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Kids War Poems

These Kids War poems are examples of War poems about Kids. These are the best examples of War Kids poems written by international poets.

The Holocaust
Underneath the blackened atmosphere of hate,
Contained suppressed horrors, we’ll never forget,
An eldritch dictator, a fascist, filled with hate,
Nazi Germany, an infamous, antisemitic place.
At the end,...

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© Sky Prince  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: history, racism, world war

Premium Member No war, just love
No war, just love

Peaceful kind hearts need us to come into our life
I am afraid, I had death feelings, no love kind like
… Emma, passed...

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Categories: war, life, love,

Premium Member Behind the Scenes of a War-torn State
     The doctor’s practice went to waste
        the moment that the medic faced

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Categories: war, jewish, life, military, society,

Premium Member They didn't march
You say you care about people black and brown,
And victims of war in every Gazan town.
But I doubt your heart, here’s why I think it...

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Categories: horror, racism, war,

by Michael R. Burch, circa age 16

Sleep, old man...
your day has long since passed.
The endless plains,
cool midnight rains
and changeless ragged cows
alone remain
of what once was.


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Categories: war, evil, heart, home, poems,

Premium Member FBI FRAUD
As i reported my stalker and identity thief 2002 to the FBI she began climbing into my window for poetry my grandfathers world war 11...

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Categories: war, anxiety, family, hurt, military,

Premium Member A World Without Conflict
Written: March 07, 2024


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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: war, world,

Premium Member Gibson's Gals
Kalamazoo kids went off to war
leaving giddy gals to go forward in fractured
factories ~from music to munitions
gay guitars would wait until battered boys
came hurriedly home...


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Categories: war,

Premium Member Nightmare
Lost in time
Hard to make a dime
Wondering where yesterday went.
Emotions spent
No longer know the world I am in
Is life a sin
Man on the podium saying...

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Categories: war, fate, flying, grave, hate,

Premium Member War

War is real
It’s bad for your health
They send you to death
And embellish their wealth
War is necessary
The propagandists rev you
Til you hate the scum
Who have families...

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© Dave Cox  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: war, 11th grade, 12th grade,

War on happiness
Cries of humanity
Cries of war
War that kills
War imposed upon kids 
Kids as pure as a Mother’s love
Kids with million dreams
Dreams that are shattered 
Dreams destroyed...

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Categories: happiness, holocaust, peace, war,

Premium Member A roar against war
Whores and wars and peado-preds
Politicans are with royals.. in bed.!
Lurid reports; on the better bred?
And lies abound today.!

Its all around as toxic sound, its dark...

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Categories: war, appreciation, freedom,

Mother GAZA
A percentage of me has to hell been consigned
by the ever raging zionists' war machine.
To each livid soldier, a mandate is assigned
to uproot terror where...

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Categories: war,

Earth is jinxed opposing
Butterflies renouncing their dreams...
Birds with trimmed wings... 

Blood ocean... barren trees... burnt houses...
Teared eyes... and shattered bodies….

Earth is ugly.... Earth is savage...
Earth is but a...

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Categories: war, anger, conflict, dark, evil,

War Games
There's a flock of squabbling gulls
perched on a garden shed roof,
twenty or so vying for space on that limited space.

Every few moments one gull will...

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Categories: war, poetry,

Book: Shattered Sighs