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Best Poems Written by Barry Levy

Below are the all-time best Barry Levy poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Violence of Money

There is never an ending
		to the spending
	a world of paper
and plastic to collect
and horde
	and cars
	and homes
	and jewelry
	and fine wine
	and paintings
	stocks and bonds
and expectations
entire vocations 
	devoted to 
disguising the numbers
the Caribbean masquerade
to volumes of recorded
purchases and voices 
of invoices
to extend  
the accumulation
of dates
and names
places and faces
	and connections
		at breakneck
must fill the need
must fill the need
a shouting browbeating
handing over
fistfuls	of cash
to make sure
make certain
	only the best
	the finest
	the rarest
of air is not available

the underwater martyrs
the silent box dwellers
the empty bottle collectors
the wheelchair drifters
the SRO limbo sellers
the workers at 
		the bottom
	of the 

and the indigent gamblers
who line the halls
to knock on doors
of government departments
crippled by reckless
and corrupt state 
choking the dwindling 
and resources
		that have
	nothing to do	
count the days
and ways
to disappoint
disarm dismay	
dispute the reputations
and  	  applications
held in sweaty palms

to begin living
to end the doubt
to end the not having
the counting of pennies
the slow heroin erosion
the unbroken hollowness
the whiskey-soaked
ravages of vacant histories
better-forgotten memories
of cold emergency rooms

to end being
in a world

a world 
of resentment 
of fear and hate and anger
of dark empty streets
empty recriminations
empty promises
	made to themselves
	by themselves
harming themselves
arming themselves
to rob to steal
to maim

to take whatever they can
for as long as they can
to approximate 
the wonder and magic
	of having what you need
when you need it or want it
to not have to beg
to not have to humiliate 
or be humiliated

to not have to watch 
    the ease of others
who have a casual 
contempt for misfortune
and respect for nothing
but their own wealth 
           of deception
to breeze through
tall golden doors 
to an unbroken string
of shiny bright todays 
and tomorrows

to not have to 
     lunge for hope
never grasp it
in all ways 
and forever
just out of 

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem


water falls up
in a world  out
of balance
gravity fades

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2017

Details | Barry Levy Poem

To Be Black Is a Crime In America

Gunshots and tasers aimed at the back
tracking the movements and memories
of unsuspecting dark-skinned citizens 
marked by the scars of a history denied

For Rumain Brisbon, 34
it was crime to be black in Arizona
For Tamir Rice, 12
it was crime to be black in Ohio
For Alonzo Ashley, 29
it was crime to be black in Colorado

The Federal Bureau of Investigation
say young black men are 21 times as likely 
as their white peers to be killed by police
who use deadly force first with impunity

For Kajieme Powell, 25
it was a crime to be black in Missouri
For Ezell Ford, 25
it was a crime to be black in California
For Trayvon Martin, 17
it was a crime to be black in Florida

Predators in blue or green or grey
are looking for you if your skin is black
brown or beige ever eager to escalate 
minor infractions into family tragedies

For Tyree Woodson, 38
it was a crime to be black in Maryland
For Victor White III, 22
it was a crime to be black in Louisiana
For Yvette Smith, 47
it was a crime to be black in Texas

This is not new or shocking to those
who live with this in their daily lives
but a revelation to the feckless peers
wearing the white cape of entitlement

For McKenzie Cochran, 25
it was a crime to be black in Michigan
For Miriam Carey, 34
it was a crime to be black in Washington, D.C.
For Jonathon Ferrell, 24
it was a crime to be black in North Carolina

To protect and serve themselves
to serve superiors who lie and obfuscate
to hide behind denials and fabrications
nurturing the shield of the thick blue wall

For Johnnie Kamal Warren, 43
it was a crime to be black in Alabama
For Ervin Jefferson, 18
it was a crime to be black in Georgia
For Chavis Carter, 21
it was a crime to be black in Arkansas

This is the bloody trail left behind
from the Original Sin the pain and horror
in the bottom of boats and later in chains
on plantations and now in private prisons

For Eric Garner, 43
it was crime to be black in New York
For Sandra Bland, 28
it was a crime to be black in Texas
For Samuel Dubose, 23
it was a crime to be black in Ohio

Newspaper headlines scream and shout
officers go free as gullible grand juries 
are misled by dissembling prosecutors 
proud to defend craven uniformed killers

For Eric Harris, 44
it was crime to be black in Oklahoma
For Walter Scott, 50
it was a crime to be black in South Carolina
For Freddie Gray, 25
it was a crime to be black in Maryland

Not all of them are like this 
but there have been 
too many times 
too many dead and 
too many watching

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem

Press Release

A listing of the fires 
and all the survivors 
will be provided

Names of the dead 
are written on broken cobblestones 
at the bottom of the river

The sheet music 
is in the morgue - reconstruction 
of the falafel carts will commence at dawn

The Liability Brigade 
will hunt down the marauding gang of investors
and bring them before a Grand Jury

Bones of smoke will be 
lined up for identification by family members
directly after the Eulogy of the Clouds

The Commissioner will be
available on Facebook from noon until
dinner time - food and clothing for orphans,

The infirm, and the elderly 
will be top priority - memories will be given
temporary shelter - forensic echoes and screams 

Will not be available for questioning
information packets will be redacted and distributed 
by EOB today - a sweet and savage grace 

Will be bestowed upon us all -
alternate sides of the street parking rules are in effect
and once the Mayor has given his statement

The sewers of the city
will open and the charred remains of the bodies 
will rise - catered lunches will be delayed indefinitely

Any miracles to be performed 
must register with the Comptroller’s Office 
no later than 5:00 pm Tuesday

Racist, bigots, misogynists, stuttering
CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, CTOs, fund managers
and all the pin-striped pimps on Wall Street 

Will be summarily disgorged before
the first Hour of Amazement begins
quarantined on the peaks of the highest mountains

If you have signs or symptoms of any of the following:

low blood pressure
high blood pressure
palm sweats
nightmares of crossed and bloodied bayonets
basal cell carcinomas
panic attacks
dry or itchy skin
nose sores
reverberating vibrations of V-2 rockets
oozing pustules
non-oozing pustules
bleeding gums
visions of bodies floating in Mekong rice paddies
irregular heartbeat
aphids in the ears
shortness of breath
memories of IEDs on the sweaty road to Kabul
spider veins
clogged arteries

or the realization more and more as time 
goes by that Reason and Logic no longer exist
please see a physician or magician at once

There will be a brief Q&A
with the Kings County ADA regarding
the NYPD SOP for officers shooting unarmed civilians

Any rumor or report or 
any anecdote suggesting self-preservation
over citizen protection will be ridiculed accordingly

All heroin and meth addicts
will report to the New York Times for assignments
and the taking of identification photographs

Lastly please remember
to keep an open heart and mind
when the winter solstice hits the heavens

The warmth you create will flood
the inviolable void behind the sun - 
where a New Enlightenment is being born

Thank you.

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem

The Budget Is a Moral Document

What goes into 
caucus and committee
and what comes out 
      of caucus and committee

what dialogue travels 
the halls of Congress
and what dialogue is absent 
      from those consecrated halls

what is debated on 
the floor stays on the floor
and what rises to the ceiling 
      stays on the ceiling

a high wire act in a circus of clowns and puppets
trip over each other to raise money for themselves

what elevates the heavy 
gavel of procedure
and what brings that mighty 
        wooden gavel down

who is written out of trade 
partnership agreements
and who is written into trade
         partnership agreements

what is left out of 
national security legislation 
and what is written
         into security legislation

it has the shape and style and sound and appearance
of democracy but some fingers and toes are missing

cloaked in rhetoric 
and petulant rant representatives
buzz from one special interest 
         flower to the other

pushing debased agendas 
and empty proposals with impunity
unaware that every single meeting 
         and motion and voice

is attached to the life of 
a determined and diligent citizen
dependent upon their 
         conscientiousness and empathy

clichés and bromides shift fast between nattering teeth
ranks close in and capacity for clear hearing thins out

tabloids and blogs are 
the prime sources of knowledge
and gravitas is a slow steamboat 
         on the Mississippi

commentators and pundits 
flap thick wicked tongues
giving lip service to Constitutional 
         principles and purpose

all thriving in a happy 
broadband land where drones 
drop bombs far away as 
         we sleep in peace and comfort

turn up the Wi-Fi 
have another pitcher of brew

no need to ponder the wretched 
who make it possible 
for all of us
to live

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem

Intimate Betrayal

In the desert 
you make
your own shade
   the heat of 
   the unflinching eye
high above is without   
mercy or menace
there are 
no running wild
in the casbahs
but praying
and walking
      to find a cool
pitcher of liquid
something to release
the visions
dancing between
	the velvet stars
far into the night
and further 
the mathematics 
of memory
dead scholars
pass judgement
and debating 
and scientific
the delayed
fate of nations
the relations 
    between tribes
and the scribes who
recollect and record
each luminous
   their painted cups 
of jasmine tea
nibbling on
the rinds of 
desiccated oranges 
from besotted 
and iridescent 
trees long

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem

Polemic: America, Land of the Dead

Every 16 hours a woman is shot
by her husband or boyfriend

One American is killed with a gun
every 15 minutes

Over 80 Americans are shot and killed 
every day

7 children are “unintentionally” shot
every day

33,000 Americans are killed by guns
every year

Every day 55 Americans kill themselves 
with guns

There were 330 mass shootings
in America in 2015

This is a public health issue
This is a domestic security issue
This is an every-single-citizen-is-involved issue

You could be next
or your spouse or partner or child
or mother or father or sister or brother

74% of NRA members favor background checks

46% fewer women are shot to death by husbands
or boyfriends in states with background checks

48% fewer on-duty cops are shot in states with 
background checks

51% of NRA members favor 5-day waiting periods

Most states have a 24-hour waiting period to get a tattoo 
to buy a gun there is no waiting period required

States with waiting periods before gun purchases
have 51% fewer suicides

In Texas 
no permit is required to own a handgun
no registration is required for owning long arms or handguns
no license is required to own firearms
there are no assault weapons laws
texans can carry concealed weapons if they have a permit
with no training or educational classes required

Most states are the same – trapped in oblivion

It takes 1,000 hours of training to be a yoga instructor
to buy a gun in most states no training is required

In most states there is a limit to the amount of Sudafed
you can purchase but no limit on guns and ammunition

The shooter in Aurora, Colorado was able to purchase
6,000 rounds of ammunition online without any question

The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015
which required face to face purchases of ammunition, 
licensing of ammunition dealers, and reporting regarding 
bulk purchases of ammunition would have prevented this 
purchase of 6,000 rounds but it was killed by Republicans, 
the NRA, and its merry band of cynical lobbyist-whores

This is suicide on a national scale
Americans are killing themselves 
with more and more frequency

Where is the unrelenting national outrage?
where are the pounding national protests?

Where are the demands for investigations into the profits
of the NRA and the gun and ammunition manufacturers

This is all BLOOD MONEY profits made on the corpses 
of delusional and catastrophically misinformed Americans

What is more sacred the Second Amendment or human life
what does the meaning of freedom mean when you are dead

The statistics noted here were taken from the Brave New Films documentary, “MAKING A KILLING: Guns, Greed, and the NRA.” 

To find out more, please visit

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem


ego go away
take a peach from the tree
and kneel beside me

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem

A Map of Possibilities

Things confuse me easily these days 
it might be age or some kind of rare 
oncoming dementia preparing me for 
a difficult but joyous passage of elder 
time fulfilling my wildest dreams or perhaps 
a period of prolonged revelation of prophecies 
and keys that I alone will possess and heads 
of State and ministers and elegant dignitaries 
will stand in line to have an audience with me 
just to have the good 
fortune of hearing a 
few pearls of wisdom
that will completely change
their perceptions and ways of thinking about
governing irritated populations that will make
them realize that harmony amongst all the peoples 
of the world is a great and simple thing a kind of Babel in reverse and that the hunger for power for conquest and for control is a long and twisted journey over too many broken bodies of thought too many centuries down dark and lonely roads
with no demarcations or clues 
no sacrificial boundaries and a 
wasted expense of Capital on tanks and rockets and plutonium and the building up of armies instead of cultivating an educated and healthy populace capable of enjoying their lives and nature without destroying it and each other 
and that pointing fingers 
and screaming and filling valleys and neighborhoods with rivers of blood and lifeless bodies old and young is much less profitable and will prove over the long haul that the myriad unknowns and commonalities and fears we all share are far less destructive than the surface disparities that somehow always manage to turn into declarations of aggression and oppression and the bankrupting of moralities and policies and families…

or maybe it has to do with my 
not getting enough sleep last night
or something to do with changes in my 
eating habits or the climate or a reaction 
to the round-the-clock radio waves 
that surround us all

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016

Details | Barry Levy Poem


lazy sparrow
   with broken wing
why don't you sing?

Copyright © Barry Levy | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs