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Best Poems Written by Carole Cookie Arnold

Below are the all-time best Carole Cookie Arnold poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Pithy Empurpled Writing

Magniloquent words of an empurpled writer. Where lofty, yet showily expressed words make details brighter. Concise, rhetorically composed words made solely for an effect. Causing pithy comments to draw a picture, for readers to connect. The complexion and pigment of colorful words then meld into a spectral light. Blended with the authors passion for the topic, causing both to ignite. .... Smooth white sands blow across the dune Distant notes from a banjo floats into a tune. Ancient ironweed graces the desert with vibrant color As sunset beckons for twilight to be evenings romantic caller. Beach peas and daisies grow between cliffs of living stone Stand embellished fig trees on seeded winds were flown. ..... Written with a shimmer of color floating on an iridescent feather. Titillates the plateau of ones senses on aromatic breezes of white heather. first three have definitions to words in each stanza center three stanza's and last are examples of expression relative to the first three. Carole Cookie Arnold 2009

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2010

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The Golden Inkwell

The Golden Inkwell I place a pulse inside my words Stepping stones to the heartbeat of life Like a canvas swiveling with colors Dr. Rams words are better than gold Sugarcane sweetens your tongue Scented jasmine engulfs your space Creations of imagery alive with light Dr. Rams words are better than gold As he reads with a total openness Absorbing words that we have penned Walking together across the page, we blend Dr Rams words are better than gold Accepting a writer experiencing the moment He truthfully reveals the quality of their work He encourages everyone to dig deeper Dr. Rams words are better than gold Carole Cookie Arnold

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2011

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Crystal Cup of Flair

Crystal Cup of Flair The world judges another by what they own Fancy jewels, clothing, cars and spacious homes. They choose leaders born of arrogance and strife Following them into wars and destructive lives Many categorize a person's life through opinions Created through jealousy they follow them like minions Judge not or you will be judged by your own decree Using another as a stepping stone renders your life in debris Richness of a person is revealed by the quality of their heart The flow of loving kindness and honesty in the mercy they depart Humility and a gentle spirit that nurtures another's soul One who gives willingly unconditional love that freely flows This person is rich beyond all earthly realms Bearing such a pure love against evil, it overwhelms I would rather be seen as Tupper ware Then tagged a crystal cup of flair Carole Cookie Arnold 2010

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2010

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Beauty Calls

Beauty Calls Soaring on the melody of a meadow lark Bathing in a whippoorwills love sonnet Slumbering to the soothing coo of doves Under my nightlight made from the stars Cool is the night, safe is my bed In the hands of the old oak, I rest All of the night sleeps in silence A voice in itself that is loud Dawn will lift her countenance A peek, a look then a smile Warming our day with a new hope And a dewy kiss of revival Ribbons of color inhabit our vision Saplings begin to stretch in growth Caretakers rise early to till and water Blooms bare their full faces toward the sun Sadly too many miss this miracle Caught up in life’s daily grind Take but a moment, watch a day birth Know that it breaks anew just for you free verse Carole Cookie Arnold 02/10/2011

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2011

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Arm's of Winter

Arms of Winter The heart of winter Blooms with the beauty Of springtime below The countenance of humanity Blooms in vibrant colors Born from goodness Nature’s seedling flourishes Inside the warmth of one’s soul As it does on the earth To you the flowers Grow upon this earth Like sunshine and waterfalls Revealing our worth Carole Cookie Arnold

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2013

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Precious Moments

The splash of her teardrop upon his cheek kisses of a mother frail and weak. His sobbing little sister leans in to say goodbye why did you leave us, your to young to die. A stepfather holds back the floods of grief My son I will miss you our time was so brief. He guards his emotions to stay strong for his wife secretly he hides to cry over the loss of this young life. Shadows of yesterday haunt their heavy minds They turn off the lights and close the blinds. Silence fills the room as two parents embrace sitting where their son passed now just empty space. Numbed by shock they sat and starred accepting reality they both found themselves scared. Yesterday ravaged, tomorrow was full of sorrow Today each step we take helps heal us for tomorrow. This is not an easy path for death has left it's mark for now our vision still seems so very dark. But after we weep we will rise once more rising from the ashes, pushing away from deaths door. There is a grand design we have yet to see One, only our son could fulfill you see. When the storm passes we will see God's reason we survivors find healing through the grieving season. My Son Scott 1967-2008 Copyright © 2008CaroleCookieArnold

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2012

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Winter Season of Life

Winter Season of Life The brevity of the night aches My pain is cold and empty Long are the nights alone with suffering Before me is a path only I can travel I lift my arms to you oh God in praise As a small child you have always carried me Through fires engulfed in your powerful love As a visible extension of my Fathers grace Death is a destiny that no one likes to speak of Pain has a way of forcing a spirit down to its lowest ebb It garbles the mind torturing the soul of the one who bears it There is pain in life as well as joy, love and happiness Death renders sorrow of loss; during the winter of life Birth is your spring youth becomes your summer Autumn is your adulthood into the cycles of life These seasons keep the earth majestically growing Make every season devoted to helping others grow In the perpetual legacy of heritage we leave behind A map of do’s and don’ts to bring success to our heirs That will carry on long after we are gone The sting of death resides with the survivors left behind Grieving is part of life’s heartbeat, although it is bitter The appointment is unavoidable and a necessary event For the rebirth of all things to come Remember… Loved ones live on through Our memories Carole Cookie Arnold March 2011

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2011

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Sounds of Country Living

Sounds A fire truck whisks by sounding Like a wailing woman grieving As squeals from the train tracks Spit flaming sparks from its wheels I sat down on the porch swing Listening for life’s melody Children laughing in the house Put a smile across my face Rebellious stallions down the road Getting closer by the sound of their hoofs A banjo strumming for a barn raising Has left lingering notes in the air An old cart comes by pulled by a mule A man yells “Rags and Old Iron” for pick up The air is so busy I swore I could hear The greening grass growing beneath my feet Then the oven buzzer went off My bread is done I will listen Again another day for the wind Chimes to beckon me to the porch Carole Cookie Arnold Member Contest Sounds Frank H

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2013

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Char- Sun On the night of the charred sun a male child is born The Indians called the harvest Moon a charred sun This became the child’s name as he grew in wisdom He was not a warrior he was born to be a healer Char sun grew into a very strong spiritual man When he was small, a white man had given him a flute He told Char sun if he learned to play it, sweet music would arise All of nature’s living things would come to sit at his feet He would sneak off into the woods for hours at a time practicing One night Char sun saw the same Moon he was born under A voice began to speak to him and a fire entered him The voice told him to play your gift will lead you His fingers flew across the flute and the music was sweet Coming from the forest were the deer, squirrels, eagles and bears The rest of the tribe heard the music and began pouring into the forest Curious about where the sweet music was coming from and why Arriving upon such as seen the chief bent down and knelt on one knee The remainder of the tribe slowly dropped one by one to their knees For Char sun has become the holy man within the tribe The animals that follow him carry the spirits of our ancestors The chief stands to his feet and declares “This night Char sun Has become our holy man called by the great king of the sky The song of their tribe began to rise, paying homage to the king Our winters will be fruitful and our land will prosper cried the chief Char son was born to guide us into the holy lands Each warrior here will follow and protect him The buffalo will run and our bellies will be full Our time of famine has been broken through the gift Of Char sun Carole Cookie Arnold Constance La France’s Contest Tell His Story

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2011

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Billy Buttons

Billy Buttons under the Celery Pines free verse Billy Button's downy foliage Burst open with large gold blooms. Midst thousands of dandelion's green Above, celery pines tip their plumes. Grasslands wave contently in the fields Missouri golden rods climb the hill. Broom beard grass and buffalo clover Send subtle earthy scents, cross my sill. Mulberry's beckoning to the blue ash, Creeping soft grass hides the jasmine crepes. Water pond seeks dry nooks and crannies As nature swags her majestic drapes. All of nature is alive and full of romance Kissed by morning dew she opens her buds Her long silky fingers rustle all to wake Bejeweling earth in vibrant colored studs. Carole Cookie Arnold 2010<>

Copyright © Carole Cookie Arnold | Year Posted 2010


Book: Shattered Sighs