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Best Poems Written by Jill Spagnola

Below are the all-time best Jill Spagnola poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions versus words
Actions speak louder
Louder is figurative
Louder is expressive
Figurative language is effective
Figurative does not truly speak
Effective is deeply important
Effective is walking the talk
Important lessons must be demonstrated
Important lessons show you don’t tell you
Demonstrated lessons are shown like an exhibit
Demonstrated lessons than may be emulated
Exhibits can be observed
Exhibits are seen not heard
Observed actions are watched
Observed actions trump words
Watched love is full of verbs
Watched love shows it is an action word
Verbs are action words 
Verbs help one’s mind create mental pictures
Words alone are soon forgotten
Words are remembered when taught with an action
Mental pictures formed in one’s brain
Mental pictures are recalled simpler than jargon
Brain stores memories
Brain loses words
Memories are potent tools
Memories recall meaning
Tools seen in use is vital 
Tools talked about remain idle
Vital is performance
Vital is activity
Performance is an execution 
Performance is a rendition
Execution creates stimuli
Execution shows not tells
Stimuli create neuron connections
Stimuli causes better recall
Connections boost like a catalyst
Connections fuel memory
Catalyst spark visuals
Catalyst evoke images
Visual aids are useful to teachers
Visual images are appealingly vivid
Teachers must display good character
Teachers may not just define it
Character is taught by example
Character in not lexically learned
Example set is learned in action ~
Example cannot be set with words

For Silent One’s Cliché Contest

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2016

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Oh, Please Dare

10~14~2016                     Oh, Yes Please Dare

Trust in love and just let go…
I will show you a view through a rainbow.

Yay!  You took a chance and let go of the reins.
You are a rare soul and a treasure to behold.
A human still brave enough to risk others’ disdain.
You made a choice to accompany me, so bold.
For there is no excitement or joy without risk of pain.
You may see sights which support your wildest dreams I’m told.

                                       one who has not failed
                                      not willing to take a risk
                                     may live to a ripe old age
                                        so safe yet mundane
                                    what drags they bore me so
                                  dare to see through a rainbow

Three Style II – Poetry contest

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2016

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Immeasurable Infinity

Immeasurable Infinity

aware of the Universe

open cerebrum
literally limitless

Some logic foregone
probable and possible

nature amazes
microcosm divine

existential mode
humans adapt or implode

For Mystic Rose Split Haiku

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2016

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Tearless Weeping

Tearless Weeping

Shallow breathing
	Can I breathe?
Control my environment?
Lest the alternative, recluse, seclusion
	This is living death for me
Unacceptable, incapacitating
	Hell on Earth!
	Eternal fire, would be kinder
A nice change
	Physical Pain, I am Alive, I feel! 
Shallow breathing
	Can I breathe?
No reindeer games’, Clench my teeth
If not me, than who? 
Shallow breathing
	I must adapt to the world	
	For it will not change for me
Deep breathing
The alternative, not acceptable

                                                                              Sunshine Williams

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2015

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Cement Pillow

Cement Pillow

Blame, blame, blame
makes playing life’s game so much easier to do…
Shift it, change it, switch it as long as it ain’t put on you.
Blame, blame, blame
Mom’s the easiest target…
since dad I never knew.
Blame, blame, blame
Let others wear the shame…
As you rip a beat/ freestyle & put on a show…
Convinced that such is true, that chip on his shoulder is free to 											    grow & grow. 
Blame, blame, blame
No!  Son try a ‘lil’ Socratic Reasoning…
You might find out it was truly all your own choices & actions…
In reality the blame all belongs to you.
Blame, blame, blame
“No, no, no!” Is the retort I get…
Look back in truth with that gifted brain
Choosing still to refrain, 
cause the performance is way cooler, when one has been ripped off and beaten down by one who’s sposed to help you 											make gain.
Blame, blame, blame
“If I truthfully look back, think hard and follow the logic, I might have to accept that it was my own choices and actions…Shite!  I really did create my own bed!”
No worries, son, you have naught to dread... my love is unconditional and just continues to spread.

Jill Spagnola

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2016

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Escape Hell

Escape Hell

                                         Hot as fu#!
                                      Broke as a joke
                                      Am I tuff enuff 
                       To overcome all this negative stuff?
                                 Responsibility galore
                               Yes, even if you’re poor
                                   Not poor in spirit
                                      Hear my plea
                      Don’t hand me logic based on fallacy
     Be dialectic with me so we may move on together transcendentally...



Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2016

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Air molecules bursting at the seams with hydrogen
A crafty fish could just about fly…draining a lil’ bit H2o through its gills…flitting from one molecule to another, while delightfully enjoying its very first aerial-panoramic perspective!

Caldron of Sun, heavy trudging through the almost misty air

Pushing, pushing, pushing…slowly forcing the horizon more and more south over the Atlantic Coast…Steaming moisture from the air whilst creating a larger and larger horizon of a grey and pink glow

Other forces of nature…shall not overcome the fiery center of our Universe... no, not this day!  As more and more of the sea’s horizon is unveiled…a marbling of pink and at least three shades of grey

Oh, alas! A blank page is as to a new day, Yay!  Another chance as the East, Atlantic sky widens faster and faster, forcing upward with increasing momentum, as the blue-white hot plasma forever-thirsty, drinks from the Milky Way Galaxy's precious molecules in its' atmosphere 
Once again, I am but a grateful blessed witness

Jill Spagnola

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2017

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Breathe Continued

Breathe ~ Continued

Yes breathe…

Deeply, then allow your lungs to exhale 
as your guide glides your weightless form through the whitest 										    shades of pale
Do not resist, do not fight the feelings of ecstasy night wants              										you to behold                        
Yielding to a greater force, at times, is more profitable than gold

When night claims you like a wayward leaf of old,
the smoothest seductive music will gradually unfold
Let night en’trance you, rid you of any mal thoughts or frights
Relax and enjoy a plethora of magical sounds and sights

Yes, hold all your questions until the end
then let night’s metaphorical ears bend!
Navigating you beyond wildest dreams
gold is a burden to carry as you peruse yet unseen, crystal 								       prism-speckled streams

When night claims you like a wayward leaf of old
Carpe Diem for your trip will be repeatedly told 
Breathing almost back on auto now,
be still, snap a mental picture of the experience of which  									                     you now endow

yes exhale…

									Sunshine Williams

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2016

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Very Welcome Neighbors Ii

Very Welcome Neighbors II

The Reticulated Woodpecker mates, made it through the winter……
					…..offspring, one of each gender arrive with fanfare!
	About one quarter the size of each parent, of course the female is the smaller bird…..Ohh, the splendor of the male sibling born with a complete fiery                      red-												    
 crested head.

		A set of a mini-mom and dad complete.  Their parents hangout with them for weeks             y
While they learn to f		
                                    And become self- sufficient.

	The cozy nest they pecked open wide and filled with natures comforts the parents had prepared in the Winter atop a dying palm.

The lovely carved out safe-haven survived through the Spring…..compelled by instinct, the two Adult love-peckers go their own way…
					 …leaving their children behind in a familiar Patch of the woods with their home.                                                                        p     
The siblings have yet to stray too far.  Gazing at the female as she searches A
what is left of the dead palm after the nest segment fell to the
 easily snapping 
off from all the soaking rains…                         					
          palm now three quarters of its original height and rimmed with a rigid new opening.

                                   I have my eyes on you two!

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2016

Details | Jill Spagnola Poem


Endlessly revolving
Exquisite in its form
Exists despite abuse
Enjoy a view from space
Entices adventure
Encourages travel
Expiration date real

Pleiades contest

Copyright © Jill Spagnola | Year Posted 2015


Book: Shattered Sighs