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Best Poems Written by Aaron Klimmek

Below are the all-time best Aaron Klimmek poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Am a Machine Gun.

When I gave you my safety, I had only you in mind.
I could protect you and defend with a love so refined.
You claim not to have asked, but I assure you that you did.
For I cannot fire bullets without first removing my lid.
You accepted it and grinned and clutched it ever so tight.
Protection overwhelmed you as I moved into the fight.
Something in your gut told you that I would never ever yield
until the battle was long over and your wounds had all been healed.
When it was all done and peace was finally restored,
I came back here to greet you, only to be ignored.
You returned my orange cap with hesitance in your eyes.
Before I'd screwed it on, you took it back to my surprise.
You played me like a primate, tossing hope over my head,
And your indecisive nature left me dry and nearly dead.
I stumble to the floor searching for an arm to hold.
My unprotected trigger bending wildly, uncontrolled.
I turn to try and find you midst the havoc of my fire
And hit the ones you hide behind with whom you soon conspire
To drag me down and pin me out of fear I might attack,
when all I really need is for you to give my safety back.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

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Pillow Fight

Oh, I want to escape you; though, you’re my escape.
Pons Varolii signals begin to take shape.

I could never determine if white or if black.
You pull me to safety and push me right back.

You tell me great stories of visions untrue,
But at the close of the night demand payment due.

I’ve yet to determine a new way to cope.
I’m selling my soul for the mere glimpse of hope.

All joy that I feel is revealed to be fake.
Sleep away sweet, sweet child; may you never awake.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

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Family Web

The wedding bells are ringing but there never was a groom.
A meddler softly singing in the corner of the room begins to
Rise on legs of eight I count, a spider some might say.
Proudly as if descending on a greatly sought out prey.

Halfway down the aisle, though, it torques his head improper
To see a man with dampened eyes from failed attempts to stop her.
A flower; no? Though spotted black, excretes aroma spiders lack.
But then again, what good’s a nose?  For eyes point out he’s not a rose.

A swifter pace ahead provokes a glace o’er to the right,
To find a man insisting for the meddler’s sudden flight.
This shiny trinket sparkling draws the focus of the beast,
And without a hesitation, it dismisses any feast.

The man who promised not to speak begins to say a word,
But saline breath grips hold of him to make sure no one heard.
So there she lies caught in a net, consumed with sorrow and regret.
A pride too big for former hope confirms starvation on a rope.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

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Burning lungs and driven minds,
I wouldn’t dare take a step back.
No one would believe me.
No one thought I had it in me.
If they only knew what we were capable of.

Let the crowd gather ‘round,
To see what they cannot deny.
Go ahead and eat the crow,
I am a machine.
If she’s got the fuel, then I’ve got the power.

Is everyone still watching?
Where did that train come from?
What power do I have against a locomotive?
How could I possibly stand up?
Please, everyone, turn your head for just one minute.

Wait, did you all see that?
I made a spark; I was running!
I swear it’s true!  I swear!
Ah ha!  It happened again; surely you saw.
If you had only faced this direction moments before.

Alas, it’s revealed.
I’m not bluffing, and now you know.
Now you can see her skin-carved “A.”
It’s right there in plain sight.
Credibility must bestow itself upon me.

I turn only to find your cosmetics at work.
You’re quick enough to be a beautician.
You’re dangerously quick,
Here I am, blushing red.
My shame is too much to bear; I’ve lost my alibi.

I’m outdated, worn down.
In these circumstances, can you blame me for rusting?
Not a soul has looked on me kindly since the day.
What once was luxury is being sold on a lawn.
Must you take all the fruit from the queen until she bleeds to death?

The back of this closet looks awfully dark.
I can't hear anything from in here.
I haven't a clue where everyone's gone.
I can promise you one thing is true, though:
I'm not broken; I still work.  I swear.  Just plug me in.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

Details | Aaron Klimmek Poem

Love and Logic

You are a box without a key,
A dish without a recipe.
My words fail trying to explain;
You’re something that I can’t attain.

I fight the sun to keep it day;
I push the tide the other way;
I rearrange the stars above,
Yet simply cannot win your love.

Mathematics over chemistry;
I’m banking upon certainty.
My grasp on logic and control,
Has pushed me further from my goal.

The keys I play, the key I sing,
Could never unlock anything.
Not fists, not ears, and not your heart.
Forever we remain apart.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

Details | Aaron Klimmek Poem

Thanks a Ton

Thanks for ignoring
My pathetic pleas.
Thanks for all
My insecurities.
Thanks for infection
And thanks for disease.
Thanks for nothing;
Just bad memories.

Thanks for teaching me to rise when I fall....
Maybe I’m thankful after all.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

Details | Aaron Klimmek Poem


You once were grand; you once were great.

Your presence made me fall prostrate.

However luster does not last,

So now I leave you in the past.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

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Truth Discerned

When I was slain in the spurit I was mostly surprised.
Dehydrated and dizzy, clenching the lids on my eyes
Blood refilling the arms recoiled from a flourescent-lit sky
None left supporting my legs after Blackburn had squeezed me too tightly
So I descended - relaxed, expectations unmet.
Quelled my instinct to get up and just laid there instead.
Conscious, biding my time like I'd seen others do
Outside Principal Greenlee's office in elementary school.

And so I came back to lie; said he got me real good,
but the doubt was throughout. I'd been caught stretching truth.

And in the dark of the van, coming back from the Trio
The Devil'd caught me again, this time all filled up with Jesus.
Took my spirit and honed it, blood now sprung resurrect,
To be betrayed by the Passion that had sworn to protect.
Despair exceeded the guilt as I sucame to the thrill.
If the Lord didn't touch me tonight, by God, somebody will.
Graced by girl or by guy, my fervent righteousness renewed
Dead set to enliven these hormones if it’s the last thing I do.

Refractory bites out my brain, has innocence lapsed because I'm evil?
Or was I simply a product of my id's superego?

When you suggest that I'm just angry or pointing at the wrong guy
Ya minimize my effort dismantling intrapersonal lies.
And you can live with the assumption that my conviction went moot
Or bother entertaining my hold-up, that your predictions weren’t true.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2022

Details | Aaron Klimmek Poem


Although I’m breathing oxygen,
Barely a third is sinking in.
I dive into the deep dark blue
Opening my lungs to you.
I’m lost in blackness losing health
And push deeper into myself.
I drown in thoughts and memories
Of what I had outside the sea.
Out upon the gentle sand,
I had your love; I had your hand.

Copyright © Aaron Klimmek | Year Posted 2008

Book: Shattered Sighs