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MaryEvangeline - all messages by user

7/7/2012 1:09:42 PM
Chat connection When I click "Chat Room", a connection cannot be established because it says I am already connected and cannot be connected again. I am trying to learn the ins and outs of this site so any help would be appreciated.
7/7/2012 1:19:55 PM
New to the Soup Even though I joined some time ago, I am new to the "Soup". I live in the Deep South, teach English as a Second Language, and am also a mom. I love to write and have been doing so since a child. I have begun writing stories more than poems so I hope to find a place for myself here. The last location where my friend, Michael Rice, and Jkalwaye used to write is still home to some of my poems although it can get a bit out of hand there like a playground full of elementary students or high school kids in the cafeteria during a food fight. Did I mention I also taught English and Spanish. I look forward to working with everyone.
7/18/2012 12:47:45 PM
New to the Soup I just learned that my msn account was hacked and it appears that for some reason an email was sent to one of my alternate addresses. I cannot enter chat which is just one worry and I would also like to say that I am sorry if anyone was insulted to to my account having been hacked. It is linked to this account. ME
7/18/2012 1:06:46 PM
Chat connection As I have said, I am new here and unsure how things work. I can critique as well as write poetry but the chat connection is beyond me. Could anyone be so kind as to help me with chat?
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