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Wondering Poems - Poems about Wondering

Wondering Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wondering to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wondering.
Premium Member Waiting Wondering
Alluring scents of make believe I'm dreaming you're right here with me All the letters I've sent to you All the time I found it true That love conquered all And dreams remain I want you here with me today Im Waiting...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, beauty, future, i miss
Form: Lyric
I'm beginning to wonder if God made the world. or was it the devil when God wasn't looking....Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, world,
Form: Free verse

Wandering wondering
Once as outlook seemed demeaning I pondered life’s varied meaning Only one thing I wished to be gleaning The simple answer of why I was near full to bursting a seam Then as if by heavenly beam The answer was great...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sonnet 1 2025 'You Are Become a Dodge of Love My Dearest'
You are become a dodge of love, My Dearest… Or there are arrows other than my own, That would entendril you once they have pierced, That will deprive you of a higher throne… Yet, I'll not Queen you yet,...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, confusion, heartbreak, love hurts,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member wondering about stray cat
dogs just took off wonder if cat escaped i sit silently...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, cat,
Form: Senryu

I look at the stars for hours wondering questions fill my mind I am thinking all the time Pestering thoughts Searching for answers never to be found The world is a huge mystery a mystery we may never fully...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, absence, allusion, anxiety, universe,
Form: Free verse
Categories: wondering, color, desire, dream, emotions,
Form: Free verse
My heart is like an open book That only she can write in it A journal difficult to open More like a lock with no key Yet she opened it easily My heart never gathered courage To tell her how I...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, beauty, crush, feelings, innocence,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Wondering Who Will Be With Me In The End
Who will be beside me in my own death bed in the very end? Will it be members of my family or at least an old friend? Only God knows who I will see before my exact...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, death, god,
Form: Sijo
Premium Member wondering why I am out of ideas
I stare at the page where I have written one word it is the word I usually start with when I am out of ideas the word is jumping it’s not complete I stopped at jump feeling stagnant, thinking this...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wondering about Goats
nanny goats eat grass and leaves of trees wild mountain goats stand on rocks with ease tiny pygmy goats know how to climb up trees frumpy milking goats give product away with ease long-eared goats look as weird as...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Questioning Myself
Laying there in bed, Early in the morning, Wide awake, And not able to sleep. Letting my mind wander, Questioning myself, Wondering if I made the right choice, Wondering if I need to make changes. Wondering, wondering, wondering, Just living...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, growth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Passenger
I woke up wondering where I was In my dream I had been driving somewhere Here there everywhere trying to get home I thought I saw it down the street that street Turned down that street only to...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, adventure, christian, jesus, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member wondering about humans
spring faerie regaled the meadow with new kinds of beauty animal form had never looked this terrific if you asked me but I am a bumblebee, what would I know? When I approach humans they cover up. Is that...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wondering
I’ve wondered if, when it’s raining, If the Lord is weeping? I’ve wondered if the thunder… Is God’s voice – in all its enormity. I’ve wondered if, when my heart is breaking, If the Lord can see… Beyond all my tears...Read the rest...
Categories: wondering, christian, god,
Form: Free verse

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