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Best Poems Written by Steve Crabtree

Below are the all-time best Steve Crabtree poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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True beauty has no title.
To be beautiful is not to be objectified but in awe of. 
The beauty in your eyes....
Sunlight captured in a smile
Is beauty truly definable?
Or is it more? 

Beauty is a inspired feeling creating joy and excitement.
True beauty goes far beyond confidence 
Beyond the ability to describe... but feel. 

And in every describable way known....

You are beautiful.

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2015

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Is It Talk I Hear

Where is the line drawn when it comes to stepping in and talking to a friend about how they live their life? 
When do you forgive the ones who have kept you down? 
When is it time to let go of the hatred harboring inside you for those people who were to small to see you for who you are? 

I hear others talking of saving their friends, getting them on the right path. 
I hear them talk as if they have done all they can to help their friends away from the drugs that are killing them. 
I hear people talk as if forgiveness is something handed out like free samples. 
I hear them talking of their abilities to be the bigger person, patting themselves on the back as they go. 
I see through the mask that people wear, looking into the person they truly are. 
I see these people build themselves up while tearing others down. 
I hear their tales of kindness and sacrifice, but they only truly do these things for themselves. 
I see the ones asking for approval with every picture snapped. 

Do you see, do you listen,  HAVE YOU helped! 

Or is it talk I hear?

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2015

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Knowing Life

The shattered disruption of a life lived without knowing.

Knowing who we are 
Knowing what we want
Knowing happiness....(What is happiness anyway)

Is there such a thing as closure?
Are waves of calm suppose to wash over us when we get answers eggerly awaited?

How do you know?

Knowing who's the one
Knowing if God is listening
Knowing how to get through the pain......(And oh how it hurts)

Time heals all wounds but, some cuts are deeper than others.
Most times we dont even know a cut is still there until its exposed again, and at once we feel the pain rush in as if it was yesterday.

So how do you know?

Knowing the choices you made were right
Knowing how others see you
Knowing really don't know anything about life

What does it all you know?

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2016

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Seasons Change

Summers cold 
Winters long
All alone
Can’t move on

Phone still ringing
No ones there
Feeling lonesome
No one cares

House is quiet
Windows drawn
No children playing
Empty lawn

Spring is dying 
Fall is near
Always crying
But no one hears

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2017

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You'Ll Be Fine

How do we process pain that can’t be seen by others, and why do people keep saying their sorry when they can’t feel the pain. It’s like gettng a bruise on a finger and it seems like every couple of minutes you’re hittng it on that very painful spot again and again.

Allow me to tell what that pain feels like. 

To put it into perspective; think about a deep feeling in your chest of crushing weight that you can’t see and a constant need to run but there’s nowhere to go and you can’t breathe anyway.

That’s just when it’s under control.

In the tuff moment’s there’s uncontrollable crying the feeling of drowning in a sea of deep painful feelings of loss and regret. Regret that you’ve done something to bring this upon yourself and you actually believe if you had done things different your life would be ….OK.

Self-esteem….lol….what’s that? 

We’re crushed….. constantly thinking of things that could have been done to keep this from happening……Just come home…..I’ll forgive you……don’t go…..I’ll change……all run through your mind. 

The constant pleas in the night asking someone, anyone to make this pain go away, but the pain remains. Oh please make this stop….I’ll do anything…..please……...God….please help me.

The truth is….it’s done. 

Are you perfect…no, but you most likely couldn’t have done anything to keep this from happening. The reality is you could have done everything right and still be in this pain right now. We can’t change or control the minds of others; we can only control what our choices are. So think carefully about those choices and the people they could destroy. Think about this pain and how it consumed you. Think about the others that are impacted by your choices….your kids…your family and your friends. 

You’ll get through this….you’ll be ….fine.

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2016

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The Song

A song came on the radio today
The words reminded me of your face and the way you made me feel
I feel love
I feel excitement
Each note pushs through in heavy waves of emotion; followed by regret
I can’t believe so many years have passed
“What if” circles my mind and a feel anxiety creeping in
Did I make a mistake? Pounds in the beat
What did I do to push you away? Plays in the melody 
I can only remember what made you seem like "the one.
Forgetting that you destroyed me
Forgetting you made your choice and it wasn’t me
Forgetting how we hurt each other without remorse
All these things are found within this song 
Our song
The Song that reminds me of you

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2016

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The Door

In the past I have suffered through loss we all have.
What is it about losing someone that takes so much from us?

It’s like your were locked in your own room for a very long time 
You only know what was in that room
The way it smells……… the warmth it provides
You feel safe in this room…its home
You know where everything is and in this room anything is possible

But then one day you come home and the room is wrecked
There’s suddenly no comfort that the room can give
You look around a realize your room has changed and you don’t know how it happened
Nothing is where it should be and you feel like the walls are closing in on you
The space that use to provide safety now feels like the darkest place on earth

Then the unthinkable happens 
We come home and the room is locked 
And all we can think about is how great that room was
How warm it made us feel and we long to have the keys once again
Now out in the cold we can see through the windows and inside our past stares back

That’s how we feel….locked out from a place that was ours
So we stay their… the cold
Until one day we’re standing in front of a new door
And the knob turns once more.

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2016

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Missing You

No one can feel what I feel inside
I’m missing you and cannot hide
When will I see the sun that shines? 
When can I say that you are mine?
My stomach aches, but I’m not ill
My heart is racing, but there is no thrill
My legs go weak and I don’t know why
I’m missing you and I’m going to cry
The thought of you that makes me grin
That sinking feeling that comes within
I’m falling fast in that pit below
I’m missing you and you don’t know

                    Steve Crabtree

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2009

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Something lies deep inside
A secret you want to keep 
You toss and turn late at night 
It wakes you while you sleep
You try to hide whats locked inside
And make it go away
But beneath the skin you locked it in 
The secret kept at bay
You held it in, but it's out again
To terrorize your dreams
You thought you held it deep inside 
But it's broken out it seems
Without a care you stand and stare
The thoughts rip through your head
With all the things that fill your mind 
And secrets left unsaid
So roll the dice and pay the price
The secrets take thier toll
There is nothing left that you can do 
And no one to save your soul

Steve D Crabtree

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2009

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Take one more pill as time stands still
In another sleepless night
Why go to bed to toss and turn
It’s another winless fight
You hear the tick and every click
The clock makes by your head
You can’t close your eyes to fall asleep
And your body feels half dead
You try your best but, you can’t rest
And daylights on its way
You go to work barely alive
But you make it one more day
Why lay down when every sound 
Comes ringing through your head
You’re on the chair now the couch
But never in your bed

Copyright © Steve Crabtree | Year Posted 2009


Book: Reflection on the Important Things