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School Triolet Poems

These School Triolet poems are examples of Triolet poems about School. These are the best examples of Triolet School poems written by international poets.

Premium Member I Hear the Children Laughing
I hear the children laughing as they go
Down the path to the waiting warm seat
Motor revving to keep warm in the snow
I hear the children...

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Categories: children, school,

Premium Member Oh Why
The darkness prevails; God's light is dull; oh why
I’m afraid to send my kids to school these days
Sometimes I just sit alone in my bedroom...

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© Alexis Y.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: evil,

Premium Member In Back Bench

                     That boy...

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Categories: 10th grade, crazy, high

The Wonderland
It is on the other side of this planet
Foxes go to school to learn humility
Chickens sit and listen to them teach

It is on the other...

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Categories: environment, humanity, satire,

Here Is An Excellent Nursery School
Where human seedlings
Are aided to grow
To suffer daily rot...

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Categories: education, satire,

Premium Member Time For School
It's time for school to start again.
Children must cease their summer play,
to once more pick up books, paper, pen.
It's time for school to start again.

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Categories: school, student, teacher,

Book: Shattered Sighs