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Famous Advance Quotations

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Quote Left He that embarks on the voyage of life will always wish to advance rather by the impulse of the wind than the strokes of the oar; and many fold in their passage; while they lie waiting for the gale. Quote Right
Quote Left The psychological context of dream-contents consists in the web of associations in which the dream is naturally embedded. Theoretically we can never know anything in advance about this web, but in practice it is sometimes possible, granted long enough experience. Even so, careful analysis will never rely too much on technical rules; the danger of deception and suggestion is too great. In the analysis of isolated dreams above all, this kind of knowing in advance and making assumptions on the grounds of practical expectation or general probability is positively wrong. It should therefore be an absolute rule to assume that every dream, and every part of a dream, is unknown at the outset, and to attempt an interpretation only after carefully taking up the context. We can then apply the meaning we have thus discovered to the text of the dream itself and see whether this yields a fluent reading, or rather whether a satisfying meaning emerges. Quote Right
Quote Left He that embarks on the voyage of life will always wish to advance rather by the impulse of the wind than the strokes of the oar; and many foulder in their passage; while they lie waiting for the gale. Quote Right
Quote Left Fortune can, for her pleasure, fools advance, And toss them on the wheels of Chance. Quote Right
Quote Left It was very important for us to send a message to the new Palestinian leadership that if [they intended] to abrogate signed international agreements in an effort to advance their extremist agenda, they should not be surprised if Israel acts to defend its citizens and its interests. Quote Right
Quote Left Fortune can, for her pleasure, fools advance, And toss them on the wheels of Chance. Quote Right
Quote Left The moon and other celestial bodies should be free for exploration and use by all countries. No country should be permitted to advance a claim of sovereignty. Quote Right
Quote Left I will not by the noise of bloody wars and the dethroning of kings advance you to glory: but by the gentle ways of peace and love. Quote Right
Quote Left All my children have spoken for themselves since they first learned to speak, and not always with my advance approval, and I expect that to continue in the future. Quote Right
Quote Left A man's delight in looking forward to and hoping for some particular satisfaction is a part of the pleasure flowing out of it, enjoyed in advance. But this is afterward deducted, for the more we look forward to anything the less we enjoy it when it comes. Quote Right
Quote Left Language, the machine of the poet, is best fitted for his purpose in its rudest state. Nations, like individuals, first perceive, and then abstract. They advance from particular images to general terms. Hence the vocabulary of an enlightened society is philosophical, that of a half-civilized people is poetical. Quote Right
Quote Left A good novel is an indivisible sum; every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. Quote Right
Quote Left What it values most of all is the sum total of events and the advance of civilization, which carries individuals along with it; but, indifferent to details, it cares less to have them real than noble or, rather, grand and complete. Quote Right
Quote Left What in fact have I achieved, however much it may seem Bits and pieces trivialities. But here they won't tolerate anything else, or anything more. If I wanted to take one step in advance of the current views and opinions of the day, that would put paid to any power I have. Do you know what we are those of us who count as pillars of society We are society's tools, neither more nor less. Quote Right
Quote Left Agitators are a set of interfering, meddling people, who come down to some perfectly contented class of the community and sow the seeds of discontent amongst them. That is the reason why agitators are so absolutely necessary. Without them, in our incomplete state, there would be no advance towards civilization. Quote Right
Quote Left A society person who is enthusiastic about modern painting or Truman Capote is already half a traitor to his class. It is middle-class people who, quite mistakenly, imagine that a lively pursuit of the latest in reading and painting will advance their status in the world. Quote Right
Quote Left Common-sense is part of the home-made ideology of those who have been deprived of fundamental learning, of those who have been kept ignorant. This ideology is compounded from different sources: items that have survived from religion, items of empirical knowledge, items of protective skepticism, items culled for comfort from the superficial learning that is supplied. But the point is that common-sense can never teach itself, can never advance beyond its own limits, for as soon as the lack of fundamental learning has been made good, all items become questionable and the whole function of common-sense is destroyed. Common-sense can only exist as a category insofar as it can be distinguished from the spirit of inquiry, from philosophy. Quote Right
Quote Left Use power to help people. For we are given power not to advance our own purposes nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power and it is to serve people. Quote Right
Quote Left Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood. Quote Right
Quote Left 'It's disheartening that animal people criticize societies that enlist the help of actors or organize creative acts like 'I'd rather go naked than wear fur,' to increase public awareness to our cause. These are great/courageous ideas which time has come! Liberation of animals is REVOLUTION - not elegant performance/ intellectual competition. We should do most anything to advance the animal rights cause. All the bickering may make the one step forward... TWO STEPS BACKWARD???' Quote Right
Quote Left We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast, but when we say this we imagine that hour as placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun or that death could arrive this same afternoon, this afternoon which is so certain and which has every hour filled in advance. Quote Right
Quote Left And what have you laymen made of hell? A kind of penal servitude for eternity, on the lines of your convict prisons on earth, to which you condemn in advance all the wretched felons your police have hunted from the beginning -- enemies of society, as you call them. You're kind enough to include the blasphemers and the profane. What proud or reasonable man could stomach such a notion of God's justice? And when you find that notion inconvenient it's easy enough for you to put it on one side. Hell is not to love any more, Madame. Not to love any more! Quote Right
Quote Left We went back in the spring for the Advance Auto Parts 500, and all the emotions came back, Quote Right
Quote Left Evolution is gaining the psychic zones of the world... life, being and ascent of consciousness, could not continue to advance indefinitely along its line without transforming itself in depth. The being who is the object of his own reflection, in consequence, of that very doubling back upon himself becomes in a flash able to raise himself to a new sphere. Quote Right
Quote Left Fortune can, for her pleasure, fools advance,
And toss them on the wheels of Chance.
Quote Right
Quote Left The advance planning and sense stimuli employed to capture a $10 million cigarette or soap market are nothing compared to the brainwashing and propaganda blitzes used to ensure control of the largest cash market in the world: the Executive Branch of the United States Government. Quote Right
Quote Left Error is discipline through which we advance. Quote Right
Quote Left Excessive reservations and paralyzing despondency have not helped the sciences to advance nor are they helping them to advance, but a healthy optimism that cheerfully searches for new ways to understand, as it is convinced that it will be possible to find them. Quote Right
Quote Left People are the common denominator of progress. So... no improvement is possible with unimproved people, and advance is certain when people are liberated and educated. It would be wrong to dismiss the importance of roads, railroads, power plants, mills, and the other familiar furniture of economic development.... But we are coming to realize... that there is a certain sterility in economic monuments that stand alone in a sea of illiteracy. Conquest of illiteracy comes first. Quote Right
Quote Left The discovery of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of human cancer is widely heralded as a triumph due to the use of animal models… However, there is little, if any, factual evidence that would support these claims… Indeed, while conflicting animal results have often delayed and hampered advances in the war on cancer, they have never produced a single substantial advance in either the prevention or treatment of human cancer. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Advance

Quote Left We are but mere humans, to err is to be alive. To learn from our errors is the beauty of life and we have the ability to advance in our knowledge, the pain and suffering of our actions need not be in vain. No one is exempt from making mistakes, it's how we react to the consequences that defines us in the end. No one is exempt from making mistakes, it's how we react to the consequences that defines us in the end. Quote Right
Quote Left “The footprint of progress must never trample upon the footprint of nature. And so human advancement must never overshadow or destroy nature upon which all life depends.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left like that first beam of ruby matrix advanced, we are all jeweler rough~ till we are not. Quote Right
Quote Left I am driven by a profound belief in taking meaningful actions that advance the wellbeing of humanity and his environment; and I believe that each individual has a role to play regardless of the level, capacity, or sector involved, for we all share this collective responsibility. ~ Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left Whenever we reach the milestone of advanced age: are we proud of our achievements, or do we regret being bonded by the commitment and not chasing after rainbows? Quote Right
Quote Left Life doesn't advance throughout days, but by the descisions that are taken in a certain moment. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left As long as we live, time we will go through the following day is always paid into our life account in advance, just before we have woken up in the morning, yet the length of time is unknown. Quote Right
Quote Left No true advancement comes from walking an established path. The only reason to walk an established path is to gain perspective before forging your own. Quote Right
Quote Left Do not limit yourself to one set of teachings. True advancement comes from learning many things and seeing how they compare to each other. Quote Right
Quote Left If you can't accept the result of a democratic vote 3 years after it happened, I wish you in advance, a happy 4th birthday and all the best for Brexit Quote Right
Quote Left Science confirms what Religion can’t prove. Science is the force that advances society and Religion offers the promise of comfort for the soul. Quote Right
Quote Left There was no way to predict my course in advance. Yet, looking back, it all makes sense. Quote Right
Quote Left Tribalism is like a worm living inside humans. It grows bigger and bigger as we advance, lives in us but causes havoc with us alive. Do we let it die the day we die or will we look for a better worm-expeller to destroy it before it destroys us? Africans be wise! Quote Right
Quote Left Invest your focus in advance for being the best......for the mere success is planted in the future. Quote Right
Quote Left Start with choice, anchor sure poise and advance firm voice to create word pictures. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things