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Contest Judged:  5/17/2020 3:52:00 AM
Sponsored by: Julia Ward | Send Soup Mail
See Contest Description

Contest Description

In Genesis 17:15, Abraham was commanded by the Lord God to no longer call his wife Sarai, meaning "contentious", but Sarah, which has the meaning of princess.  Sarah is a name that has held itw own in the popularity stakes and this is helped by its meaning, for parents like to think of their daughter as their very own princess.

Please write a poem about a beautiful BABY called Sarah and include the word princess MORE THAN TWICE.  Even more than in the poems you wrote of Shantelle and "stone", make the word of princess obsessional - one which will be held forever in your readers' minds so that they never forget that Sarah and princess are one and the same.

(I wanted to give an example after writing this, so quickly got going to give you one.  Mine is called "Sarah", dated today - 12/4/2020,  and I made it fun, as you will see.)


What to Submit?

One original poem highlighting Sarah's meaning of "princess".

Any form is acceptable.


First Prize, Glory
Second Prize, Glory
Third Prize, Glory


Preparing Your Entry

Submit one copy of your poem online. Format your poem. Please make your entry easy to read — no illustrations or fancy fonts. 

English Language

Poems should be in English. Poems translated from other languages are not eligible, unless you wrote both the original poem and the translation.

A Note to Poetry Contestants

You are welcome to enter this contest, whether or not you won a prize in one of my previous contests.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things