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Tuition Poems - Poems about Tuition

Tuition Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tuition to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tuition.

Premium Member After School Tutor
After School Tutor. They want my blood, to hunt me down. Their opinions formed with a frown. Don’t need facts. Believe what’s told. But here’s the truth, black and bold. I have a weekly hour with your child. To undo the...Read the rest...
Categories: tuition, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My School Bag and the Blue Sky
A sweet memory of our school days We walked to school everyday With a light school bag Under a blue sky With rain or sunshine abound Only a few books in the school bag But many flowers pluck Or junk...Read the rest...
Categories: tuition, confidence, freedom, homework, nature,
Form: Free verse

Tuition a Fashion
Tuition becomes a fashion Teachers to cushion Pupils in their way to mission...Read the rest...
Categories: tuition, abuse, children,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Scholarship
__('> __('> __('> __('> __('> __('> __('> Tommy's grade point is under. His SAT's... a disgrace. Mommy's paid off the college in cash (just in case) One can't lower the bar to let...Read the rest...
Categories: tuition, graduation, money, mother son,
Form: Monorhyme
Punk Tuition
Should I punctuate or should I not? I mean where the hell do I put the dot? A comma here, a comma there, a comma bloody anywhere! What about this; and what about that:? and don't get me started...Read the rest...
Categories: tuition, poetry, writing,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Limerick Crochet: Once Budding Writer Took Private Tuition
Limerick crochet: Once budding Writer took private tuition Once budding Writer took private tuition Father wished him a Man of Distinction He got straight As in school No one thought him a fool At higher studies won commendation Got high-paying job...Read the rest...
Categories: tuition, irony,
Form: Limerick
College Tuition Goes Up and Up
College Tuition Goes Up and Up By Elton Camp There is hardly any college that even tries To find a way it can reasonably economize With their plans it doesn’t seem it need fit Because they have found a money-filled...Read the rest...
Categories: tuition, education
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things