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Best Poems Written by Hannah Mcmann

Below are the all-time best Hannah Mcmann poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My New Year's Resolutions

What's my resolution?
                                    I thought one day 
                              I do need to buy new shoes 
                                  But that's boring! I say
                      I'll get a crocodile who can make card piles 
                          And a flamingo who can do ballet 
                                         You're nuts! 
                                         You're crazy!
                                       But I don't care 
                            As long as this year I get to wear 
                             A dress made out of toilet paper 
                          And shoes made of shaving foam too

                                 I'll bake a tower of cakes 
                              They'll be decorated with rakes 

                        I'll grow a beard that's 3000 feet tall! 
                            With my crazy resolutions 
                            2017 will be the best year 
                                    Of them all

Copyright © Hannah Mcmann | Year Posted 2017

Details | Hannah Mcmann Poem

Butterflies of Beauty

I don't often see beautiful things outside after summer
But today I saw something that made my jaw drop 
Imagine: a cool autumn day, 
I'm walking through a forest 
Filled with flowers and orange and red trees,
Their leaves falling in the breeze 
A cool, still lake reflecting it all
What what should appear 
But a tiny, rare butterfly 
Just fluttering past 
It settled on a flower
And began to drink it's nectar
I studied this beautiful little creature as it drank
It had tiny white dots speckling it's body 
It's body was a vibrant shade of red
As I marveled at it's beauty
Another fluttered by! 
This one, a brilliant shade of blue 
And black spots all over it's body 
This one simply came to rest on one of the red trees
As I sat gazing at it with incredulous eyes
What happened? 
A gaggle of yellows fluttered by! 
And merely all rested on some nearby flowers
So I stayed in this beautiful, quiet little forest
Just watching the butterflies
I realized at that moment,
Sometimes beauty lies
In the simplest of things 
It doesn't have to be shiny, new, or expensive 
To be beautiful
Just look outside your window
If you want to see something pretty
So next time you see a butterfly
Remember to stop and appreciate it's beauty

Copyright © Hannah Mcmann | Year Posted 2017

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Happy, is how I used to feel 
I was happy, when you were here 
I was very happy, but old wounds don't heal
Now that you have left and gone 
I don't know how to move on
You know I was never one for goodbyes 
And your eyes, I'll never forget those eyes
They were thoughtful, and blue as the sky
Your hair
Was black as midnight skies
And no matter how hard I try
I can't feel happy
Without you here 
I wont be happy
Until you're near
But I just have to let go
I just wanted you to know 

I WILL let go 
Even though you'll always be in the back of my heart 
I'll begin to make a fresh start 
You made me happy, and I'll never forget
I have no regrets
And you better bet
I can be happy, even though you're gone
All I need's me, myself, and I 
Even without you, I will be

This is a poem about how you feel after someone close to that you love drifts away from you. It starts out as a sad feeling, like you'll never move on from that person, until you realize that, in the end, you don't really need them anymore, because they didn't try to stay connected with you and lost you forever. In the end, you realize, all you really need is yourself.

Copyright © Hannah Mcmann | Year Posted 2017

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For You

You taught me so much 
From that very first day 
I can't believe that I finally have the courage to say 
How much you mean to me 
Don't wanna die with these words still yet to be said 
It hurts my head 
Just to imagine
The golden rainbows and buttercups you wove, all for me 
Now I want you to see 
You taught me more than he ever had, 
Even though you're not who I call Dad 
He taught me to ride a bike 
But you taught to me how to fly a kite 
Whenever I needed you, you fought right by my side 
Through thick and thin
You'd always said, "We have thicker skin."
You helped me with my homework 
Waited patiently even when I had a temper
I just want you to remember
I need you now more than ever 
And still you stand with me 
Even though you're not here 
I hold these memories dear 
In my heart you'll stay forever

Copyright © Hannah Mcmann | Year Posted 2017

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Cuddly little balls of fluff climbing up my toes 
Before I know what's happening, one's licking my nose! 
Playful little bundles of joy
A little one bats at it's toy
I love spending time 
With these sweet little kittens 
One's got little white paws- I think we'll call her Mittens! 
What I love about cats 
Is easy to understand 
I love their little soft meows and their fluffy coats are grand!
I could spend my life surrounded by kittens
What better place to be? 
Kitten here, and kitten there, kittens as far as I can see!
Some people say kittens are snooty- why, you just have to get to know 'em!
So the next time you are asked
"Why do you love cats?" 
Just show them this poem! 


Copyright © Hannah Mcmann | Year Posted 2017

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I am free 
I can live happily 
I can skip
I may dance 
At least I might have a chance 
I'm no longer bound 
To only the ground 
I will fly 
The world was never really mine 
The air swallows me 
I am finally free
The ground is so hard 
The light is so bright 
Finally everything can be set right 
I'm going up 
Up, further up 
I never belonged 
I just made the world wrong
Now I'm free 
I'm happy 
And I flew 
It was nice 
I've never felt such a feeling in my life 
Sure, it hurt 
Looking back
To my past
My mother used to say to me, "love you're not normal you'll go far you will be a little star." 
But I did nothing in my lifetime 
I can hear the bells chime 
It's my time 
Now I'm rising above the clouds 
Goodbye Earth 
It's my rebirth
I am...... free

Copyright © Hannah Mcmann | Year Posted 2017

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Let's start with way back several years ago
When I was still young and naïve

I believed I was in love 
But how wrong I was 
Because all I really was was used. 

He had golden hair and loving eyes, 
At least when he wasn't angry 
But he very often was 

I had moved into his place 
Because I thought he was as great as he seemed 
I was delicate, fragile, and easy to break 
And break was just what he did 

One day we got into a terrible fight  
Raging, he was 
He raised his hand 
And I couldn't run fast enough 
The next day I escaped with bruises and scars 
I wish I'd done something, anything at all 
But I thought I deserved what I got 

So months this little cycle went on
He screamed, and he fought, and it used everything I had
Just to escape with my life. 

Those days changed me for sure 
I don't know how to get on with the world 
The reason I escaped, and the only reason indeed, 
Is because I took action against him. 

His hands around my neck, I had nothing else to do
And he would've killed me if I hadn't grabbed the nearest weapon in view 

The last vision in my mind as I escaped from this place, 
Was him, lying on the ground, unconscious 

So now, as I'm sitting at home, safely writing this,
All I have left of him, are the hand-shaped marks on my neck. 

I tried writing a deeper, darker poem today. Although it may not rhyme, the most important part is that it tells a story. It's obviously about deadly physical abuse, but it's also about being aware, and not letting yourself go so deep in those situations that you could die.

Copyright © Hannah Mcmann | Year Posted 2017

Book: Shattered Sighs