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Best Poems Written by Greg Masciana

Below are the all-time best Greg Masciana poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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In shiny armor knights of old,
Only quests for the brave and bold,
Famed Holy Grail chalice to hold.
But my heavy chalice isn’t gold,
Mine is night black and filled with cold,
About death is my story told,
A memory covered in mold.

Not expected plain death, you see,
When older age exacts a fee,
Known illness, not surprisingly.
That night was never planned, by me.
Unexpected, this was to be
Black night, black car, walking was she,
Killing her, instantaneously.

Still awake with thoughts of the dead,
My black cup overfilled with dread,
Remembering every word she said
Since shining day when we were wed.
Quest for peace now my daily bread,
Weariness drops my heavy head,
My chalice of the night, from A to Zed.

January 24, 2022
Contest: The Chalice of Night
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2022

Details | Greg Masciana Poem

Dangerous Mind

Dangerous Mind

The mind is a most dangerous thing,
Forcing memories into replay,
Endless relived moments drowning bring
Snippets in time more real than today. 
Paralyzing sadness is trouble
Which the mind needs to be addressing. 

Before I died inside, I really tried.

The sleepless mind toys with our heartstrings,
Always knowing our loved one can’t come back.
‘Sorry for your loss’ causes cringing,
Tearful anger and urge to attack.
Remembering makes sadness double,
Sharp edged memories, full of longings. 

Why drive to survive, living isn’t alive.

The mind is also a tricky thing,
Lulling into complacency when
Life together starts out with a ring.
Daily work and play begin to blend
Into a wonderful, safe bubble
That protects against everything.

Love is giving a life worth living.

The unhappy mind prevents planning
For a future without one to love,
Alone, unsafe, fruitlessly scanning
Every crowd for my dearest dove.
Real life bursts that beautiful bubble, 
And now frightened by everything. 

Looked everywhere on Earth for her.

The mind needs a sense of belonging, 
Not at all happy being alone.                                                                 Minds together sing dreams that take wing,             
Unsatisfied by just talk on phone.                                 
The mind stings by the urge to cuddle                        
That knick-knacks and holidays still bring.
Be kind to the mind by living to love.         

July 27, 2019

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2019

Details | Greg Masciana Poem

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle

This event was terrifyingly true,
Out in Atlantic, on the ocean blue.
It was ‘81, after we left Fort Lauderdale,
Hoping for happy Bahamas vacation tale
Aboard chartered sailboat, ketch of 52 feet,
Even air conditioned for the Florida heat.
Three couples, all best friends, comprised the crew,
Plus hired captain, since to big boats we were new.
We departed on the evening tide, 
Little knowing the captain had lied.
Planned sailing the Gulf Stream throughout the night
To see Bahama reefs in morning light.

We dined and drank and steered in shifts,
Light wind, sea smells coming in whiffs.
Suddenly I was shaken awake,
“Come help!” they shouted, real fear, not fake.
I rushed on deck to see the scene:
Calm breeze, slow rolling beam to beam,
Captain drunk, in funk, throwing up his meal,
Crew pointing to compass, no one at wheel.
Captain staggers, slurs we must now turn back,
Crew plainly having a panic attack.
VHF just scary static in dark night,
Compass dial wildly spinning, such a fright!
Direction finder showed same signal all around,
Everyone worried about reefs, running aground.
Only Power not Sailboats, the captain had known,
He’d let us drift too far north, his cover was blown.
Now lost in Bermuda Triangle of fable,
Stars blocked by clouds, and no navigation table.
Crew whimpering aloud on the open ocean,
Just soft sloshing and a random rolling motion.

Despite Captain sniveling about being hired,
I took charge, yelling that he was now fired,
Then lashed the steering wheel tightly right
So that we’d ram no reefs, come what might.
Four hours later, shortly before sunrise,
Compass began working to my surprise.
Radio and RDF receiving like new,
We were no longer sole boaters on the sea blue.
Proceeded to West End, docked safely in slip
With no word from ex-captain, not even a pip.
Crew cheered our mystery adventure, what a great trip!

May 17, 2020
Contest: Action Adventure 
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2020

Details | Greg Masciana Poem

The Fairy Garden

I am a fact-based scientist by trade,
Pragmatic, with many an accolade.
So know this when I say
I do not believe in Fairies, no way.

At Japanese Gardens I go for walks,
With my granddaughter who endlessly talks
About all topics, imagined and real,
And how the “Fairy Garden” makes her feel.

That six-year-old flits o’er bridges tiny,
Crossing golden koi ponds, fish all shiny!
She skips around carved stone lanterns so tall,
And wades in waters ‘round the waterfall.

On a bench, I muse about pleasant things,
I picture that child with gossamer wings,
My giggling fairy girl taking delight
In every branch, bug, and bird in sight.

I asked if she likes this quiet place for thinking.
“No Papa!” she exclaimed, “I like to hear them whispering!”
Who? “The fairies,” with exasperated look.
Her face a delightfully innocent open book.

Then off she goes without another word,
Leaving me to wonder what I’d just heard.
Know my science summary so profound:
Their wing motion makes a whispering sound.

January 12, 2022
Contest: Whispering Wings
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2022

Details | Greg Masciana Poem

Galley Slave

Galley Slave

Unsung heroes of the open sea,
Not captain, nor navigator he,
Not the brave sailors before the mast,
The lowly ship’s cook we think of last,
Who makes meals from hardtack ‘n jerky.

Seamen always needed a ship’s cook,
A chef who needs no recipe book,
In the boat’s kitchen, known as “galley”, 
Prep food to please, no time to dally, 
What’s in the larder, fish on the hook?

Despite oft’ stormy seas and wild waves, 
Capable cook always dinner saves.
The crew is happy and eats quite well, 
Holding their plates against ocean swell.
Ship’s heart is the honored galley slave.

So, when we made the yacht our new home
Each of us chose our favorite zone.
My heart, my wife, was naturally
In command of the big boat’s galley.
While I sought supplies and shined the chrome.

“Galley Slave” was her title, self-named,
Her happy cruise hosting widely famed.
But the creative cook also dreamed
That seas would wait for more school, she deemed.
This ship’s cook was a dame with a brain.

It began as a project for class,
Graphic Design her dream at long last,
Then became college competition,
Each to submit their best rendition
Of letters from work tools to be cast.

So, the consummate chef used cook’s tools
To form alphabet letters, so cool!
The professor judges were all wowed,
Now back at sea, Galley Slave so proud.
Delivering dreams can be the rule!

August 8, 2019
Contest: Devotion to Ocean 
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke
First Place

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2019

Details | Greg Masciana Poem



“Where’s your DATA?” I challenged his new assumption,
For conclusion without fact is but presumption.
As much as I enjoy coaching students to think,
Analyzing many numbers tickles me pink!
“Fact-based decisions” is a phrase you may have heard,
And guessed that DATA has been my favorite word.

To statistically analyze is such a joy,
Numbers dance on the page like a shiny new toy.
Unlike opinion, DATA is a true delight.
When mere thoughts fail us, digital DATA sheds light,
And is the sole universal language of nerds.
So, you can see why DATA is the best of words.

People wondered “How 38 years without strife?”
Digital facts my focus, empathy in wife,
Combining cool DATA with her warm emotions
For every day, any size, problem solutions.
Since feelings alone hide things not quite what they seem,
Hard DATA helped make us a successful team!

August 19, 2019
Contest: Favorite Word
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke
Seventh Place

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2019

Details | Greg Masciana Poem

Thoughts Alone


Too many empty hours to think,
Mind spinning, sanity at its brink.
Seas of memories dash walls of time,
Heartstrings lash feelings, way too much wine.
Stay at home, forced to be all alone,
Torrid thoughts turning to solid stone.
What matters most is partner in life,
Whom I used to have, my friend, my wife.
Mate in ashes, no longer to be,
Silent, my soul slips into the sea.

April 17, 2020
Contest: Slipping Soul Sunsets into the Sea, First Place
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2020

Details | Greg Masciana Poem



Well-earned vacation at last
A tough work week in the past
Nice evening walk in faint fog
Along the banks of a bog 

Some dog howling up ahead
A growl filling me with dread 
I pause at the sudden yelp
Should I turn back or go help?

Feet rooted, I strained my ears
Breaking branches fuel my fears
Dog’s whine begged me to follow
Deeper into the Hollow

I use words as a writer
Certainly not a fighter
So, hearing hoofbeats sounding
I turn away, heart pounding

Old Dutch wives’ tales I have read
Hessian horseman with no head
And British spies, haunted lies
Speed my run, my urgent strides

Hoofbeats closer, I look back
At the source of this attack
Now too dark for me to tell
I let out a startled yell

I’d tripped on pumpkin unseen
Discarded last Halloween
Lungs burning, I found my track
To the lodge, I’d made it back!

Rested adventure writer
I pulled the wool throw tighter
While sipping hot cocoa with marshmallow
Living the Legend of Sleepy Hollow

March 1, 2020
Contest: Your Favorite Legend, First Place
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2020

Details | Greg Masciana Poem



Readers beware! For your information
Some words mean much more than they say:
Even if will be very good things.
You’re so smart when you DEDUCE, but
INFER and PORTEND verbs have bad rings.
Politicians spin words this way
To create their desired sensation.      

The CAPS words were selected to be educational
for the upcoming elections. 

February 15, 2020
Contest: Exalted Words
7th Place
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2020

Details | Greg Masciana Poem

Wine Time

Ten boats rafted together,
Wine time, no mowing the lawn,
Twenty fast friends forever,
Ready for challenges of next dawn!

March 29, 2022
Contest: Lind30 Rhyme
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Greg Masciana | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs