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canyouhearme - all messages by user

8/20/2013 1:59:45 PM
Finding Kayla Buchannan I know this might sound obvious, but have you tried Facebook? There's many Kayla Buchanan's there--not with a double "n" though.
edited by canyouhearme on 8/20/2013
8/20/2013 2:10:46 PM
Destiny I feel like I just posted about the same thing. You know what they say about great minds...

I want to feel like the next great love is around the corner, but sometimes it's hard to stay optimistic!

I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in pondering this. I too have lost many friends, and feel like I am not gaining any back. I am still hopeful that my faith will be restored one day.


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