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mwalker96 - all messages by user

12/2/2018 10:10:20 PM
Poetry into greeting cards I created a poem a while back called a gift of Friendship and I made it into an ecard or a digital greet-card. My question is that is there a market for cards. Here's the poem I made (Gift Of Friendship).

Friendship is a gift.
You showed me what a friend is;
You support, encourage and uplift.

I don't take for granted the bond we share
It's by grace that we pair
You show me that someone really do care.
4/24/2020 3:17:33 PM
Have you thought about making chapbooks Selling poetry is indeed difficult and the market for poetry has historically been small to non-existent but self-publishing made it easy for poets to publish without any money, but with self-publish you still need money to buy your your books from (amazon or Lulu). Chapbooks seem to be the most practical way poets can create and sell their work for a low cost. Chapbooks are most effective at poetry readings, open-mics or Slams. What do you guys think?
4/24/2020 3:20:39 PM
A poem titled Down To Earth My legacy as a person is I want people to say I was real down to earth.

A rare breed, a true one of a kind.

I want to be the exception to humanity

The opposite of ego and vanity

I want to be that person who you feel at ease with.

I want my character traits to resemble Christ:

Someone who was kind, loyal, trustworthy, disciplined, respectful, humble, and honest.

The person you can sit and vent to, the person who will give you money when you're in need, a person who will go out of his way to make sure you are ok.

That's the kind of person I want to be remembered for.
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