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Best Poems Written by Kenneth Samples

Below are the all-time best Kenneth Samples poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Plenty of Blame

I was out for a walk one day when I spotted an old man
He was kneeling on one knee writing something in the sand.
As I walked, I moved closer so that I could see.
He looked up with tears in his eyes and then he said to me.

Where is the dream spoke long ago that Martin used to say?
I saw a white man kill a black boy right here the other day.
What he said on TV was a lie, the boy was unarmed because I saw.
The badge should and must be respected, but no one is above the law.

Two weeks ago, on this same corner a young man was shot dead.
This time the shooter was black and shot the man in the head.
A woman came yelling and blaming others for the killing of her son.
Not taking any blame for teaching him not to carry a gun.

The bad white cop and the black shooter both are victims of early years.
When they were just a little Tot they were taught to hurt and fear.
The woman doing the blaming knows a baby comes with an empty mind.
It’s the good things that parents don’t put in that can cause a life of crime.

Scientist say the baby’s brain at birth begins to record.
We must get involved early, lazy parenting we can’t afford.
They say we have the first seven years to implement a positive plan.
What we do or do not do, will determine the type of man.
Well old man I have to go, why are  you here today?
Because the church got their mind on money, so I came to pray.

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2019

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The Other Veterans

They take a position that very few see.
But every military man and woman must agree.
They occupy the most important role.
The guardian of the whole household.

When people go to combat, they are there too.
Nothing falls apart because they are the glue.
Displaying a strong front for the sake of the kids.
They set a great example in everything they did.

Some had to show calm when they got the call.
Explaining to the children mommy or daddy sacrificed all. 
Picking up a life after fallen honors have been shown.
They are left to forge ahead and in most cases all alone.

The support for the one who served has now faded away.
Yet they and their children must go on day after day.
I’ve seen wives so devoted laying by a veterans side.
Forsaking food for themselves just to be there when he died.

It was the wife that would call me daytime or at night.
To take care of their loved one, they’d put up a fight.
Some women old or frail barley able to walk on their own.
But would not dishonor the Vet by placing them in a home.

Some would contact me when their beloved Vet passed away.
And say they are suffering is there help for them today?
All across this country or even the world I don’t see.
A plaque or monument for the Vets wife and family.

America, don’t you think it’s about time for them to be honored too.
The American families that sacrificed for everyone of you.
Those gone on must look down with sad tears in their eyes.
Seeing we have honored them, while honor for their family  is denied.

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2019

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Wake Up People

I want to say something to the church respectfully If I may? 
If God took a walk around now, what do you think He would say?
You claim you are a follower of  Christ yet you turn away.
With all the racial divisions and church burnings in news today.

Wearing “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?” bracelets won’t change a thing.
God is not mocked and He sees, you will each answer to Your King.
Is ignoring Americans suffering or school shooting what Jesus would do?
It would be different if the sufferers were the people related to you?

After every school shooting, the churches seem so far away
The least the world should see is God’s people gathering to pray.
When there is a shooting angry people are all we see.
Why can’t the local Pastors show up falling on their knees?
Instead, we sit inside a building collecting tithes, promoting books.
Talking about prosperity and not giving those suffering a second look.

Jesus said to give and it will be given back to you.
The collection plate is not the only way, there are better things to do.
Jesus said the Kingdom is here! Go “OUT!” and heal the hurt.
Instead, you strut around in fine clothes treating outside people like dirt.
They talk about us in the stores well-dressed and being loud.
Acting like we are the Devils kids, all arrogant and proud.

Stop hiding in the church house spreading gossip in the pews.
Try doing what the Lord said, go out and spread the “Good New!”
We believers will be accountable for what we do here today.
When you stand before the Lord, what will you be able to say?

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2019

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The Homegoing

God has a purpose that none of us knows.
Why time here ends and to Him we must go.
We'll just speak of good times with you we had.
Heaven send offs are joyful and not meant to be sad.

Give our best to those who left us before you.
Say hello to them for us and that we love them too.
At this moment we all miss you and yes some will cry.
We have all gathered in love here to bid you goodbye.

Next we will share stories remembering your ways.
We'll record your years in stone and place it at your grave.

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2019

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The Man and Me

One day while going for a walk.
A man and I had a long talk.
I’ve heard you many times before.
And try very hard to ignore.

I wish forever you’d go away.
But you are so determined to stay.
Stop telling me things to make me mad.
Or reminding me of things that make me sad.

Why can’t you just say good things to me?
Like, telling me how happy you want me to be.
Let’s prepare to say our goodbyes today.
And then I would like you to go away.

The man replied back to me and said.
I am the voice inside of your head.
We’ve been together from the start.
I plan to remain and to never part.

It is I who push you to make a stand.
When you are attacked by any man.
If others impose in some places you go.
I’m the one who encourages you to say no.

I know many times we do not agree.
But you can’t be you if you don’t have me.

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2019

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The Parents Crop

Every parent is a farmer the ground, the child’s mind.
Early spring the first years and a small window of time.
Seeds are things baby sees or the words they hear.
Good words produce confidence, bad ones produce fear.

The bible says to train up a child and they won’t depart.
It even says plant words in their mind which it calls the heart.
It tells you to tend your garden for weeds that sprout from the ground.
Weeds come from words of other people that might come around.

The bible tells you that watering is just reinforcing good words.
Remember that reading’s not enough, things must be heard.
If you are too busy for the child there are consequences for neglect.
You raise a child who’ll disappoint or one you will regret.

I’ll bet most of the children out there committing crimes.
Can be traced back to a mom or dad putting negative seeds in mind.
It’s not so much the absent parent who for some reason is not there.
The ground will produce an exceptional crop with the right love and care.

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2019

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When darkness comes and steals the light of day.
I quickly change directions and head the other way.
Get into the habit to quickly learn to turn.
Or the end result is you will crash and burn.

Dark thoughts will multiply quickly and you’ll be lost.
Madness or death their destiny is the ultimate cost.
Bad thoughts come one after another causing you strife.
They flood the mind quickly making some take their life.

When they begin, you must quickly learn to act.
Yell “STOP AND I’M LOVED” and that will distract.
Our thoughts generate circuits creating new ones every day.
Dark thoughts can be replaced by reversing the other way.

Bad thoughts are a habit that won’t stop overnight.
Habits come by repetition, make a habit to think right.
There is nothing we can do that says our life should end.
Just change your thought habits and watch a new life begin.

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2019

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The Battle For My Teen Mind

The battles began when I entered my teens.
The voices  challenged me on so many things.
At times I would feel tortured, how was deep pain.
Afraid to tell anyone. I felt so ashamed.
Thought  I were only weak but that was not the truth.
This thing was very common in almost all the worlds youth.
In my own thoughts, I struggled, couldn’t tell my best friend.
Sometimes I felt with death my troubles would end.
I didn’t measure up to peers and that made me feel weak.
Didn’t want to disappoint parents ,their help I didn’t seek.
I learned to shift focus through drinking and weed.
Partying, loose sex might help fill my need.
Diving deep in these things kept the bad thoughts away.
I watch this in teens around me today.
Looking back I lost focus nothing else I could see.
There was plenty of love being offered to me.
So focused on the voices inside of my head.
Like one that said Ken you'd be better off dead.
Had I dropped my pride and let  Jesus come in.
The vortex of anxiety would've come to an end.
To teens when the battles seem too big to win.
Just say “Jesus help” and watch him step in.

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2023

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I am again.
Where I have been?, I do not know.
I am just aware again.

He knows but never says where?
He is the one.
The one that speaks to me all the time.
Telling me not to be.
But I do not, do not, do not listen.
I do not listen to him.

Night is approaching, I must go.
Where? I do not know.
I have been there before.
But I’m not who I am there.
Only he knows and never says where?

Another day has dawned 
I am, I am, I am

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2020

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God Is Not Religious

Forget the religious folks, they don’t have a clue. 
Of who God really is, or what He can do.
 They talk churchy talk, man they put on a good show.
 But the true God our Creator, few of them know.
 A cult full of traditions created by man.
 Their focus, money and power, that isn’t God’s plan.
 Fancy clothed hypocrites, they talk a good talk.
 God’s word says ignore that, watch how they walk. 
They won’t get away it, someday they will pay. 
Their actions caused many seeking God, to just turn away.
 It was the church members and preachers during Jesus time.
 That used the Romans, to commit mankind’s crime.
 Don’t let the religious people turn you away.
 From the only One in creation that can help you today.
 The bible’s God’s field manual, of instructions for you.
 That tell us the truth and what God can do. 
God let’s all of creation, make their own choice.
 But we must read and obey the bible to hear His voice.
 I’ve done many drugs and cheated on my wife.
 Many other shameful things on my journey in life. 
The hypocrisy of church folk just turned me away.
 I still want no part of these people today. 
I picked up an old bible and started to read.
 Verses of how God, helped anyone in need. 
Told Him I needed to know if He is real.
 Ready to end life, my mind was so ill. 
I cannot describe to you, my experience that day.
 God’s presence showed up, took my sickness away.
 You don’t need the religious folks, sitting in the pew.
 Get a bible, get alone, say God speak to you

Copyright © Kenneth Samples | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things