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konjur - all messages by user

5/7/2010 10:22:19 AM
Just saying "hello!" Hi,
My name is Patty Lane and I am a "hopeful" poet, or is that a "wannabe" poet? Either or. Still not sure! I don't write much poetry, but then again I am also an artist who hates to paint so right there that doesn't lend much credence to my poet-labeling capability, does it? I consider myself weak in the subject of creating poetry and the use of words because I didn't go to school much, elementary school? Hardly ever. And didn't graduate high school - something, I have always regretted. Which means writing for me has always been a chore because I have to check everything I write over and over again: punctuation, spelling, grammar, so much so that it becomes more of task than a pleasure ... oddly, I still seem to enjoy writing - a lot! I am a bit of of philospher (though more of the street urchin kind) and enjoy reading poetry when I get the chance (if ever), because in my humble opinion all poets are philosphers. I rarely read much as I am always working on some sort of weird project - the weirder, the better. So sitting and reading is usually last on my list of "things to do" which sometimes I actually get around to doing, but only because my body starts screaming "foul" and I am forced to sit down after having worked myself into exhaustion, at which point when I DO sit down and begin to read, I am out cold within 5 minutes of cracking a book. Guess my problem is I have "good" hands, really, really good hands; they amaze me, they can build anything, design anything, paint anything, create anything regardless of medium. I enjoy watching them work their magic ... trust me, I am fully aware that they are a "gift" and I am truly grateful for that. I have to say my passion has always been with building stuff, and the feeling of the tangible, watching it take shape so effortlessly by these unremarkably-looking hands of mine. My God, is there anything purer than fresh sanded wood? "Creating" whether with words or wood is all architecture to me. I just don't trust myself with words half as much as I what I do with wood. But this poetry thing ... behooves somewhat. It's not a gift, not like the other, and so I don't trust what I do when I create poetry. I know you have to have a good vocabulary which I am not so strong in. Anyway, I explain all this in the hope that you wonderful poets out there can give me help in that area ... that I can trust in the poetry I write, and that it is "good" poetry. I don't think I could sustain anything less than that because I am one who will always reach for stars even when I know the moon is closer. That's just me! So ... I posted one of my poems. I am not sure what type of poem it is, but after checking out your list of categories ... I think it is free form. This is a last shot for me. If it stinks ... no problem ... I'll just stay in my world of jelly beans and wood. Thanx for listening and nice meeting you all and being here. Have a nice day ... keep on creating!! Patty Lane
5/12/2010 8:25:21 AM
Community Points Just my take here, and here's where's I usually put my foot in my mouth - just like American Idol a lot of contestants win votes because of popularity rather than talent. So, yes, I do agree the point system here may not be representative of true talent, however it does work tho to keep the web site active, which I do agree is an important consideration in order to sustain the web site. Why not use 10 volunteers from this group to vote for "This week's top 10 poets" with the rest falling into the "honorables mentions" catergory. A short top ten list window is more inviting to read and will draw even the laziest readers in. I have yet to read all the poems in the top 100 poems list or is that 200 top poems list, anyway not enough hours in the day for that!! The ten judges could be changed weekly so as to keep the "eyes" fresh. Just put up a panel to the right or left titled "volunteer Judges's list." You should get enough names the first time to keep you supplied in judges for a month or more. A rolling stone gathers no moss as they say. It would be great if you could put up a top 10 list everyday, but I know that would very hard to do. So ... this is just my say on this ... can I take my foot out now? LOL!
5/12/2010 8:46:48 AM
Beast Of Burden - A Fable in Rhyme I am surprised only one commented on this poem. This is my favorite poem! Did they not get it? Maybe not as many people as I thought saw the "The Matrix." Patty


Once upon a time in a hamlet name Le’May
Two mules were watching the folks who blocked their way
What's taking so long? Said the white mule to the grey
Why don't they get a move on, I want to run and play
Be patient my boy, it's a human thing they do
They are pondering the boxes the master left in view
See them in the road there … in sizes - just the two
All must make a choice of one in order to pass through
But father that's an easy choice, the larger box is best
Who would pick the smaller one when all you'd get is less
That’s not always true my son, but if I had to make a guess
Size indeed might matter here, a fact I'll now address
You see, the Master always has a plan for anything that might
Invigorate the hearts of those who’ve given up on life
And so he gives them trials that oft time will ignite
The dying-trying embers in need of passion’s light
I see you're looking puzzled son, so let me edify
I heard some fellows talking as they happen to pass by
One said unto the other, friend I'm telling you no lie
You mean to say they're both alike, the poser did reply
Yes, both contain a truth unknown. In that they are the same
I heard the Master tell this to the boy on Willow Lane
Adding, he who seeks the better light must approach the flame
For truth will bright the caravan while they in dark remain

Now I couldn't hear the rest my son as those people moved away
But I think I understand what the Master had to say
You see truth is like an open door where depending on its sway
The direction of perception is how it is surveyed

Let’s say you choose a door, you’ve entered through once more
You're going to get what you expect. There's nothing to explore
For the mind is designed … to dine on the obscure
With an appetite that’s primed for mystery’s allure
Still, if your heart has questions and likes to take a chance
Why not try that different door to mysterious circumstance
It might stagger your reality and gamble your confidence
But truth for some can often plumb the core of all imbalance
So I guess what's in the boxes that the humans need critique
Is a fitting kind’ve platform for the sort’ve truth they seek
And the box that will be chosen by the complacent or the meek
Might well be the smaller box for egos that are weak
For those who dare to walk the edge to hazard the unknown
They might choose the larger box even when they’re shown
Realities not readied for along the new path honed
For truth is still the rudest king to ever sit a throne
Then it’s “knowledge” in the boxes. Is that what it’s about
Why how smart you are my boy, you’ve got it figured out
“Knowledge” is precisely what it is without a doubt
Though misinterpretation can bite you on the snout
Son, “knowledge” is no jester on the battlefield of “right”
It’s army strong and payback long for you the neophyte
Deception’s guise that truth belies can not endure the fight
For “knowledge” is the teeth that gives the mouth of truth its bite
Ah, but they are stubborn as can be as far as humans go
They just can not accept things as they are, as we all know
But that is how he made them, the Master planned it so ... though
It can’t be easy being human child, they’ve quite a load to tow
Yes son
And they call us the beast of burden?
5/12/2010 9:15:50 AM
Static Well done, hon! Maybe the last stanza could read:

Forever lost in space and time
those static seconds when we were divine
to never recant, to never rewind
is lost to all of human kind
5/12/2010 9:23:51 AM
Of Kings and Crowns Catie,
I think the line " then murdered by the mobs demands" is referring to "Jesus" being murdered as the mob did seem to demand is death. No doubt the mob was peppered with "agreeable" folk to facilitate Jesus's death. But then, unless the author jumps in here ... we may never know!
However I did like the poem!
hugs, Patty
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