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Best Poems Written by Jackson Wood

Below are the all-time best Jackson Wood poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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After We Met

take a long hard look 
before i become the history
in your history book
it is full of irony

you have ten minutes
before i become inebriated
and my head falls to pieces
you should have just waited

slowly i feel alive
your fingers circling mine
i'd love to survive
im getting closer over time

even when the snow falls gently 
i cant remove it fast enough
you whisper breathlessly
i feel an avalanche

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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Randomness Vs. Orderliness

if the universe were ruled by unpredictable events, there would be no sustainable structure 
to it.

you go through live living day after day the same way. wake up, turn off your alarm, get out 
of bed, take a shower, and dress.

numerous changes can (and will) inflict chaos upon this routine. as you dress, a button pops 
and you have to sew it back on. or go back a step and you're taking a hotter shower than 
you normally do. another step back and your back hurts so you plant both feet on the floor, 
clasp your hands together and raise them over your head to stretch for a good minute and a 
half. its a good thing you went to bed earlier than normal last night so you wouldn't press the 
snooze button on your alarm like you did yesterday morning. otherwise you wouldn't have 
had that extra minute and a half to stretch because your neck and back hurt from those 
pillows you bought after work the previous day and those five extra minutes to sew the 
button back on your shirt. and who's to say you won't spill your morning coffee, made with 
the new coffee maker wit the automatic timer you bought with those pillows.

and to further demolish the idea that life has any sustainable structure, have you ever 
counted the number of breaths you take in a day, and then drew a chart and then for the 
rest of that week, count all your breaths in each of the other six days and write those 
numbers down on the chart you drew on the first day? no. but if you did, you would know for 
a fact that at the end of the day, you wold be left with a completely different number of 
breaths because wit each new day comes new situations and events that inflict new feelings 
and emotions, such as the fear and anxiety you felt after hitting another car on your way to 
work on the third day of this "breath experiment" you've never done which caused your 
heart to race and your blood pressure to rise which consequently increased the number of 
breaths you took that day and consequently made you over an hour late for work but that's 
another story.

not only is the world ruled by randomness and unpredictable events but that is the only 
structure that is guaranteed to be sustained in the universe.

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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Four Lines of Nothing

secretive, sure
selfless, yes
this love is pure
floating caress

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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Leaves Become Most Beautiful When They'Re About To Die

leaves become most beautiful when they're about to die

nightmares i have they come in threes. i'm running for you, you're running from me. i see 
this when i'm dreaming, see that everyone is staring. away away away you're pushing. mind 
over mind. taking over. eating me up. how did i get to this place? how did i get in this state? 
no hand to hold, to squeeze in fear. so now my muscles atrophy and my brain progressively 
deteriorates. i lose my grip. i fall forever back. and back. and back. and down. and out of 
any sort of consciousness. what the fuk happened? figure this out and make it withdraw from 
my soul. i'm sick of this infection.

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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one two
wake up
roll over
see you
smile sweet
your lips
my lips
make one

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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What I Miss

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.by Natalie Boals on Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 6:18pm.without your eyes mine stay wet
and i cry and cry without your eyes
so much i run out of tissue
and the hardest biggest issue
is that i would do anything 
to end this time without your eyes

away and away you go
even with a promise of coming home
it hurts to see you walk alone

quick as a wink
something inside me
i dont think
something inside me
bursts like a bubble
something inside me
could be trouble
something inside me

imagine all the people
that want to love like us
with honesty commitment and trust
like a flower blooming for the first time
or the sky when all the planets align
there is nothing more precious
or a more perfect sign
imagine all the people
that want to dance like us
tearing through the weakness in lust
like a mountain that we are meant to climb
powered by words unknown to mankind
there is nothing more rapturous
or a clearer equivocality

i miss your heart next to mine. i miss counting to five before you take 

another breath. i miss inhaling during a kiss and smelling your 

perfume. i miss my hand sliding into yours. i miss the hope your smile 

brings to my heart. i miss sharing secret glances with you. i miss your 

leg wrapped around me as we lay in bed. i miss how a simple touch from 

you makes me feel a surge of warmth through every inch of me. i miss 

dreaming of you when you're right next to me. i miss your voice in my 

ear. i miss you always being here. i can't miss the butterflies that i still 

have. i love you.

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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If She's Not An Angel

not so blind
she wanders
but she can never find
a misery to fall upon me
and when the world falls to pieces
she finds the strength to fly me away 
on her heavenly wings

*if she's not an angel
there's an angel inside of her
soaring on heavenly wings
not even a harp can sing like her soul
now with a bright glow around her
she soars on heavenly wings

far and wide
is this great divide
around the corner right down that street
i get lost somewhere in between
maybe she'll meet me somewhere in the middle
why won't she just come to me
just come to me, just fly to me

even the stars are weakened
by this angel's gentlest touch
around her golden eyes
a new world can reconstruct
a world where the sun's always rising
we'll fly away to the beach
waves crashing to her heart beat
sweetly flowing from her soul

i embrace each moment unwilling to fear
because when she is far i can still feel her here
angel floats along beside me
always saying "hi" to me,
"i'll be up here for you if need be"
soaring on heavenly wings

i'm the lucky one, the rest are all blind
feeling lost they often wander
feeling unable they stop and wonder
will they ever find an angel like mine

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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While You Were Napping

i look at you; i see a lot of light in you
i see a lot of hope in the eyes of you
i look at you; i see a lot of sun in you
i see a lot of free in the thoughts of you
i look at you; i feel you as a flame.
i feel you burst into a fountain

when i see you i know i really see you
and all the bright bright beauty inside you
i see a lot of life inside of you
and i see all that life becoming true

when i see you i know i really see you
and all that delightful life pours from you
i feel a lot of life from you
and i see all of that life is true

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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we sit and talk in silence
with you i find it easy
our mirrored image is a balance
between reality and fantasy

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010

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Never Ever Ever Knew

you never ever
ever knew
a better way to make 
my bones shake
the tremble through my heart
grows to more than a tremor
you collapsed me from the start
now my lips feel more than a quiver
from here to there
i see you everywhere
superstitious love at first sight
but it was so much more than that
all things in my world became right
it was a heart to heart combat
you really always
get me through my days

Copyright © Jackson Wood | Year Posted 2010


Book: Shattered Sighs