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Famous Brazil Quotations

Best famous Brazil quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Brazil. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Brazil.

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Quote Left (Brazil:) I've never beheld such a paradise. The people are enchanting and—a mercy on this earth of ours—this is the only place where ther... Quote Right
Quote Left The only way we'll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba -- yes Cuba too. Quote Right
Quote Left It finally seems to have dawned on some of the England players that, if they are to beat the likes of Brazil, Germany, Argentina and Italy in a World cup, they need an iron manager to forge them into a team, not a nice guy to massage their inflated egos. The gooey love affair between coaches and players is coming to its inevitable end. Does Eriksson have answers? There are times when you have to wonder if this vague, distant albeit charming figure is really all that interested in finding them. Quote Right
Quote Left If you don't think animal protection is a battle, consider the weapons we're up against: harpoon; leg-hold trap; cockfighting spur; puntilla (knife used in the slaughter of livestock in certain countries); ferao (used in Brazil to poke out the eyes of cattle before leading them to slaughter); hakapik (used to club baby seals)... among others!' Quote Right
Quote Left Four years ago maybe we thought we were inferior to Brazil, subconsciously we didn't see ourselves beating them. Now we believe in ourselves, we can be on the pitch with any team in the world and think we can win. Quote Right
Quote Left Another bum asked me, 'Can I have $300 for a cup of coffee?' I told him, 'Coffee's a quarter!' The bum said, 'Yeah, but I want to drink it in Brazil!' Quote Right
Quote Left Only a fool checks the depth of water with both legs. Quote Right

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