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Best Poems Written by Rebecca Workman

Below are the all-time best Rebecca Workman poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A girl as lovely as a rose
With the face of a angel
The spirit of a dove
And a heart full of love.

As beautiful as a sunset
With hair that waves
Her beauty comes along
With her childish ways.

A kid that has it all
All of an angel
She's my little sister
A precious one at that.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

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'lord Have Mercy'

I gave up partying to make life better
Now it seems as though everyone sees me
 and goes Let's Get Her.
I can't seem to get on my feet
 Forsomeone seems to come along and
 Knock me out of my seat.

So many deaths it's hard to keep
 up with.
So many losses do I really have
 to do this.
Fourteen days away
 It'll be a year since my cousin went away
to heaven to stay.
 Nine months ago from now
God took my dad  some reason,some how.

My life has never been the same
 Although I am much more tame
Lord have mercy give me a break and help me.
 For you can really see.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

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Leave It To God

There's time's in life you feel like giving up.
Life has you down and you've had enough.
When times are at there worst,
 is when you need to put God first.

Give God your shaking hand.
He'll take care of you in his land.
Don't let it all get to you,
 for God sends you a angel too.

Get your life back on track,
 for God will help you get it back.
Leave all your problems to him above.
Have faith and there's not one he won't take care of.

Be patient,don't be in a rush.
Give him time don't start to cuss.
He'll take care of us all one by one.
Just have faith, he'll get it done.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

Details | Rebecca Workman Poem


There is a peace that captures me,
 beneath a starry sky.
It is the night,
I feel calm.
Quietly it sings to me,
 it's lullaby to my soul.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

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Sisters are friends with a special bond.
One bigger than any lake,ocean,or pond.
When one is alone,
 the other comforts the lonely one.

They not only laugh together,
  but share shoulders and cry together.
Their special friendship lasts,
  through all arguments and blasts.

I'm proud to have my sisters,
  they're great friends and listeners.
Until the time there is no more
  I'll have my sisters forevermore.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

Details | Rebecca Workman Poem

My Broken Heart

My heart's been broken before,
 I'm tired of it being sore.
There's a hole waiting to heal,
 sometimes I wonder is this real.

I fall for who I think is my soul mate.
That's always wrong their heart is hate.
My heart is broken to pieces again,
 longing for that special friend.

I've  looked all over here,
 and searched all over there.
They keep saying he's out there don't worry.
My thing is I wish he'd hurry.

The last man was really sweet,
  even knocked me off my feet.
He started healing a heart so sore.
Then he disappeared now it's tore.

Should I lock it with a key,
  where the only one with access is me?
Wish someone would come heal my broken heart.
For now it's all of me falling apart.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

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Friends are givers not takers.
They are menders not heartbreakers.
Lending a hand in times of need,
 helping do a timeless deed.

Standing by with arms wide open,
  by your side wishing and hoping.
Never once will they turn you away,
 but by your side a friend will stay.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

Details | Rebecca Workman Poem

Lord Have Mercy

I gave up partying to make life better.
Now it seems as though everyone sees me and says
  "Let's get her."
I can't seem to get on my feet.
For someone seems to come along and knock me out of my seat.
So many deaths it's hard to keep up with.
So many losses do I really have to do this.
Fourteen days away,
  since my cousin went to heaven to stay.
Nine months from now,
  God took my Dad some reason,some how.
My life has never been the same,
  although I am much more tame.
Lord have mercy,give me a break,and please help me,
  for only you can really see.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

Details | Rebecca Workman Poem


Sometimes I need you beside me,
 someone to be a friend to me.
I need someone to talk to,I need someone
  to love me.
Sometimes I cry at night when I am alone.
You are the only one who makes me feel better.
When I'm around you,you make me happy all the time.
No one makes me as happy as you do.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007

Details | Rebecca Workman Poem

Leaving Me

Without a trace,without a sound,
 You changed my life,turned it around
Now you say you don't really care
I know you're lying and that's not fair
Why did you have to do this to me,
I really love you,why can't you see.
I'm only doing this because of you,
Now you're gone,to where,I haven't a clue.

Copyright © Rebecca Workman | Year Posted 2007


Book: Shattered Sighs