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SENRYU the alternative to haiku? - Brian Strand's Blog

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English experiential poet of open verse& creator of the FOOTLE (singular form)&EMAGI digital reverse ekphrasis.A regular @PS since 2007 ,with 10,000+ poems posted&sponsor of 1312+contests ( Amazon booksreviews (500+)GOOGLE my POETRY/ART BLOGS @ inc youtube links to my recitations artwork sample - 







SENRYU the alternative to haiku?

Blog Posted:6/8/2017 2:05:00 PM

The PS definitions for the senryu is a little limited , so those interested may care to check out these to links


is a very helpful article with many examples and explanations and is well worth a visit.


is a short Wiki page on this form and contains some excellent references to links and books on this delightful tercet form of Japanese origin

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TO ALL MY FAITHFUL CONTESTANTS fare well and thank you
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IMAGIST impressions
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Date Posted: 5/12/2021 12:22:00 AM

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