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Best Poems Written by Alisha Campbell

Below are the all-time best Alisha Campbell poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ungrateful Love

There was never just a you or a me it 
was always us from the beginning, 
You walked through my front door 
and into my life we stayed friends 
from the start theres still no end 
today, Months went by feelings grew 
stronger the time we spent was time 
never wasted. Never a dull moment i 
laughed, you laughed,i made fun of 
you and you did back. I opened up 
and let you in to places most people 
never knew or been. Time went by 
and i grew selfish i thought we 
werent enough so i tried to 
overcome it, I made mistakes that i 
can't right to this day all i can say is 
im sorry and continue to change my 
ways, Grateful i am for you to let me 
back in and let me rebuild your trust 
and start all over again. I never 
meant to hurt you i couldnt fathom it 
kills me inside overlooking that 
bumpy ride. I regret the past and i 
miss the good times now i embrace 
each day that you spend by my side, 
To lay on your chest with your arms 
around me falling asleep peacefully, 
waking up and spotting your eyes 
and your smile i can't help but laugh 
and kiss your lips. Then the intimacy 
soon takes place i truly believe it is 
love that we make, You make me feel 
things ive never felt when i look in 
your eyes or your just on my mind. 
Youre the one i want and i want to 
make things right i hope that i can 
because without you im not alive.

Copyright © Alisha Campbell | Year Posted 2013

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Self Acceptance

There's an emptiness inside of me 
when you're looking at her and not at 
me. Not good enough i feel like, 
that's what its always been, always 
someone better hanging around the 
bend. Though deep inside i know im 
something great so why do these 
guys still dissipate? Beautiful 
smile,shining eyes,joyous laughter 
contagious and alive. Soft pale 
skin,amazing sense of humor,wiser 
than my years, stronger than my 
fears. Then a glance at these girls 
and i have to laugh, im more a 
woman than they could ever be so 
why am i sitting here contemplating?

Copyright © Alisha Campbell | Year Posted 2013

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Sometimes i wonder how deep the 
water is. Should i stay where's its 
safe and dry? Or dip my toes in for a 
test drive? If i like it I'd go a bit 
further and let it catch my knees, but 
it still doesn't satisfy my needs. Yes 
ill go further ill go out to the deep I'm 
feeling risky the water surrounds me. 
Cut off by the neck the water starts 
to wave,maybe i should go back 
where its safe and that's where i 
should've stayed? I turn my body 
'round and spot the shore ,stretch 
out my leg but slip and fall. As i go 
under i gasp for breath but all i 
breathe in is water. Im drowning,im 
sinking,what was i thinking? I 
should've stayed upon the shore and 
took in the scenery. "Let it be," the 
voices said and i woke up from that 
dream more alive as i could be no 
longer was i dead,but free.

Copyright © Alisha Campbell | Year Posted 2013

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Another Night

bottle,drinking alone and feeling so 
hallow,drowning my pain to wash it 
away yet the memories are stronger 
with every sip that I take.immune to 
the pain only cause I am 
num,seeking comfort in wrong 
places just so I can face 
this,accusitions of being a drunk,yet 
no one will save me I'm shit out of 
luck.there are stories untold in this 
book of my life,nobody knows my 
sorrows or strifes.born like a ghost 
to the ones back at home,shot down 
and striked with words to make me 
feel so alone.broken and beaten by 
the one with my heart,cheated and 
stepped on from the has 
been taken from people so close,to 
young its not fair this lifes just a 
joke.judges by people who don't 
even know me,my body used when 
I'm drunk and lonely,purity taken 
when I couldn't say no,because I'm 
busy drinking away my sorrows.if 
someone would save me maybe I 
wouldn't drink so much,but nobodys 
there when I'm feeling scared,so for 
now ill drink til I pass out and the 
room fades as I start to black 
out.another night with just another 
bottle,drinking alone and feeling so 
hallow,drowning my pain to wash it 
away,why do I have to be this way?

Copyright © Alisha Campbell | Year Posted 2013

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New Shoes

Today i put on new shoes and 
traveled a different way, I strayed 
from the path that i would usually 
take, The need for new scenery and 
change lingered inside, So i set out 
on a journey not knowing what i 
might find, I wonder if the road will 
end or maybe will it split? It may be 
winding or have some bumps or 
cracks or turn from stone to bricks, 
Though one things certain i won't 
look back, i don't miss those old 
roads, There is no turning back for 
me forward i will now go.

Copyright © Alisha Campbell | Year Posted 2013

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I am a rock inside a quarry, I am a 
wave out in the sea, I am the twinkle 
from the star that everyone can see, 
Unique as some may call it,not right 
the others may see,but perfect to 
that one person who is still 
searching for me, And when that 
person finds me or i stumble upon 
them they will make me more than 
whatever i have been, No longer a 
rock now im a boulder, Not just a 
wave but the ocean blue, Not just 
one star high in the sky but a 
universe i never knew.

Copyright © Alisha Campbell | Year Posted 2013

Book: Shattered Sighs