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Sympathy Words Poems

These Sympathy Words poems are examples of Words poems about Sympathy. These are the best examples of Words Sympathy poems written by international poets.

Too Close To The Edge
The world tilts into a crescendo,
manifesting a lure of viral plague,
pervasive and fangs virulent,
sickening coquettish carnivorous creatures.

Why bother with their musings,
why care?

A question that reminds...

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Categories: words, child, dark, death, deep,


The most seductive words of love
are whispered in silence...
with the look!

If you are afraid
to seem confused and crazy,
don't love...!

Love does not have
parameters, measure
love cannot be...

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Categories: creation, love, sympathy, words,

Ode to Grandpa Davis

O Grandpa Davis who gave me my skill
My  art talents ,organic,  came from you 
Sorry I haven’t praised you ,now .I will 

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Categories: appreciation, sympathy, words,

Words' Sad Burden
Words' sad burden
Most stay clear of
When asked, in leaning, to bear.
Yet when tear-dropped
Of greater weight
Do rush, their support to share....

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Categories: words, sympathy,

I called mom early this morning
I am coming home mama don’t worry
Yes ,Yes, tomorrow most probably 
At this point I am seated on the balcony

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Categories: words, death, depression, emotions, journey,

Premium Member A Lost Shift
Journeys and paths

Seem  as favored reporting..

Excursions in and out

Of shifted experience..

A story of freedom:

No-shift may appear as a shift

Or a lost shift......

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Categories: words, blessing, how i feel,

Premium Member A Brit In the Usa
You know you're in trouble
When folks burst your bubble
That your fine English accent
Most others lament.

Their eyes grow far larger
Their countenance harder
As they gaze with intent

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Categories: words, america, england, humor, judgement,

Premium Member Great Poetry
How does one define
great poetry? The best
rhyme in time? A musical
phrase that stays, reverberates
within the catacombs of a Devotee's
celestial sign, lubricating his every thought
as a...

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© Joe Dimino  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: words, humor, immigration, inspiration, perspective,

Silence of Heaven
So red the rose a crimson divinity 
Thorns sharp cruel dangerous  
Crush the petals so gently, so soft
Thorns are long, how they prick thee


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Categories: words, allusion, analogy, anger, art,

Blurred in the sight
the fragments of light 
suspended in memory, 
blurring space and time!

Of a faded photograph 
dreams pressed into the pages 
of a book...

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Categories: words, allegory, allusion, analogy, art,

Oblivious One

we are oblivious to it all, the death, the lies, the cries of nature and spirits among mankind, powerful sweet repose we will regret our...

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Categories: words, allusion, analogy, anger, angst,

Distance Is My Voice
Distance is my voice 
Along this ancient course 
In caverns of my night
It fades as the echoes die
In the deepest part if my night
Only my...

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Categories: words, age, allegory, allusion, anger,

Words To Inherit
What if tomorrow for me never comes
And all these writings become worth sums
Published in articles for poetry slams
By a child who rose from the filthy...

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Categories: words, dark, emotions, farewell, grave,

Get, Set, Go
Boss is always right! Yes, we do keep this in mind.  But when we fight, we are always right! And that is the moment...

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Categories: words, fun,

Premium Member Memories After
Sorry you must go through the pain of the loss of your loved one.
Try to keep in mind that after the pain has eased you...

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Categories: words, memory, remember, sympathy, uplifting,

Book: Shattered Sighs