatest teacher Love is the greatest learner Quote Right
Quote Left We want to die surrounded by thousands of people that love us, in honesty few people get that. So cherish everyone in your life that does care, even if it's only one person. Quote Right
Quote Left "I'll cherish the moments we've shared, But I won't let my heart be ensnared." Quote Right
Quote Left Why would we want a heaven without loving consciousness to experience and recall friendships infinitely? Silly to think that God would allow us such fond thoughts, and not Himself cherish tender togetherness above all else. Wrong to think that such depth of bliss, such profound cohesiveness could spring out of random evolution unmediated -- Have no doubts. Heaven is our Live Feeling Eternal Companion, and not a random Spiritual Stranger, writer of previously unknown preference and vocabulary. Quote Right
Quote Left It is my daily prayer and ardent endeavor as a volunteer teacher assistant, to help at least one child each day, tear down walls of trepidation, and discover, that there is absolutely nothing, no nothing, if they are willing and believing, that they cannot ultimately learn. Quote Right
Quote Left The worst thing a student can have is an ignorant teacher. March 2024. Quote Right
Quote Left While tutoring children can make them will not necessarily make them individual. Always try to see and focus on innate talents~ a good teacher as well learns from his students. Quote Right
Quote Left "I am a child of God, clothed in the divine image, handpicked and cherished by the Creator. My worth is unwavering, my purpose undeniable. No words, no opinions, no doubts can diminish the sacred essence within me. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made, a testament to God's love and grace." Quote Right
Quote Left Dreaming fame is like a target in front of an Archer. To hit it, we must aim perfectly, at it. Quote Right
Quote Left "We can only explain what we Know not what we have Heard. Life is a great teacher. Many do not learn but some do." Quote Right
Quote Left Unexpected connection, unbreakable bond, unforgettable bliss, countless laughs, and unconditional love are what make relationship so special. Sometimes there are unreasonable fights and unexplainable emotions, but the undeniable truth is that our hearts remain inseparable. We create unimaginable memories, make forgivable mistakes, and cherish the moments we share. It's all part of the beautiful and sometimes unpredictable journey of life and love. Quote Right
Quote Left IF you, Are praying to god And HE isn't Answering to you Remember, teachers don't speak during tests Quote Right
Quote Left Beauty can be a treacherous siren, luring in unsuspecting prey to the rocky shores of danger Quote Right
Quote Left As a student, I solved a ton of problems... As a teacher, I am wondering who is going to solve mine. Quote Right
Quote Left If you got scolded by your teacher, just be silent. But in future, you might be the topper in all. Quote Right
Quote Left Garden Time fast approaches Plant five rows of peas Planning Patience perseverance preparation positivity Include one row of squash Squash negativity Add three rows of lettuce Let us take responsibility Let us reward our accomplishments Let us be empowered And lastly turnips Turn up with new ideas Turn up with determination Turn up with a smile Edited version garden of success by Suzy Jones a weight watchers leader Quote Right
Quote Left "Tit for tat is a fair game though the courts will never steal from a thief!" Teacher Kevin Quote Right
Quote Left " A promiscuous woman will always claim that every man is a toothpick! < Teacher Kevin> Quote Right
Quote Left "If our hearts are crushed repeatedly, we'll start to think that love is only a prelude to heartbreak." Teacher Kevin Quote Right
Quote Left In a class room sixty students with different observation of what teacher says mean to many sheets with different angle of mark because of understand who is wrong a teacher OR students Quote Right
Quote Left Any son facing sorrow will seek out his mother as John did when Christ was crucified. Weeping mother comforting her son dying and a brother mourning a divine teacher unworthy of a painful death. Quote Right
Quote Left The best teacher is the One within you. Quote Right
Quote Left Thank you Father. My pain was my teacher. Quote Right
Quote Left Give thanks in difficult times for difficulties are our teacher. Give thanks in good times for the difficult times taught us appreciation and gratitude. Quote Right
Quote Left We are all teachers either, we add, multiply, divide or subtract from one another. Quote Right
Quote Left "We see our reflection in the mirror but we see our image in our disciples because whatever we teach to our students they do the same if we teach bad things then they will do bad and if we teach good things to them then they will do good for people so if you become a good student then you will be a good teacher because your teach was very good student." Quote Right
Quote Left Treachery often comes with a smile, and soft-spoken words… Quote Right
Quote Left The western Christianity is that which Fact-check a Preacher of the gospel (deliberate orchestration from the kingdom of darkness) to make the Truth of scripture subject to scrutiny by mere man Quote Right
Quote Left I'm always wondering how much do you have to pay a teacher if knowledge is something invaluable. December 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left A white swan parts the cherry-petalled pond with her motionless breast. —Roka, translation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs